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The DanMan

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About The DanMan

  • Birthday 09/07/1999


  • Member Title
    Overanalytic Analyzer with too many pet peeves

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  • Interests
    Gaming (Fire Emblem (obviously), Halo, Monster Hunter, Smash) and reading (Lord of the Rings, The Chronicles of Narnia, Ender Quintet). Also like RWBY and Agents of Shield. On top of that, I really like long, solitary walks.
    Yeah, you could say I'm anti-social.
  • Location
    PA, USA

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Shadow Dragon

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  1. lol when I asked a mod to delete my doublepost, I didn't expect your post would be deleted as well. Sorry about that!

    1. The DanMan

      The DanMan

      Uhh... I didn't even notice? Either way, apologies accepted.

    2. euklyd


      Yeah, I guess mostly I commented on it because I was surprised it was deleted, rather than because I thought you'd actually taken issue with it.

      Generally deleting posts like that doesn't happen afaik.

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