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The DanMan

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Status Replies posted by The DanMan

  1. Hey, do you happen to frequent the Nintendo Life forums? Because I think I recognize you.

    1. The DanMan

      The DanMan

      Ah, sorry. Somebody with the same username was there and frequents FE and JRPG discussion.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. "... hijacked the poll via clearing their browser cache/private browsing." 

    They don't even need to do that:


    You should be able to just turn off multiple voting.

    1. The DanMan

      The DanMan

      Okay, thanks for the heads-up. I turned off the "Submit another response" prompt and allowed people to edit their votes instead.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  3. "... hijacked the poll via clearing their browser cache/private browsing." 

    They don't even need to do that:


    You should be able to just turn off multiple voting.

  4. I'm playing ASG rn lol. Nice BG.

    1. The DanMan

      The DanMan

      BG=background? Do you mean avatar? But yeah, it's one of those games that really just clicked with me. I totally see where the criticisms of it are coming from, but I really enjoy the series regardless.

  5. So, remember how I said I'd have a bidoof avi for a week if it turned out Pikipek didn't learn bullet seed? Checking up on our friendly wager and wondering if you'll do anything if it does learn bullet seed.

    1. The DanMan

      The DanMan

      If you can't think of anything, I'll gladly just call it off.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  6. Did you see the TGS Kingdom Hearts 2.8 trailer? As somebody who's just going to watch the new stuff on youtube, the new Simple and Clean remix was worth watching it for.

  7. Happy late birthday! Sorry I missed the actual day!

    1. The DanMan

      The DanMan

      It's fine.

      The forum sidebar was weird- last year it showed me, but this year everybody that it showed hadn't been online for years (one of them hadn't been on since 2009).

  8. Happy birthday! You're exactly one year younger than me.

    1. The DanMan

      The DanMan

      It's on the sidebar on the forum main page. Well, for 5 people anyway- a lot of people seem to have been born on this day.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  9. I saw you visited my page, whats up? :P

    1. The DanMan

      The DanMan

      Nothing much; I just do that sometimes. See what people's statuses are, most recent posts- you get the idea.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  10. Sorry if this seems odd, but do you have any relation to a certain user on Miiverse who had a mild obsession with Severa?

    1. The DanMan

      The DanMan

      Hah! I was one of your followers before I got perma'd (same username on there). Guess I may as well welcome you to the forums!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  11. Stumbled upon an illustration of Takumi and Corrin in Etrian Odyssey classes in the fanart thread; thought you might like it. http://i3.pixiv.net/c/1200x1200/img-master/img/2016/04/17/09/59/07/56390990_p6_master1200.jpg

    1. The DanMan

      The DanMan

      Yep; right on. And not sure what happened to the link; it's working fine for me.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  12. Dno if you like watching playthroughs of games, but I've made a general thread of some of my runs I've done/am doing http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=62524

  13. Berserker Kagero is so hilariously buff.

    1. The DanMan

      The DanMan

      Kinda fitting, considering her strength growth is something stupid like 85% in that class.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  14. Man if Birthright is this good, I can only imagine the other 2 routes.

    1. The DanMan

      The DanMan

      Birthright has the least contrived and headbanging story, I'll give it that.

      As somebody who just beat Nohr 18, it's pretty challenging for all the right reasons (though I'm sure chapter 19 will stain that). The enemies have set skills and are perfectly capable of kicking your butt.

      In general I seem to get Birthright maps done first try while Conquest maps take an average of thee resets.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  15. Skinship is gone, and my life is over. ;_;

    1. The DanMan

      The DanMan

      Really, it's just a small feature. The only thing that was removed was the actual touching; the Live2D models and spoken lines are still there.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  16. Sent you a friend request, hope you don't mind.

  17. Ufufufu, I highly suggest you to try the games out. Sengoku Basara: Samurai Heroes should not be hard to find.

    1. The DanMan

      The DanMan

      It was fun enough from what I've seen. I've got to beat Warriors Orochi 3U before I get Fates, though Sengoku Basara is definitely part of my backlog.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)


    1. The DanMan

      The DanMan

      Started watching it on a whim after seeing multiple countdown artists mention and praise the games, and if the anime was successful enough to bring over one of the games it had to be decent, right?

      I watched the dub of the first four episodes, and am trying to track down the dub of the rest of the first season online (the voice acting is pretty good IMO,... minus Azai calling his own wife "Ichi" when it should be "Oichi").

  19. Up next on "songs that are stuck in Daniel's head": "Springtime for Hitler and GER-Many..."

    1. The DanMan

      The DanMan

      I also can't spell, apparently.

  20. It seems like I'm always the first one to respond to your Smash queries haha, or does it just seem like it to me?

    1. The DanMan

      The DanMan

      You're fairly active in that sub-forum, and I tend to be fairly inquisitive about the topic; it makes sense.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  21. lol when I asked a mod to delete my doublepost, I didn't expect your post would be deleted as well. Sorry about that!

    1. The DanMan

      The DanMan

      Uhh... I didn't even notice? Either way, apologies accepted.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  22. I'd like to fire out a question (since you're a mod and all): I'm in the early stages of creating a text-based countdown that's videogame-related, and I'd like to post it here upon completion. Would it be more advisable to post it under Written Works or General Gaming?

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