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Everything posted by GoldsbroTSG

  1. "Ah-Awaaah?!" Miria was caught off guard by the dragon's hug, but she had soon flopped over, and laid on top of the cub without warning, mumbling a few things as she did so. "Sylm? Syyyylmm... yoouoooouuuu g-gotta zdey huwaaak..." But there wasn't much the drunk Miria was gonna do to wake the girl that wasn't terribly rude. "Ohhh, mmm..." She looked around, but decided, it wasn't... too bad. It was a big party and there was members of their group around. "Jusssda foo minutes..." The little hero, as careful as she was able to started shifting around while not trying to discomfort the sleeping dragon on top of her. She set herself in a way, she was able to lay down on her back on the bench. Her head took a mild bang to the handle, "Owwwwuh..." but it didn't matter at the moment. That was her intended spot in the first place. Her hat provided a small amount of comfort, even if not much by much. The girl in her arms was content, and by the sound of it, truly needed some rest. As comfy as she could be, Miria held Sylmara tightly, as she watched the stars. "I-I'mmaaaugh... make shurrr you g-gedda be... ha-haap--" Without finishing her thought, the little cub also ended up passing out on the bench, with a mild snore.
  2. "Of couurze, I'm not afffbraid of been annoin, I-I aaahm anwae..." Good lord, I shouldn't have drank so much, huh... Miria tried to stay functioning but that function also started to wane. Then, the dragon leaned against her, and it gave her a small spook. But... she looked so tired. "Hereee," Miria reached her hand around Sylmaria, pulling her into a half hug, trying to help make her more comfy. "Yo-you-you gaht a whoole life ahead, you c-can take your time all you need..." Miria smile as she drunkly looked around and watched the people celebrate. "Sleep if you gottaaa, zweep is a go-goood th-thhiIIing to cevwate wib--" Miria was also starting to lose her focus, like she was trying to sleep too, but she forced herself awake. She yawned, and began to slow rock, whether or not it was intentional. "I-I nevrr drang'd beforr, thss--" She paused, losing track of what she was trying to say, and chose not to finish it. She just sat and enjoyed her time with her friend.
  3. Miria nodded, with a small sigh. She was starting to feel embarassed, realizing she wasn't even on the bench. Carefully, the cub got herself back on the bench, and processed what she was told. It was hard doing that, with all the alcohol running through her veins. "Sorry." Was her first response. "Iiii-I know, it won't always help, I just... will try anyway. Thaztss just how I'm." She kept her smile. "If... y-yoou know, you ever thing aim beein real annoying about it, just... tell me, ogay?" The girl was lightheaded, and she impulsively grabbed the wine and took a huge drink for herself, not worrying about backwash. She placed it back down, and watched the dragon, then looked at the night sky herself. "I'll... try to tone myself down. I waszn train to... f-force you to be better I'm just... Mmm... I don’t know, I jusz shaw someone I wannd to help. Even if only a lill."
  4. "A-ah..." Miria tried her best to give an answer to why she did that; not wanting to germ up the bottle, but she was taken aback. That was the second time she's been called an idiot tonight... She sat, her head starting to hurt, but continued to listen. It made Miria feel so many emotions she shouldn't be feeling in the state she's in. She didn't understand the kind of things Sylmaria went through, all she did was that the girl was alive now. But, that was part of that naivete that made Miria's person. She took a hand, and held her head, the other soon doing the same, doing her best to remain calm. But... "I care cause I wan'a, okay?!" Miria's word were slurred, but the the fire in her voice was still clear. She stood up, and turned so that her eyes were locked in on the dragon. "I care bec-cc-cause, I know what people can do, and I know... you'll find some way to be h-haappy, and I wanna be there to see it. I don know, okay, I'll n-never know, what you've been through, but a-asssss long as you're wiff us, I'll... I'll always be h-helping, because I wanna b-bee there..." Her fist was balled, but she held her fist. She never intended to hit the dragon. "And i-ifff that makes me stupid, then I'd rather be stupid than not have faith anymore! And no, never sayy you shoulda died... You're alhive for a reason! And you have a chance to be better, to have life be better..." Miria's tone started to wane, as she started to cough hoarsely. "And an-anooother," Another cough, "Another thing-- I was drinking the wine like I was causa me... Imagine all the spicy crap I ate getting into... g-g-goood wine..." And the girl collapsed to her knees and planted the top of her body on the bench. "Hah... hah--" She swallowed, "I-I'm sorry, I juszz... wanted to have a fun time, and you deserve to have one too..."
