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Posts posted by Mackc2

  1. 5 hours ago, freewaffles said:

    Fun with Annette: Make her a Great Knight and just use Bolt/Axe Crusher.  Grab Fiendish Blow from Mage (which she can pass pretty easily), then turn her into a battle mage.  She is likely to have over 17 base magic before level 20 anyway, so going Mage/Warlock only increases her base magic by +2 compared to going Mage/Warrior.  Dark Knight only has +2 magic over Great Knight, but you don't get Axefaire.

    Why great knight, why not wyvern lord instead, it has axefair, doesn't axe her speed, gives her flying utility and it requires less lance ranking and doesn't require her to push a skill she has a weakness in in exchange for -5% magic growth (which is on average 1 less magic every twenty levels)

  2. Are we playing the same game, post timeskip in Blue Lions (Hard) the difficulty took a massive jump and the enemies actually started being a threat, by endgame most of my units even my fastest weren't consistently doubling and often got doubled and enemy brawlers could rip apart anyone except my great knight on initiation

  3. 13 hours ago, FabledKnight said:

    Lost items help


    Whom gets the perfume items? I have an old used perfume to return

    Fairly sure that's for Manuela 

    9 hours ago, timon said:

    Does getting lost items wrong give some sort of penalty?

    Also is the quality of an instruct RNG or is there more to it? Because up until now it seems pretty random, apart from being generally better if the unit has a strength.

    Characters just kind of shrug at you and go not mine, no penalty as far as I can see 

  4. Spoiler

    I'm like 90% sure the leak is fake, with the exception of Helbindi all the units arts looks really bad, guunthra's face looks wrong, Laegjarns got a broken arm and her body doesn't look right and the entirety of Laevatain especially her face looks super derpy, and the weapons don't really seem to match colours properly, there is no way that shovel is a sword and as far as I can tell Laegjarn has no weapon and is just T-posing on her dragon for no reason. Too many little things wrong for me to believe 


  5. The trailer kind of makes it obvious to me that we will have very different routes for each house now and I suspect because of the comment Sothis made at the end will be after beating a characters route (which I suspect will all be pretty depressing endings) and Byleth will go back in time and try again from the route split, after finishing all three routes they will figure out (and hopefully the player has to figure it out too) the route to the true ending.  

  6. If anyone demotes its Brady, Push skills are overshadowed by solo and bonds and infantry rush isn't a particularly good skill (besides at least one of the main buffing skills for each team type is in the 4* pool why can't infantry have its weakest one there too) but if we are being real here this is going to be another banner like the fates banner and no one will drop 

  7. 4 hours ago, Aera said:

    If the revival banners are going to be a permanent thing, I would say that the removal is a positive thing because no one really needs to fish for Gen 1 units in the bloated pool of so many 5*s in banners. The only problem with it is that you have to wait for them to be featured.

    I agree with you, but that's not what I was saying. I think IS had no intention of adding these banners when they originally made the summoning changes otherwise they would have released them alongside the changes to negate most of the backlash. Instead I think they didn't expect backlash for the change and when they got a bunch of backlash from the change they came up with these banners to try and fix things. 

  8. Just now, Aera said:

    Perhaps they removed the Gen 1 units so that they could be featured as focus units on more banners such as these? We actually haven’t had a banner for Luke since his launch, well there he is now.

    I think this was done in reaction to the backlash around the gen 1 changes, otherwise they would have introduced it alongside the summoning changes

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