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Everything posted by GoldsbroTSG

  1. "So it's a fight. Got it. Moving to engage the AHI machines." Markus focused onto the battlefield. There were civilians in danger. "Not in a good position. Gotta get closer..." Markus to 16,15
  2. "Okay..." Was all Taka said as she continued to stare at the menu. She was still confused. There were too many words, and pictures. What do you get? Who do you tell it to? Taka hid the mild frustration she was having, and simply closed the menu and began listening to Eve. Apparently this group was to be made into some sort of unit. Eve hadn't given the full details, but the ninja was quick to respond, "I will join you, as that's what was asked of me." She gave a small nod as she stared down the woman, not maliciously, just out of the seriousness of her words.
  3. Markus had to breath a bit. This was his first time in a real fight, and the first time he'd been in a real HEX since the academy. It was... almost alien. He was more accustomed to fighters; things he'd flown confidently and a lot more than mecha. "Alright Markus... You promised to be safe. Gotta come back and see Miz with a smile. Breathe in, breath out..." The blonde assessed his weaponry, all his systems. All green. Kazue and Louise were quick on the draw trying to ascertain who they were supposed to fight. Markus carefully advanced, waiting on the Captain's decision. Markus to 15,10
  4. "Of course," Miria gave a smile as she responded to Üllr. When Ren came over, asking if they could tag along with them to meet Tasha, Miria replied, "Absolutely. There might be more people who need patching." She turned to follow Üllr, and her smile started to dissipate. As glad as she was they won, there was something eating at her. She didn't like it. Please, just... go back to being happy. It was a rough night, people need that smile! Just smile, dammit! She tried to force it out, but something was stopping her. Miria stayed behind Üllr as they made it to Tasha. The wolf brought up their new recruit. She waited, and watched around. When her eyes looked over and she saw Alvira, she felt her mood drop again. The poor dragon had to have gone through so much... Miria turned away and started watching around again, giving a relieving sigh. She's back with Miss Natalya. That should help you feel better, right, idiot?
  5. Taka followed, lagging slightly behind the rest of the party as a lookout. Even if there was someone confirming their safety, the ninja wasn't one to simply take that. The party's safety now became her responsibility. She look around, but she wasn’t a sight-taker. Her eyes were watching the people, blind spots, anywhere someone could attack from. Things seemed... clear, but she remained alert. Taka listened as they entered the Tree of Life. Taking a seat, she looked at this menu that sat in front of her. She stared and read intently. This was her first time in a place like this. The ninja looked up, and simply asked, "What do I do?"
  6. "Lucy. Nice to meet you." Miria replied, not in her usual tone. It was more standard, than it was her usual bright tone. What is going on with me, agggh! She shook her head while the other two talked a bit. She listened as Üllr recollected the horrors he went through in Mura. When he brought up his trust in the cub, she moved a little closer, giving him a scratch on the back of the shoulder, and she was able to make a big smile for him. "I still gotta teach you how to make fish too~"
  7. "Ahh. Yeah, they were bound to have a lot of those, huh?" Miria was lucky in that regard. Being human made her safe from pure weapons, which... nade her feel bad due to her thinking she should've been deeper inside to take the hits from them. She shook her head as Ren arrived. "Oh, Ren." The little cleric came up and started healing her. "Thank you. And... I'm glad you're okay." She could tell they were hiding something, so Miria just left it there. The bit of healing did give Miria a bit more energy, even if she was still exhausted. Another woman came up, and began intricately healing Üllr's wounds. Once she finished, that's when Miria spoke up, "I guess, you're a friend of Jeremiah's?"
  8. Miria turned over when she her Üllr's voice. She was too tired to-- Everything seemed to one-eighty for her as she immediately bounced back up. Üllr looked so beat up. "Ü-Üllr, I mean, look at you. I'm f-fine, I just... am tired, and frustrated. We had a lot on our plate too. But, uhhh," she scrambled amongst her things, and pulled out a vulnerary and handed it over to her friend. "If you need a healer we have a couple, but, you should prolly take a quick vuln. You must've been on a rampage." She said, trying to give a laugh (clearly forced) and lighten the mood. The night clearly wasn't fun for everyone, and she tried to find some relief.
  9. Despite the rough hit she took Miria was able to take down the shaman. She coughed, and assessed herself. She'd never seen her armor crack like it was gonna break before. She'd have to be more careful from here on. She brought herself back inside the fort, limping lightly, and breathing heavily. The armor had taken it's toll, made most apparent when the fire dissipated from her sword and armor. Once she was inside, she caught the man talking. "Jeremiah..." she softly spoke to herself. There wasn’t a lot more she could do at the moment. She brought herself closer to where everyone had gather around Jeremiah, and she planted herself onto a pillar, turning off her armor. It seemed quiet now. And if this Jeremiah character was chatting, maybe that meant they were safe. For now.
  10. "R-Ren!" Miria couldn't tell what was happening to their little healer. Why did they turn to goo? Was that the sword or, were they actually a clouded or monster? Miria didn’t have time to think about it, a Javelin came her way, that she was able to avoid, and responded accordingly with two quick slashes to the cavalier that threw it. He wasn’t the priority, Ren's safety was... or, maybe her remains are? Her rage started to become confusion, but... she kept her focus. There was still more ahead of them even if it started to seem like the end of things. Hopefully someone else could take care of that swordsman for Miria. She ran to fight the Shaman hiding in the back. Miria moves to 3,31 and Wind Edges the Shaman.