  5. Miria was ready to dig in, but she found herself being dragged away by Sylm. She waved at the other party with her goofy smile as she followed. As much as she wanted to eat, she wasn't sure she can multi-task being drunk, so she waited for when they reached a bench that Sylm was ready to sit on. She snagged one of the bottles, and went into it. Miria wasn't quite ready for that yet, as the lack of silverware became... a problem. "Huh..." It would've been good to have brought her pouch. She had some stuff perfect for eating with. Oh well, I guess. Aww, but I don't want to wipe my hands on my dress... well... Miria sat down, and started going to town on her fish. She was careful, surprisingly holding the fish precisely with two fingers; the pointer and thumb. If Sylm could see, the heat reddened Miria's face even more than the flush from her inebriated state. It was delicious, and the kick was enough to throw Miria in a bliss. Even if all they did that night was drink and eat fish, Miria felt good. She was having a nice experience with a new friend, and the cub couldn't ask for anything else. After erasing the fish from existence, she first gave a relieving sigh, "Mmmm... that was nice...." After looking for a bit for a safe place to properly dispose of her dish, she did the best she thought of; laid it under the bench. After licking her fingers, she grabbed the bottle after Sylm. She was ready to drink straight away, but she realized, and didn't want to accidentally flashbang Sylm with the spicy leftovers of her trout. So Miria did what she thought would be the best... if not smartest... best thing. She tried holding the bottle above her face, and pouring the drink into her mouth. While she got a good amount in, there was an inevitable splash onto her face, Miria making a small "Agh...!" but otherwise getting some good drink in. She set the bottle down, and just watched the people for a bit. "Mmmm... h-how'ree youu beeln', Sylm? I ho-hoope, whhh, hope, you-you-you'rree, having fun." Miria gave a smile, despite feeling like her body floating on a cloud.
  6. Miria's tumble was saved by Sylm, but she was still fully assured. "I-Iii still think you, sh-sh-shhouldn't go to the arena. nnnNNnnaht yet." She tried her best to stand herself up, patting the sides of her head. "S-Seriouslyy... I don't want you to get hurt..." She shook her head. "You c-can't... give a good impression if you drunly fumble in the arena, even more if you get reaaaal hurt..." A sniffle escaped Miria's nose, followed by a tear from her eye. She hadn't even noticed how worked up she was getting over the dragon doing something so foolish. Those feelings all got put on hold as she heard Lezard returned. He placed down the two dishes, and Miria was locked in. Her mouth was agape, and "Wooooaaaaaaaah... Have I had trout before...?" The tiger asked herself. She probably, but a combination of her hunger and her drunken state made it so it didn't really bother her. The spice was enough to start sating her. She hadn't even eaten it yet. "Th-Thank youu, serr~!" Miria clapped her hands together, and gave a bow, almost stumbling again. Standing back up, she took her dish, looked to Sylm as she waited for her to get her food, then looked to see all the people she knew that turned up here, waving to Marigold. Then, she directed herself at her fellow mercs, "D-Do you want me to find a plaaace, ah gods. Hah...! Want me to find a place we can all sit, orrrr...?" She didn't even finish the thought, she went to the next concern she had, "E-Either way... I don't think I'm waiiting to eat. I'm s-ssoo hungry I could ride a horse.... wait, no. Eat. Eat a horse," She tried laughing off the daze she was in. Then, remembering she wasn't by herself, turned to her fellow drunken partner. "What d-do you wanna do?" She left any plans of drinking more wine with Sylm. Despite being inebriated, and very willing to go further into a bottle, there were now three extra people to share two more bottles with.
