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Posts posted by smygba

  1. hey guys, sorry for the bump on an old thread - but this has been driving me nuts and I'm hoping one you guys has the answer. I only ever completed Fire Emblem Awakening once. I am trying to work out if I actually had more than 2 boots or not.

    Anyways, I am re-visiting my first game and I used boots on Tharja in my first ever game and I still have the 2nd boot to come. (see images)

    http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-H8-hHehfFHk/VUdQNhhVj1I/AAAAAAAAAPY/4m9f_tJY2O8/s1600/WP_20150504_001.jpg- Tharja

    http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-1rNONcMnYd0/VUdQNirYAgI/AAAAAAAAAPU/9tvaZJoDGl0/s1600/WP_20150504_002.jpg- Change Class Screen

    http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-_tiqIAAKsUE/VUdQNeClW5I/AAAAAAAAAPQ/NTBwOMtkssA/s1600/WP_20150504_003.jpg -Change Class Screen

    http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-VLs_qGCP9MI/VUdQQ2Ws2jI/AAAAAAAAAPo/niFFk4Lyy4I/s1600/WP_20150504_004.jpg -Change Class Screen

    http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-pPAtxdTsVQk/VUdQRh_kCnI/AAAAAAAAAPs/yOozG5LBQ9I/s1600/WP_20150504_005.jpg- Renown Screen

    Are you sure there are only 2 boots in the game? Its the evidence I keep finding on the net - but then how did I get her to have 10 movement? / +2 on everything?

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