  11. Miria was getting real tired of this. Two horsemen had come in, and then two more followed along. They needed her help inside, and as much as they did, their flank was continuously in danger with these seemingly endless guys. Almost as if by accident, her anger triggered her fire, as the trimming of her armor became a fiery red, and her sword's blade became engulfed in flames, she went in to attack! Miria activates Afterburner! She moves to 4,29 and Wind Edges Cav 4! "Get out of our way!"
  12. Markus's phone suddenly began going off as he walked. He moved to the side as he read what he got from Miz. His cheeks went into a mild blush but he gave a smile. He went to reply. [Don't worry, I don't plan on dying anytime soon. I got a lot to ask, so I gotta make it back, okay? See ya then. <3] As he hit enter, there was a notification from Vivien. "Hah, little shorter than she normally posts." [Don't worry Viv. I haven't practiced Tekken to get my runback for nothing.] He sent the message and went back on his way.
  13. Markus had been in his quarters practicing. What exactly? K.O YOU WIN Getting up early each morning to practice a bit of Tekken before the rest of the day became a normal thing for the blonde. He didn't want to go on a night-long loss streak to Vivien again. Once he got his last game in, it was like clockwork. "Almost there? Hah..." Markus had been a bit anxious about this mission to the capital for a bit. He wasn’t gonna tell anyone that, and he was gonna do what he needed to. He gathered his things, getting into his flight suit first, since other crewmembers started doing it for convenience. After, was his uniform. Fully suited up, he brushed an extra bit of hair out of his eyes. "Well, I guess it's about that time. Let's come back alive, eh Mick?" He gave a sigh and left his room. He made his way to the hangar. No need to rush until the ship is suddenly shot at.
  14. Taka once again made a clean kill on her opponent. She had been struck by a spell, but it hadn't bothered her much. It would take much more for it to matter for her. The ninja cleaned her knife and put it away. It was clear in the silence that the fight was over. She made her way to Eve. "Miss Eve, the fighting is over. What do you need me to do next?"
  15. "Ah! Uhh, thank you." Miria wasn't expecting this new person to suddenly come heal her. "I appreciate it." She turned to their entryway again, and more enemies were incoming. "My friends need help further in. I'll be here holding the line down." Miria to 4,28, equipping the Wind Edge "If they came to die it won't be easy for them."
  16. Miria put herself in back of her group to block off the incoming horsemen. It did work, even if it hurt for her immensely. That was her job, though. She would protect her people. "Gotta do more than that to put me down." Miria to 5,26, Wind Edge Cav 1
  17. "You won't get away." Taka barely had time to inspect the band she found when she noticed one of the brigands beginning to retreat. There was no room for that. Taka to 13,9, stab the mage
  18. Taka's kill was clean. "Enemy subdued." She returned to watching the battle. Where could she go? There wasn’t much she was doing to the armored one, so ahe instead moved to see if she could either warn a hiding merchant to stay hidden, or find something to help them fight. Taka to 10,9, inspects Wagon
  19. As Cin moved towards the door, he called out a familiar name. "Alvi?! She's okay?!" She brought herself to help, but Cin brought up potential allies(?) with her. If they were... then Alvira and Cin were fine, right? She had to trust her gut. "Cin, I'm regrouping with everyone else! If things go awry, yell and I'll be back!" Miria to 2,25
  20. As Taka hopped the rooftops to reach her new comrades, words echoed in her mind. Encouraging words from her princess, and Nate of the potential allies she'd be making. She was haste, but it hadn't made her any less perfect in her moves. Especially when Eve, whom she was following used something to move faster with. The ninja could not fall behind. Once reaching the field, she hopped from the final building into a tree, using the branches to safely drop, until she was out on the ground. She cycled and analyzed the battlefield; it felt... like a stalemate, but leaning more towards what looked like raiders to her. Taka was given orders from Eve, defeat the gate's mages to protect the barried on the the gate. She armed herself with her knife. "Understood. Engaging the enemy." And liked a bolt she charged to eliminate the first threat. Taka to 8, 12, using her Iron Dagger on the female mage.
  21. There was a feeling in Miria as she progressed through the halls of this fort. It was unlike anything she'd ever felt. In reality, she hated it. This cold, deeply seated rage she had for these people, who took her friends, when all she could do was watch. Not here, there was no watching. Miria moves to 2,20 and attacks Fighter 2 with her Steel Sword "You're in my way. Move!"
  22. Miria did everything she could to maintain her patience over what had happened to Mikoto and Alvira. At least, she did until they finally found the hideout that belonged to the Underground. At that point, there was a reason for her to vent her frustrations. She was ready to charge in, then she some encouraging words from Tanya. The girl nodded, "And I've got yours." It was Miria's time, she spotted the pure weapons being used by several of the Underground clowns. Too bad for them she was 100% human. Miria to 3,27, Wind Edges Sword Knight 1
  23. Markus looked over Kazue as she announced her inability to kill. It was... surprising, considering their conversation about accepting her death should something go wrong back in the sims. "Hmm..." With Markus, the question was actually quite easy. "I could, and will if need be." He nodded. "I knew full well what could happen when I signed up, and I'm prepared for it."
  24. Markus sat in his chair as he listened. He had a hand on his chin as he pondered, fiddling with a pen. He didn't like the idea of being a disposable person, pilot or otherwise. Whether it was just a publicity stunt like Louise had posed, or something more... the blonde gave a sigh. There were too many unknowns at the moment, and he was short on abilities to find answers for them. "I think the safest thing to do for now, is to roll with what we're ordered, maintain level heads, and keep an eye out for each other." He looked around the room a bit, "I know that's probably more a given than anything, but... I just thought it should be said."
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