  7. Miria wasn't ready for the elbow, and she would've fallen over, if she hadn't the slimmest amount of control of her body left. She wasn't expecting the Sylmaria to respond the way she did. "Huhwha--" The cub didn't even mean to say something like that about herself anyway. Things started to feel like they were in a daze, but the loopy little tiger took the dragon by the shoulders, and despite the potential hold, she already felt like she couldn't keep a hold of her friend, "I-If I can't sss-shay mean things about me, you cand say mean things about you." Despite the effects of the alcohol clearly taking a hold there was still a firmness in the girl's tone. "You're working, hic, very hard to fix you, you gotta- you gotta- wait." Miria held her finger up. Then, it went back to holding Sylm's shoulder, "You g-gotta give yourself credit, cut you s-some slack. Okay? Pl-pl- pretty please?" That lightheadedness suddenly turned into like her head wasn't there at all. She took a deep breath, as she looked over to the bottle of empty wine. She took a moment, blinking a few times and tilting her head. When she looked back to Sylm, who asked if they should ask the man for more, she responded, "I-I don't know? I just... I think I need to sit down. I'm... I don't think we should go to the arena, if--- if we're like this. I don't want you to get... h-hurt. Or do something, hic, stupid." She tried shaking her head, but that only made her feel worse. Miria accidentally tumbled into the dragon, but she caught herself before they both began stumbling onto the floor. What actually got her to yelp, was a surprise call from behind her. She stood up the best she could, and turned to see the gal trio who joined them when they first came to Esclas. Miria gave a shaky salute, "Hi Amera!" There was a warm flush around her face. It was clear to anyone she was already deep in the trenches of the war on alcohol. "They had this wine, was hic, real good~ I'd offer, but..." She looked at the bottle, then back at the trio. "Gahd a lil carried away. But is pr' good, I think he said he gots more." Despite her intoxication, she was still maintaining her energetic self.
  8. "Maybe?" Miria replied to the first question, before pouring Sylm another glass, then another for herself. She took a drink, not as much as the chug before, but it wasn't exactly a sip. Her face still scrunched, but she was trying to get used to the first taste of the alcohol. "My papa was really the only person who drank of us. Mama would sometimes, but not as much. It's just a fun thing that makes you feel good. Especially if you're not feeling gr-greaat." She gave an exhale and shook herself back into focus. That was weird, she felt a bit lightheaded. Not like her head hurt, just... like the tired kind. She did notice Sylm's smile, and it made her happy. It was nice seeing her dour friend perking up a bit. Then a suggestion of the arena. After finishing her second glass, Miria responded, "If we do, I think I'll j-just watch tonight. The big fight with Kazran was... e-eeexhausting. I don't feel at full strength exactly." Her eyes blinked multiple times, she had a flat expression, looking between Sylm, the bottle, and her glass, and immediately filling her glass again. "I don't think it's a good idea if we're drinking either." Almost like suddenly acting suspicious of the drink, she sipped at it. Setting her glass down, she went to refill Sylm's glass as well. "If you stay with us, you'll get plenty of time to show you're stuff. I-I have utmost faith you'll be fine." She took another sip from her glass, and an unwanted thought accidentally slipped out, "If I can fight as poorly as I did back at Kaz--" She stopped. "Sorry. You didn't h-hear that."
