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The DanMan

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Everything posted by The DanMan

  1. I do think it's worth mentioning that the Switch's paid online system will already be in place at this point, before anybody 100% dedicates to it; granted, it may not matter for most people, but IMO it's worth bringing up just in case.
  2. I'm pretty much the token NOA "apologist" over here, but (a) we literally know nothing else at this point other than 8-4 wasn't involved and (b) Fates' localization was more or less "on par" with Awakening's (where you had stuff like Chrom and Sumia's romantic supports getting derailed into being about pies, the throwback to Naesala and Leanne in Olivia and Donnel's support becoming a generic swan princess story, an overall jokier/sarcastic shift in the dialogue where the JP version was fairly straightforward and self-serious, everybody getting gimmickier voice lines, Walhart going from being a generic dad in his M!Morgan supports to repeatedly threatening to kill him)... both have a lot of little changes that can add up. Most of them I'm neutral towards, with some I approve of and a few I just genuinely didn't like; but IMO they may as well be identical. Really, I'm thinking things are going to be less pronounced (hopefully) because the release is going to be simultaneous/close together without any time for a fan translation to pop up.
  3. The fact the trailer went out of the way to focus on her having axes makes me think it's going to be her primary weapon type, with swords simply as a backup-- i.e. I'm expecting a legendary axe for her. Anyways, I'm of the persuasion that they're using the Tellius/SD style of using strength instead of constitution for it.
  4. I could've sworn it did, but upon testing it again myself it doesn't really seem to.
  5. Semantics. "Easily", "without many changes"; I'd say it's pretty similar. Also, as I specified in my first post, Xenoblade 3D was a Wii port (two console generations back) and still managed to be a notable step back in overall visuals and performance. You made a specific point earlier on about most games looking wose than their trailers; it's a very basic inference to make, especially with other users being just as doom-and-gloom. To me, it seems like you simply backpedaled; but, whatever. You were talking about "visual cohesion" and brought up FEW; I know it's not uncommon for a few textures to be imported photos, but FEW did it far more than normal with a lot of it just out in the open. My entire point from the start was simply that you were being nitpicky and it's way too early to judge; you're the one who brought a bunch of other stuff in and now seem to be trying to confuse the point. I don't really see anything else coming of this.
  6. A fully-charged C1 gives enemies yellow weakpoints, letting you build it that way.
  7. So basically, I was right and you're just talking about vague "visual cohesion" and stuff; which I doubt is a huge focus a year before release (since as I said, footage from trailer are often from older builds). It's especially weird to compare it to FEW, as a lot of the textures are just photos imported in and used as such (most infamously being the stones in Shirishagi's courtyard)-- making the whole "anime styled characters in a photorealistic world" complaint far more applicable (and punny). My main sticking points where (a) claiming the game could easily run on 3DS, and (b) acting like the game will get worse visually from now to release (something I said doesn't really happen with 1st party Nintendo games, and directly used an example to back it up; though the closest example I can think off to back that up is FEW's announcement trailer, being a lot sharper and smoother than the final game-- and that was mostly in KT's court). This is the earliest an FE game has been shown off, to my knowledge (all the 3DS games were within 6 months of release, with Fates building off of an already established engine and SoV re-using a ton from it)-- likely simply to have something else to show at E3 and finally give in and acknowlede it exists after a year and a half of nothing. Maybe I shouldn't have been as heated, but you sounded like the people on Neogaf who were honestly arguing the Switch was only going to be half as powerful as the Wii U-- a ludicrous claim that almost wasn't worth arguing with. I don't see the point of complaining and doomsday predictions about the graphics when we don't even have a solid release date and the visuals are several months old already. If we get a lot closer to release and it hasn't improved, then okay; but right now, I think you're drastically overreacting.
  8. Xenoblade 3D was a port of a Wii game and had noticable downgrades, with a worse frame rate and even muddier textures and worse pop-in than the original-- exclusive to the hardware revision with a better processor and RAM. Kid Icarus was designed for the groundup from it and went through multiple succesive delays, and Capcom in general was just good at getting every little bit they could out of the 3DS. Really, unless you're an actual videogame developer/programmer, you have no idea what you're talking about to make such ludicrous claims as "it wouldn't be difficult to get it running on a 3DS". Nintendo doesn't have a record of that at all; heck, to invoke a game you later bring up, between its announcement and launch less than a year later Xenoblade 2 redid the lighting and seems to have completley re-modeled Rex: Breath of the Wild is a port of a Wii U game with very flat textures disguised by more intense lighting/shading-- Doom and Wolfenstein are also super scaled back compared to their releases on other hardware. Xenoblade 2 runs at 720p and 30fps, with it absolutely chugging in handheld mode-- sometimes dipping into the low 20s and down to 480p. And FEW's models, from what I've heard, are slightly worse quality than the Wii U models in Smash 4. Prove you know what you're talking about, or you're just saying nonsense.
