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Everything posted by Leona

  1. I wouldn't say it's a girly design https://youtu.be/jBUwNpsRrRI?t=15 It's a robe. Traditional magewear.
  2. I liked Delphox, but besides that I agree. I'm already terrified Litten's evolution is gonna be that disastrous bulky monstrosity, I just hope it doesn't happen
  3. If my final evolution is another goddamn fire/fighting I'm gonna go drown myself. (not really, I'd just not buy the game and pretend Pokemon never had a 7th gen)
  4. I managed to breed a shiny Skorupi in HG Caught some other shinies but they were either events, scripted, or wonder traded.
  5. Get a barrel. Especially the bottom of it. Then let's see what we can scrape off it.
  6. Bring me a homeless person's newspaper
  7. I think I saw something about Salandit being rather weak stat wise, so I think its only thing will probably be throwing Toxic at people
  8. Plus, it looks pretty tacky, so I only ever use it when necessary
  9. Humans have a tendency to be poisonous. Eat a human and your health will permanently suffer for it.
  10. This conversation seems incredibly familiar to me. Do I know you?
  11. Glaceon Mage, I feel like your theory makes a lot of sense.... but if they're going back to the roots of Zelda, I personally feel like it would make the most sense to put it in the Downfall timeline. But that would make it very difficult to explain the Koroks.
  12. I think it's been established that he is ambidextrous and just prefers using his left hand in most cases.
  13. In other news, it's been confirmed that you can have Link shirtless, at least in the current version.
  14. It's not because of your opinion, it's how you're presenting it. I feel like you're being very childish about it, instead of discussing things in a rational manner you go more "I hate it so it sucks" No one likes that.
  15. Alright, pets have it pretty good. I was more thinking of the livestock, who are essentially bred to be tasty. Sure, they get food and protection, but.... they're not treated very well.
  16. I'd love a cup Personally I think domesticated animals have it rougher in some cases.
  17. If this design is real I'm gonna kill myself Or at least stop playing Pokemon Kind of like the other two though
  18. Spirit Tracks isn't co-op, the same player controls both Link and Zelda and it can be a bit stiff at times... and it's only in certain sections. The sky didn't feel as barren because every place that was on the overworld was either interesting or a speed booster. Compare and contrast every other 3D Zelda (except Wind Waker) which had fuckloads of boring ground. Most people tend to ignore this, so I kind of forgot. I know HW isn't canon but it still confuses me.
  19. I don't think anything's been said about Fi not returning, so I'm still hopeful. A lot of people seem to think that he's King Daphnes Nohansen Hyrule.
  20. I don't think it's worth complaining over but I'd go the vegetarian route as well. I'd give it 4 hours I'd love a co-op game where you'd need to use both Link and Zelda to get through the dungeons. Might make it a pain for people who play by themselves but.... I dunno I still need to play that game. I'm a big fan of Skyward Sword, its linearity is one of its best aspects. Mostly because I'm sick of empty and boring overworlds. So, how did I react to all this?
  21. I'm kind of opposed to the idea of a female Link because... well, if they include gender options, I want the female one to be her own character. It would be cool to play as Zelda, for example.
  22. I'd say sheep. I think the biggest Pokemon of them all right now is Wailord. Whether a Pokemon looks like a Pokemon or not kind of depends on how its design is, not what its design is. I kind of say it's the quality of the work, because most Fakemon are badly made. Pokemon also has a certain style, which is different from, for example, Digimon. Or at least I think it does, I'm not too familiar with Digimon.
  23. Well, I guess I didn't remember those two. But I wasn't wrong about the squirrel https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ratatoskr Was there a squirrel Pokemon in gen 6?
  24. I prefer the block puzzles that make use of ice physics over the ones that don't, because they're just artificially extending the play time. Ice physics add another layer of thinking to it as well as making the actual pushing faster. I'd actually like to see the kitten dungeon
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