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The DanMan

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Everything posted by The DanMan

  1. Probably a month or two-- the fact the guy was warning some stuff may not work at launch is telling enough. I'd say go with the refund option, personally.
  2. Apparantely it's basically a one-man port job. So the blame is on ASW half-assing it and not having a dedicated team for it; it'll end up solid eventually, but nothing can be done about it right now.
  3. Nintendo already merged their handheld and console divisions while working on the Switch, meaning it's the only piece of hardware they plan to support long-term. The 3DS is more or less just coasting by right now. That's simply an issue of budget, not hardware limitations. If they wanted to make any of the 3DS games with bigger maps, more chapters, and more classes they would've-- but that takes time and money. I sincerely doubt there's going to be a notable jump in those departments.
  4. Do you need to be so passive-aggressive about it? Early game you'll only be getting the odd flukes, and late game when they start to become more common you can just turn the animations off entirely if they bother you so, so much.
  5. I'll echo @Von Ithipathachai and say that I didn't care for/actively disliked the content that was removed from Fates in the first place.
  6. I've played every localized handheld game in the series, and have seen multiple LPs/streams of Path of Radiance. I also read through FE4's script once and found it rather droll and unmemorable. I'd argue that FE's writing has never been better than middle of the road, with sub-par being the standard. But I also don't really play FE for the story (or videogames for the story in general; if it's an RPG I'd just rather have it be decent, but even then it's not a dealbreaker-- SoV's tedious maps, lacking variety, and poor balancing are things I hold against it far more than its myriad of writing issues).
  7. I'd say that was due to their focus on getting UK VAs, with it having less of a developed VA scene than the US. Even then I thought it was decent enough; middle of the road, heard far better and far, far worse. And I thought the story was better than the 1st game's story (granted, it isn't perfect but I also don't hold 1 as some paragon of JRPGs). Either of their plots IMO are better than anything FE's put out in my experience (especially with Awakening/Fates/SoV showing that IS will go out of their way to hijack their own storytelling attempts).
  8. They've already shot down guest characters, saying they want 4 to re-focus on being DW VS SW.
  9. I don't give a damn about who "wins" E3 or whatever, I just want to see the games.
  10. I've seen someone both claim that and then double back on it. Interviews sure seem to suggest there won't be: http://www.siliconera.com/2018/05/30/the-pokmon-company-shares-more-on-lets-go-features-and-switch-in-qa-session/ "...will still be able to trade and battle but have to have multiple consoles to do so..." "...no plans to use Nintendo's online service..." And what I meant by "random encounters" is the fact that you don't even fight the Pokemon any more; you just chuck balls at them like Go. Whittling down their health before throwing a pokeball was such a basic and fundamental concept.
  11. They look like cheap nostalgia grabs/Go tie-ins. No random encounters? No online connectivity? They're trying to bill them as the next new games in the series but the fact they had to confirm Gen VIII for late next year betrays them. Probably the silver lining to this all.
  12. Keep in mind, the Japanese site said the Ballot could play into future installments. And for the term "fan favorites" to be used... I doubt there won't be a couple major 3rd party characters and a few more recent first party ones, but it's supposedly about fanservice.
  13. No, they want them cut to "punish" the fans of those characters. Anyways, things are starting to get a bit interesting: ...Hopefully they actually reveal stuff.
  14. So two things. First of all, the Famitsu review came out. Less important is that it got a 35/40, because Famitsu scores are meaningless. More importantly is that they stated the Story Mode took about ten hours to complete. Secondly... the game has already leaked in Hong Kong/Taiwan. The entirety of the RWBY story mode is out on youtube already.
  15. If anything, Henry's more screwed up in the localization because of how he unironically believes all the stuff he says about darkness and death and blood, while in the JP version it's far less overblown and more obviously someone using it as a shield for their own insecurity.
  16. I perfectly understand what you're saying, but honestly I think you should try and make it a bit more... coherent. Like, right now it feels less like a post with thought and effort put into it and more just fan rambling. You seem to not know that Persona is basically as big as Final Fantasy in Japan; I don't see series fatigue ever really setting in. Honestly, I'd reccomend going back to the drawing board; the most solid point you have (that I believe could be expanded on) is how the Persona focus for the past half-decade+ has stifled SMT spinoff games.
  17. I honestly think it's better kept as just a few characters with command grabs that can be used in the air.
  18. Because he was working on multiple projects at once, with VSXIII resting more on the backburner. And he was replaced as director because work on KHIII was actaully beggining in earnest; from his own words, it was announced too early. Everything shown during 2013 was just concept/mock-up footage. Development itself didn't begin in earnest for another year plus. Just because people had been waiting for it doesn't mean it had been in development for that long. With it in its final stages right now and on track for a 2018 release, it's got a 3-4 year development cycle; which is perfectly acceptable for a major title these days. Every FE 3DS game had half a year or less between its announcement and Japanese release. We know that both Nintendo has transitioned over to worldwide releases and, on their fiscal report, still lists it as on track for 2018. I'm expecting them to try out December, since it worked for Xenoblade 2.
  19. They seem to have had at least the basic concept hammered out last summer, when the listings popped up. Also, the dev team (to our knowledge) is no longer split in half; and if they keep using the same engine, that's a fair bit of dev time saved. I don't think late 2019 is completely out of the question, though I do think 2020 sounds more realistic.
  20. The shot is clearly off-screen and low quality. Thus, it's impossible to say.
  21. Whatever Pokemon Switch was, it was going to look like Gen VII but crisper. They've already got the style down; they don't need to visually reinvent things. That's less hardware limitations and more Gamefreak just being crap at optimization, as they've always been (Gen 1's slew of glitches, Gen IV being super slow, Gen VI hardly using the 3D feature). By the "fans" who hate basically everything that came after it and if they bought Gen VI/VII only to use Gen 1 'mons. It's a vocal minority clinging to nostalgia.
  22. You'll find a vocal minority that will complain about everything. Gen V was by and large lauded when it came out. Sun and Moon's changes were by and large praised as well. You can't broadly speak about "Pokemon fans" when you only refer to nostalgia blinded assholes. 4th gen really shows its age now; the games are physically slow and just overall haven't gotten much love (being stuck between 1-3 and more recent ones).
  23. http://www.siliconera.com/2018/05/16/monolith-soft-urgently-recruiting-developers-action-game-experience/ Further confirmation that they're looking at something action focused rather than RPG.
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