  9. Seen in a quick sequence as a Battlefield stage and later in Ridley's trailer; very rocky looking with an alien sky and purple background. Haven't seen it pointed out anywhere, so I'm potentially mistaken.
  10. I thought Fates and SoV both had great soundtracks, leitmotif abuse aside, and what little I heard sounded good enough. I do find it funny that a gut prediction of mine was right: I was expecting future vocal themes after Fates and SoV's to be a lot more contemporary sounding. And what little I've heard basically gets me thinking J-pop-- while undoubtedly further firing up the "ugh generic JRPG garbage" crowd, I'm okay with it. Hearing this did warm me up to the idea, to be fair:
  11. Heck, Claude isn't even... super dark. He looks more Mediterranean/Hispanic-- which considering the rough geographical similarities we've seen to Western Europe very well could have been the intention. Alright, this is getting hyperoblic. First off, the dumbest claim: this game is leagues above anything the 3DS can do. FEW's models on there are super blocky with muddied textures, stuff that's partially hidden by the screen resolution. Blow that shit up to HD and it will look like a PS2 game. Anyways, with that out of the way: this is footage almost certainly from months ago of a game that's the better part of a year out that also was delayed. Awakening, announced 6 months before its JP release, had a lot of odd visual quirks on display (for instance, characters using generic models in battle instead of their actual unique designs)-- even then, IMO Awakening is the worst looking 3rd party 3DS game. So Three Houses may not end up looking amazing visually, but I'd say it's downright ridiculous to not expect improvements between now and release. The one thing I will agree with you on is that using SoV's "3D trying to make itself look 2D so there's no shadows and it's super choppy" cutscene style is crappy and a big step back from Awakening and Fates' mo-capped FMVs.
  12. So, uh... is it even possible to buy the Torna DLC seperately? That's the only thing I want out of the season pass, but all I'm seeing is talk of season pass members getting it and then a later physical release with the season pass included.
  13. Meant "bemoaning the difficulties of them", but dropped a couple words for the sake of simplicity without thinking.
  14. I've seen Jeanne brought up as one for Bayonetta, which would work as her whole point was being a "mirror match rival" for Bayonetta gameplay wise. Really, I have no strong feelings or attachments towards who I expect-- someone already plagiarized all my theories and stuck them here
  15. "I'm just a bit tired of looking at what this fandom has turned into. Sure, specific discussions are one thing, but there's just too much casual stuff that it's not possible to filter everything away since it leaks into normal discussions as well. It's sad because pre-awakening discussion always focused on individual entries for the longest of times, but now that the series has drawn in the generic jrpg crowd the quality of conversation has deteriorated significantly." I'm depressed. People this dumb exist.
  16. The exact wording wasn't "crossover"; I believe it was "better represents FE." I spend far more time on gamefaqs than reddit at this point because you have trolls and stuff but also a bunch of casual conversation and more self-aware users.
  17. I'm not denying the Heroes sub isn't its own bucket of worms, but the way they talk about it is a gigantic case of "pointing out the speck in your brother's eye before removing the plank from your own".
  18. r/fireemblem is incredibly stupid at this point Fanartists who draw anything remotely "fanservicey" get harassed. A writer for Eurogamer was personally attacked and discredited as a journalist for saying he found FEW to be a better crossover than FEH. The Heroes sub as treated as the pit of degeneracy for actually having casual conversation. You get the picture.
  19. I'm not sure what's stupider, the fact it exists or the fact that 25% of the replies agree with it and seriously want it.
  20. It's all but impossible for it to be him, as he's an Atlus employee. More likely:
  21. The OP was talking about pre-orders in general. And for the basic game, they're up; not like pre-ordering now won't get you the game. As for the Special Edition part, that's a whole other can of worms that we can't even predict right now.
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