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Xiltas Crysten

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Everything posted by Xiltas Crysten

  1. While I'm waiting for sets, I've tried to do some weapon icons (Haven't done that over two years^^"), it's not much, I know, but I'd still be glad over comments. First, Balmung, Siegfried's legendary sword: Second, Rajam, Kevin's legendary sword:
  2. Yeah, I know, still thinking what do with him... no concrete idea so far. Btw, if anybody is bored enough to post a set of three characters, I'd try to do a splice again... wanna do something creative.
  3. At least Heath won't die in the remake, he's immortal. Still, poor Rath. I hardly ever used you, but still...well, let's live on for his sake as well.
  4. Just amazing, Luigi, can't wait to beta-play it^^ You're doing a great job, keep it on^^
  5. Hey Sensei^^ Merry Christmas and a happy new year^^

  6. Hey Furret^^ Merry Christmas and a happy new year^^

  7. Hey Superluigi, Merry Christmas and a happy new year^^

  8. Hi Astra, Merry Christmas and a happy new year^^ Hope it'll be a good one^^

  9. Merry Christmas and a happy new year^^

  10. Good as ever, sensei o.o Especially the thiefs/rogues catch my eye o.o I definetly should try playing Immortal Sword again
  11. Hi Optimus, just send me the beta-patch whenever you're ready, I'll test it ASAP. Savestates for chapter start and end again?
  12. Yay, a new patch, going to play it right away^^
  13. Looks quite fine, couldn't criticize anything about her. I like the "wavelength" thingy.
  14. I actually used Canas' monocle as a reference, just couldn't do it as I wanted^^" But I'm glade you guys like him. Yeah... I've been trying to totally re-do Exion from scratch, but somehow... I failed. I just noticed while spriting that this is not the sprite that should represent his new image, so I stopped pretty much halfway. Also, there were some errors about his face after "customizing" it a bit... Whatever. I thought you would at least want to see how a sprite looks after I made a custom body (the tunique part is originally from my Zuko-sprite, just the body is full custom) and some minor customizations in his head area: For those who can't remember his original look (or are too lazy to look up), here's the current version (though I'd still like to overwork it, I believe the body seems too bulky for the head): Probably something more interesting: I sprited Kevin's and Carolyn's son (units from my hack-in-progress "Lord of Hatred"), I'm going to sprite his twin or younger sister somewhen soon, and probably his adopted brother (I'm thinking way too much into the future). What to say about him... Kevin has made quite the fortune after the hack, so ?'s (don't know how to call him yet) cloths are not as poorly made as Kevin's were. He gives much about his looks and he doesn't care about money, so he has some higher-class-clothing. He's a bit arrogant at some points, and yeah... that's pretty much all I can say about him at this time. He and his sis didn't inherit their mother's hair color, because Kevin's hair is quite dominant due to his lineage. Yeah... Oh, maybe one interesting point: his eyes are from two different people, guess which ones and which eye belongs to whom XD Edit: forgot I switched Carolyn's and Lena's names.
  15. Huh, he looks quite like a nice, old man. Wouldn't have thought of him as a drinker o.o
  16. Looks very good, your quality can at least keep up with the original, or at some points even surpass it. Either way, you're doing a great job.
  17. ho, revamped tales o.o look nice (and dangerous) XD
  18. Yay, a Karel tale! I'm really looking forward to it, especially how you envision him to become the Sword Saint.
  19. Looks interesting o.o he definitly resembles the armored version of Xemnas. And his keyblade looks awesome o.o
  20. Another .hack-fan? Your Elk looks not bad, though I like the eyes of the first version better^^ I myself tried to make a .hack-sprite once before, though you still can recognize the base character too much <.<
  21. Nice, Luigi^^ I was hoping that there would be some progress soon^^ Just tell me when I shall beta-test it again.
  22. Wow, not bad o.o I really like Ghann, I believe his eyes are Heath's, hair...mixture from old Karel and Klein, face probably Klein, body again a mixture from klein and old karel, shoulder pad a semi-customized klein-pad. Right/Wrong? And Myo looks sweet^^ Very natural, though I think I recognize Eliwood's mother.
  23. The Battle sprites are simply amazing o.o Really, I'd like to see the animations for them o.o The maps look very good as well, very fe-realistic. Couldn't make out any flaws o.o
  24. Wow, Cloud looks awesome o.o I didn't think that it is possible to give Cloud such a realistic looking hair o.o You're great, sensei o.o
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