  9. Miria approached along with Sylm, and listened as the man described the drink. One of the best wines in all of Islexia... then, it had to be good. She took one of the glasses, and also poured for herself. It was a red color, and it reminded her of juice. With a sniff, Miria also liked what it smelled like. It was a grape scent with some other little details in it. She took a sip, and instantly, she felt her face scrunch. The first thing to come from the taste was nothing she'd tasted before. It was... strong. Extremely strong. She shook her head to get back in focus, but then... there was a sweet grape-y flavor. Miria's smile showed again, as she was quick to finish the glass. The strong taste was still a shock to the system, but... there was a warmness in her chest now. It was surprisingly comfy. With a relieving sigh, "I think if I ever end up meeting this Pashmina, I have to thank her. I'm glad my first time drinking was so nice. And I got to share it with a friend." The cub smiled at Sylm. She looked as she waited for their food, she was really feeling how hungry she was. She grabbed the bottle and prepared to pour some more. "Would you like another glass, Sylmaria? I can pour it for you if you'd like?"
  10. Miria saluted as the man respected their requests and disappeared inside. His laugh only fueled Miria's excitement for this food and drink. With someone this passionate about serving someone, it was bound to be delicious food. Her feet pit-patted a few times, but her attention was taken by Sylm's mumbles, expressing what felt like frustration. The cub's smile softened, and pulled the dragon into a light side-hug. "It's gonna be fiiiiine, Sylm. If it helps, this is my first time drinking too." She gave a small laugh. "It's all part of a fun festival like this, I think. Good food, a drink or two, and partying. And we, are gonna, party." She tried reassuring her friend the best she could, and gave a playful pat on the shoulder once she let go. "And if we don't like drinking, then, we were brave enough to try."
  11. "Yes sir, we are!" Miria first responded to the man with a salute and a bright smile. "But yes, the smell of cooking fish, even if it's something I make all the time, it's so... fulfilling." The cub reminisced of her many exploits with fish just from smell, and some vision. It was something she made a mental note of. She did promise Üllr she'd teach him how to cook one some time. Before getting caught in the scatterbrain trap she'd have, she got ready to order, until Sylm stepped up. There was what felt like a bit of fire in Sylmaria's request. She was ready to enjoy tonight. And it made Miria excited. The duo were going to have a night they'd remember. One thing did trip up Miria though. The request for alcohol. She herself never really drank. She'd seen her father drink at social gatherings, and Nyxied was always drunk, but the young cub hadn't even touched anything with alcohol. But(!), it was a night of fun. She was willing to try something new! "And for me, may I please have your spiciest dish? And also your strongest drink." Miria was ear-to-ear, and her confidence in drink choice would seem almost foolhardy to anyone who'd touched any alcohol before.
  12. Miria almost felt like she had gotten goosebumps. She stepped back as Sylmaria stepped out the door, agreeing to go see the town, holding back her excitement as to not weird out the dragon. Taking her hands, Miria gave a happy little laugh. "It's fine, I..." Is saying she doesn't need to be entertaining the right thing to say? Miria paused, her face going blank for a moment, blinking a few times. "Yeah. It's okay, you don't have to entertain me tonight. Come on." She removed one of her hands and started to lead the dragon out of the castle. "What matters is we enjoy ourselves. And it'll be fun!" Miria could tell she was starting to be a little too bouncy. She hadn't quite figured out how a beret went on her head yet, and she adjusted it so it wouldn't fall off. Once they were at the entrance, the cub looked out into town. The sun was on its way down, but there seemed to still be a shrivel of light still in the air. It gave her time to for the Miria-sense to go into overdrive. "Okay. First objective is food! Though, if it's okay, I'm sure food will be an objective multiple times tonight, I do eat a lot." She gave a chuckle. "After food though, we'll... figure it out!" The girls wouldn't have walked very far. There were already several places that were serving food. Miria's nose was almost overloading with scents. If she lacked any self-control, the festival would run out of food to give. She took Sylm to the first stand she looked at. "Good evening, everything smells so good. What do you have to serve tonight?"
