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Everything posted by Leona

  1. Wasn't there a squirrel too or am I misremembering things? Might be since I remember neither a bird nor a reindeer.
  2. I don't really remember any other minibosses so I'd say you're right on that lol I think ALttP and ALBW are probably tied for most dungeons, though I might be missing something. I think the original Zelda and OoT have the same number of dungeons (8 normal ones and the final one) and if I remember correctly Adventure of Link had very few. This isn't a prediction but I'm hoping for fewer block puzzles (and I'm saying that after realizing the Earth Temple is my favorite Wind Waker dungeon)
  3. And the other one.... I think his name was Dreadfuse? Skervo and Dreadfuse were their names, I think.
  4. I can't even get Purrloin to work early game, so it being the best one in the beginning can hardly be right.
  5. I realize we've probably moved on by now but on the topic of hard to use Unova Pokemon, I found Purrloin to be pretty much useless. Reminds me of Poochyena, actually. I love both of their designs, but in recent playthroughs I feel like they're just not worth the effort. Deal little damage due to lack of STAB, and get taken out really easily.
  6. Even without the EXP share, 6th gen is boringly easy. I did monotype runs with both my playthrough (actually only semi-monotype, Goodra and Gyarados aren't fire types) and it was still not even remotely difficult.
  7. I'm pretty sure wearing shoes indoors here can be considered strange. Though apparently it's different in the rest of Europe. Maybe it's because the ground here isn't exactly clean, and shoes inevitably end up covered in filth. I like Pokemon Special a lot. Red kind of started off like Ash, but he grew up and became a badass. I think he's also the only Pokemon Special character so far to strip. All of the characters seemed to have depth to them.
  8. I have no idea what time it will be here, but I guess I'll just try to keep up with the thread and wait for someone to excitedly post "IT'S STARTED! *hypes*" before actually trying to find out where they're announcing this... Actually, I've already forgotten what it is they'll be doing tomorrow. Announcing something, I think.
  9. I voted Moon because I like the look of the Moon legendary, but I'm tempted to get Sun because PRAISE THE SUN! (I don't wanna be a heretic) I'm kind of torn, I'll probably wait and see on the exclusives.
  10. Meanwhile in EU...... I haven't been following XY or ORAS because I want to read them in order, but I think the last update for B2W2 was in December, so..... Yeah, I'm worried about the writers. I love Adventures so I want to see more, but they haven't been keeping up ;~;
  11. The delivery price would probably be around that much, I honestly think it would be cheaper for me to get it on the eShop. Plus, I don't exactly trust ebay.
  12. I'd rather be fire/rock and spend 3 days sitting in the rain
  13. Everyone is exploding with hype Meanwhile I'm just sitting here wondering if I can somehow convince my mother to buy it on the eShop.
  14. I can't help but wonder if anyone's reading this thread while stoned I wouldn't be surprised
  15. Yes please As a cat, I can't be arrested for homicide, so I can't be convicted for what I'm about to do
  16. It's not a disguise. I think you're confusing the parasect with the parasite.
  17. We went over this already. There's two different kinds of morbid. The fridge horror type you see a whole lot of in Pokemon (or in some cases just information you need to go out of your way to read about, which most people don't do. I don't even remember what Pokemon you're talking about, for example.) And then there's the other type, which horror games are full of. Oh my Arceus, that's too perfect
  18. A liquid snake tiger could be cool. I think it would be more likely than a melting one. But wow, rating systems are weird.
  19. It IS creepy, but it's mostly just fridge horror. They can get that crap under the radar. I don't think they'd be able to get a 3+ rating with a melting tiger as one of the starters. Though the gen 7 6 games were 7+ for some reason......
  20. The only thing I dislike about Fennekin is that it keeps growling at me. Besides that, I like it. It's nearly as huggable as me!
  21. Aw yiss, finally I get the spotlight ^.^ It is. I actually used one in X.
  22. Charmander's a nice enough fire type. So is Cyndaquil. Fun to hang around with and.... burn stuff. I don't like Torchic, Chimchar or Tepig much. They constantly pick fights. And Fennekin keeps growling at me for no reason.
  23. Yeah Alex is a pretty chill fellow, but he may be a bit too obsessed with his hobbies.
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