  13. Miria was shocked at first. When Sylmaria first opened the door, the cub got a good look. She looked... almost entirely different than when they were on the boat. She was... radiant, at least that's the way Miria would've described it. "Wow... You're so pretty..." she let out by accident, before shaking her head. "A-Anyway, Sylm, it's okay. Promise. I told you I'd be there to help ease you through it, remember?" Her smile was brightly ear to ear as always. "But yeah," Clapping her hands together, she followed up, "Would you like to go and celebrate at the festival together?" It was clear in question she was nervous. From her shifting feet to her fingers scratching together. Her face reddened a bit too. "I'd go myself, but, it's way more fun to party with a friend, you know? And I thought... it'd be good for you. Even if we just walk around and eat, or something. I'm down for whatever you'd like." And she ended with a nervous laugh. Either way, Miria was gonna head out, but she wasn't gonna not try. "If not, I-I get it, just thought I'd ask."
  14. Miria took a big stretch, before going to her bed and picking up her beret, fitting it onto her head. She looked down at the dress she had put on and spun around, watching her skirt flow around. It was an old thing she bought back in Eibar, and she had waited for a time to finally wear it. With a big festival celebrating their victory, it seemed good enough. She wasn't used to so much blue, but the little cub wasn't shy about trying on new outfits. She softly giggled to herself, and prepared to walk out the door. She thought about taking her weapons, but, she hadn't. She wasn't planning on fighting this night, but if it happened, she had her shroud. She'd just transform and try her hand at fist fighting. Once out the door, the girl considered if she should ask someone if they wanted to join her. Festivals should be celebrated in groups! At least, from the days back in Kansei it seemed that way. She expected most of the group to have been out by now, but maybe... Her thinking was stopped by a new idea. Maybe her new dragon friend had cooled off now. She helped beat Kazran, and as far as Miria was concerned, she deserved to celebrate a little too. And off she went to find Sylmaria! After asking a few people around to find where she was bunking, Miria finally found her way to the door that should've belonged to the dragon. Even from venturing the halls, she could hear the partying in the city. It lit a fire in her. A fire that involved partying, and having fun, and having enough food to bankrupt the whole city! Maybe not that much food. She chuckled at the thought of it, and stood at the front of Sylmaria's door. She went to knock, but hesitated, wondering if she was still upset at herself... Miria steeled herself. If she was, it was up to the cub to show that there were no hard feelings. We're gonna work it out! Can't back out now! With a few knocks at the door, Miria backed up slightly and cleared her throat. "Sylmariaaa? Are you in there?" She wore her best smile as she asked.
  15. "Tch...!" Markus did throw himself into danger without thinking again. But it was for a purpose, it kept cover for an ally. All the Ardes came in on him, and despite the hail of fire he suffered, he was able to make it through, and his gambit was proven to be worth doing. Louise immediately fired and one of the Ardes was already down. He smirked, but a call from Louise did alert him into making a quick withdrawal. "Understood Bright Eyes. Adjusting position." But not before getting my lick back, you little bastards. Markus calmly armed his machine with the revolver cannon. His machine was pretty beaten up, but it could still move. It was all he needed. As he made his withdrawal, he started his slow count, "One, two, three... Fire!" Markus takes a shot with the 180mm Revolver Cannon at Arde 2, then H/As to 30,14
  16. Miria had remained at her spot on the starboard, and watched as the ship prepared to dock. Once they were officially at port, she stood up straight and watched as the crowds of people cheered for their return from Kazran's castle. She prepared to leave, but stopped once she saw Owen give his speech. That, along with the continued sounds of crowd, almost began overwhelming the little cub. She dreamed of being a real hero, and when she's recognized for it, it made her lightheaded. Or she was still beat from the battle. But it felt good. Seeing the excitement of the people felt like Islexia would hopefully be truly changed for the better one day. Something was building in the cub. She felt... truly proud of herself. Then, something that truly did excite the cub. The idea of a great feast to celebrate, courtesy of Cass's own little follow-up speech. It pushed her to getting ready to leave, before seeing Versaris try to push Tasha forward, like he was trying to get her to speak too. To inspire not only the people, but even her fellow Tigers, Miria threw her arms together and began cheering as well. "WOOOOOOOOOO!" Miria's yell was loud and proud, trying to match the crowd's energy to the best of her ability. Once bringing her arms down, she threw two thumbs ups at Tasha.
  17. "A-Ah, Sylm, wait--" Miria reached out to stop the dragon from fleeing, but she ran off after letting an insult slip. The cub retracted her hand, and sighed. She was a little confused but, it's not like she didn't understand what just happened. I know you didn't mean that... Miria turned back, letting the feeling of the wind and the sounds of the water take over for a bit. She didn't get much time to bask in sea travel like this all the time. It was okay, maybe, to leave Sylmaria be. Miria was just preaching to practice patience, and that change doesn't happen overnight, thus she'd practice that same patience. Please don't beat yourself too much over that, Sylmaria. Papa would've laughed it off too, I'm sure. I don't give up that easy. She quietly snickered to herself, as she enjoyed some time watching the ocean.
  18. "Oh, um..." Miria's flush came back as Sylm said to let her pout. "I-I mean, if you wanted to, you could've said so..." She let out a nervous laugh, but did her best to recollect herself. It was nice, seeing the dragon smile. She seemed so sad when Miria first approached her. It made some kind of almost sisterly ping go off in her brain, and the cub felt so much relief that it looked like things were working. And now, Miria had a personal mission: helping this potential new friend acclimate into the Tigers. And she'd do her best to. It almost felt nostalgically warm. Like when Gean first talked to Miria the first time, keeping a welcome hand for her, despite how new she originally was. This was her chance to give back. "Oh!" Miria exclaimed when asked what she said meant. "Um, it's a thing my Papa liked to say. A bat is like, a round stick, for swinging, I think. My dad kept one, and he liked to say that instead of like, having a sword in your corner. He used to say he didn't need a sword, he had claws." She answered with a laugh.
  19. "Then I'll do better on the jokes." Miria assured, with a light laugh. As long as Sylm was okay with it, it was a win for the cub. Then, the dragon brought up concerns about her joining. Fair things, if she truly was a former hater of monsters and clouded, and how that would gel with a group full of them. She pat the dragon on the shoulder, and continued her assurance, "If it helps, I'll go with you and vouch for you. I think, as long as you're trying to be better, there shouldn't be problem. And if something happens, I'll take responsibility for it." She smiled, almost completely unphased by the idea that Sylmaria could be an accidental problem. "And don't worry, I don't get too worried about people thinking I'm easygoing. I can be pretty annoying cause I like being positive. I've had some lows recently, and I think that... reinforced me. I like trying to be a little light in someone's day." She gave a salute, even if a little goofy, showing her assurance on the subject. "Y'know, as long as it's fine." Once lowing her hand, a small blush escaped her, and she fell into an embarrassed frown. "But yeah," she looked out onto the boat, seeing several of all the members of the tigers and allies conversing. "If you ever feel yourself faltering, I hope you're okay with at least one person who'll bat in your corner." And her smile returned.
  20. Miria nodded as she listened, making sure she memorized Sylmaria's name now. After that, however, she couldn't help herself, "Well, it's nice to meet you, Just." She held back a laugh, but hoped the dragon would get a small chuckle. The cub however, gave a sigh, "Sorry, that was bad. But, I never forget names, so it's safe in here Sylmaria." Miria gave a light tap of her head with two fingers and a smile. Despite her joke, she was quick to returning to serious mode when talking about why Sylm only goes by her first name, and her feelings about herself. It was clear in Miria's face that despite a lack of experience, she was intently listening. She nodded along, thinking about how rough Sylm's life had to have been. When she brought up that at least, she could try to be better talking to others like her, that got Miria to smile again, standing up straight again. She also noticed what looked like Sylm was at least feeling a bit better, if that's what the wagging tail and light blush meant. But the cub wasn't going to pry about it. "Well, I guess still, that's a start." She assured with a thumbs-up. "And that's a good way to put it, I think. I haven't spent a lot of time in Islexia, but... even as a human it felt, uncomfy... Here's hoping with Kazran out of the way, things can change." She smiled, looking out at the water. "And I think being here will be good for you. The Tigers are a great bunch. And, if it helps, I like you so, I think you'd be welcomed."
  21. As Sylm explained her feelings, Miria nodded and listened, while staring at the ocean, herself. Miria understood not knowing who you are, but... She wasn't sure on being afraid to change. She watched as Sylm stared at herself, then looked back out. She's been through so much... The cub gave a small sigh, but continued to smile for her conflicted companion. "If it helps," She started, "things don't just change in a day. You don't have to change yourself, at least, not right now. I used to think things could be that simple, but... they're not, really. I'd usually say like, I'm pretty simple, there's a lot of me I don't know, that I want to. But one day, I think I might." She caught herself, took a breath and continued, "Sorry, not trying to make this about me, I'm just trying to... try to relate to your feelings. I'm sure one day, you'll find that strength. It doesn't have to be today, or tomorrow, but if you work to it, I'm sure you'll be able to be okay with yourself one day." She giggled, trying to stay welcoming, "I think if you would've made excuses about it yesterday, that's already some good progress." And she followed with a thumbs-up. "And... I'm sorry, I don't think I got your name. I think they said... Samara, but I'm not sure, haha..."
  22. Miria started with a smile at the initial comment, it was okay that Sylm hadn't remembered her name. There's a lot of people rolling around now, it didn't surprise her, "Well, the name's Miria~" She gave a small thumbs-up, easily unbothered by the idea. She watched as the dragon ate at the bread, then suddenly followed along with a question. "Wh--" The cub paused, as she continued to explain the question to her. From their differences in abilities, to even the history of humans and monsters, why was Miria okay with them? It was confusing at first, as to her, not being an awful, racist person was normal, but... Sylmaria clearly wanted more than just Miria answering, 'because I'm not awful'. Sylm would immediately noticed Miria's eyes shift, and had gone into a thinking mode. Then, a few fingers pressed on the girl's forehead. "I... uhh, one moment, mmm..." There were some obvious reasons; her dad immediately coming to mind, but... She's been around so many clouded and monsters, and at times she had felt dwarfed in comparison. Despite her own abilities, there are times where the cub truly was only a cub. Did that make Miria jealous? Or... disappointed in her limitations? Maybe not jealous, but, the cub most of the time never really thought about stuff like that, at least in a negative way. For her, she thought about how much it inspired her. "Well..." Miria leaned against the bow, taking her turn to stare at the ocean. "At least for me, it started with how I was raised. My dad's a clouded, and he was nice to me when he was around, so... I guess that built up my perception on it. And I guess from the idea about, us being so different, I just... try to think about the good parts of it. Like, if you're that strong, I guess, I'd rather be more happy that you're strong enough to protect yourself, as opposed to me being easily dying to it. And, if you really want to zap me to dust, well, you would've?" Her fingers still pressed to her forehead moved to her chin. "I can't imagine how Islexia treated monsters, clouded... It's just not in me to hate like that. In fact, like, I just think it's cool. There's so many people with traits I don't have. Tails, scales, different ears, fur, and that extends even to the crazy things those people can do compared to me. Even if some of those things are physically impossible for me, it gets me inspired. To excel in the things I can be just as skilled in. Like, um..." Miria bounced back a bit from Sylm, and got into a prepared stance. "You might want to cover your eyes for a second," After waiting, Miria focused, and summoned her armor. She felt that warmth still there. Not the burning from when that new form 'burned' off. "I think since being one of the Tigers, I've really gotten the hang of this armor I have. I've even gotten to tap into more of what it can do, and like, I wouldn't have without having all these unique people around me also improving and getting stronger." She focused a bit, and her armor wore off. After, she returned to her spot on the boat. "I guess though, that could be done with a whole group of humans, or of clouded, or monsters, and so on..." The cub sighed, "I'm sorry, I don't know if that really answered your question as well as you'd like. I just... I see people. I like meeting new people, making friends, and... I don't like making enemies."
  23. Miria, for what felt like was the first time since leaving the boat to fight, walked out from inside the boat, and embraced the sky and the ocean. She had been almost entirely bedridden since they returned. Whatever that thing was she did, it took a lot out of her. But it gave her time to think on it. There would be time to try it again, but on a boat, probably the not the best time to try. One wrong move and she's setting a whole boat on fire. At least, that's what she assumed would happen. The cub rubbed her eyes as she got used to the sunlight. She was still feeling a bit sluggish, but, she was fully functional again. Taking a walk around the boat, she was giving herself a bit to pace around and let the blood flow, and see what who was around. Some people were already having conversations, some were at work, but someone took Miria's attention. It was that dragon lady that had joined them before fighting Kazran. To Miria's understanding, she tried to attack Owen but, they were working together, now. From the way she was leaning, she seemed... unwell to the little cub. Starting to walk over, Miria dug through her pouch, and pulled out some of her trusty bread. She hoped that was enough to let the person know she was there. Leaning along the starboard herself, Miria handed the bread over to the dragon. "You hungry?" She simply asked, giving a warm smile.
  24. Miria was ready to try and help Krystal despite her condition, but when she started a jump to approach, she let out an exasperated groan as she lurched forward, quickly pulling herself back. Despite everything, she still had that instinct. She watched as Krystal lifted Roxi, and prepared to shuffle around and make her way back to the boat, and Cin made his way here, and started helping with Roxi. The cub sighed, and prepared to speak after Roxi, but then her thoughts were cut off by seeing another show up; Renais, soon followed by Syndra. Miria sighed, and started shuffling towards the duo, "We're as fine as we can be, things got... well, complicated." The cub gave a small smile, trying to keep up her positive attitude despite being in clear pain. What actually got her ears perked was the news from Syndra that Kazran was dead. They had won. Miria got overly-physically excitef and stumbled again, falling over, until catching herself on Renais, keeping herself afloat. "Oww... sorry I'm, really, really tired." She straightened herself out as much as she could. "Thank you." She gave an exasperated sigh. "Roxi was so cool just now, though. I'd never seen anything like it before."
  25. Miria nodded, and repeated in her head a few times, Kristin, but Krystal in public, Kristin, but Krystal in public... She had to be sure she got it, especially when she struggled at first when Versaris revealed his real name. "Okay, you got it, Krystal~ Now I won't forget." She gave the best salute she could, even of it was a little weak. She turned back as Koba said he'd investigate for them, and she gave him a similarly weak-looking thumbs-up. "T-Thank you, Koba!" She exclaimed with a small jump that was like instinct, causing Miria to groan and stumble when she landed. She caught herself and shook her head, focusing back to Krystal's comment about her outfit. "Ohhh, yeah." Miria hadn’t thought too much on it. She'd seen plenty of people wear so many types of outfits in and out of combat, and too focused she hadn’t even realized Krystal was just, in a bikini. It made the cub blush herself, causing her to turn away as to not gaze too long. "Well, um, I have a spare outfit back on the ship. It might be... not a great fit cause," Miria made a motion to her chest in comparison to Krystal's, "but, we can at least try, before we can find you something more fitting, right? Well," Miria stumbled along, so that Roxi was back in sight, "Hey Roxi, d-do you just want to head back? I don't know how you're feeling but I," she sighed, "I might get in the way right now."
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