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Xiltas Crysten

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Everything posted by Xiltas Crysten

  1. Movie? Darksiders possibly (though I heard they are already working in that direction), Assassin's Creed (yet I believe they wouldn't be able to carry over the quality of the games), InFamous, and definitly The Legend of Zelda.
  2. Hey, I just noticed something. When Wil talks to Raven (using the talk-option), he talks like Dan is still missing (as far as I understood), maybe you should correct this, since he's appearing now in Tale 1x. OMG, Dan looks exactly like Dart XD
  3. Yeeeeeeah... Why won't anybody aside from Astra and Dancer write a comment the last month? You know, it's not very motivating u.u I tried to sprite Etzel, and I've put a lot of semi-custom-work in it <.< I've done my best, but... he could look better.
  4. Can we assume that the project is kinda... dead?
  5. Hey, could somebody tell me where to find good Zihark-pics? (Zihart XD) I'm having trouble with finding such ._."
  6. well, better then being bored all the time, right?

    I'm kinda busy right now as well, I had my final exams last month, now I'm looking for a job...

    But I'm still determind to make my projects reality, and I want to do my best to help you as well.

  7. Dancer's was more of my liking, so I made a splice out of his set: Tried to give him some kind of Asia-look, the hair reminds me of a manga-samurai I once saw. Oh, and here's the bandit I made for him. Comments?????????
  8. Grieving for Leslie Nielsen. May he rest in peace.

  9. Yeah... I currently have no good ideas for new sprites, so I was wondering if somebody could give me an idea. Take three mugs of your liking (but they shouldn't be impossible to combine) and I'll try to make a splice. If there are multiple suggestions, I'll take the set I most like. Aside from this, I can only provide you a slightly re-worked Carolyn. I've changed her eyes and the color of her shoulder pad, I think the look fits her.
  10. Noooo... not yet. I pointed out the possibilty that a thirteenth FE will be announced before FE12 would be released outside of Japan.
  11. Hey pal, how are you doing?

  12. Yeah, the topic title says it all. As time passes by, I come more and more to believe that the next FE will be a console game (the console team had the most time to work on it since FE10), and that it will be announced before we get FE12 released in North America and Europe. Over 4 months passed since the Japan release, and aside from the announcement, that it will be released outside of Japan, we didn't hear a thing anymore. I thought they'd speculate on the christmas business, but nothing happens. What's your opinion on this?
  13. Hmm, already guessed the manga was written by a female o.o The story telling and art reminds me very much of Kaori Yuki's style. Still, I like it very much, considering me the emotional part suits FE4 pretty well.
  14. Wow, looks quite good o.o The only thing I'd change (aside from the hair, which you probably wanted to change anyway) is the "cocky" look on his face. A more emotionless look would make him perfect o.o
  15. Hardly anymore, just remember some phrases I can use every now and then^^" @Ken: Yeah... I don't think so. It's pretty hard for not native speaker to learn, there are three articles to determine the gender of an object, but you can't really learn which article belongs to an object, because often there could be several words with the same spelling but different gender, meaning, etc.. When I think about it, even native speakers often have problems with it, so... If you're really interested in German, I'd rather take lessons. But you should never -NEVER- learn French. It's such a satanic language, with exceptions from the norm, and exceptions from the exceptions, and exceptions of the exceptions of the... you get me? I believe, German is at least as hard to learn on your own as Japanese.
  16. @Kev: I can only guess, did you mean "Ich spreche ziemlich gut Deutsch"? Because that sentence makes hardly any sense. What did you want to say in English? Maybe you guessed from this, I'm a native german speaker. Also, I speak English, a bit Latin (some pieces left from two years of school lessons) and French, though I absolutely hate the last one.
  17. I'm with nflchamp. I find it quite unfair that my enemies aren't affected by the FoW, like the have night vision or something. Even if it's not eliminated, at least the enemy should be at a disadvantage too.
  18. Wow, looks great o.o Seems like you're always improving, at least to me
  19. Can't really point it out... I think some of the earlier versions looked more natural too me, sorry if this isn't very helpful <.<
  20. Ishtar looks cool o.o You made a really good semi-custom/splice/awesome mug whatever there^^ Just the right eye (from our view) needs to be fixed a bit.
  21. Athena - 30 Radd - 25 Samto - 0 See you in hell. Malice - 26 Sevr - 30 Kamui - 30 Jersey - 30 Deen - 30 Ayra - 46 Holyn - 33 Lakche - 43 Skasaher - 30 Shannan - 32 Radney - 30 Roddlevan - 30 Eyvel - 34 Shiva - 39 Mareeta - 42 Rutger - 25 Fir - 11 Karel - 20 Lyn - 39 Karla - 30 Eirika - 31 Joshua - 60 Marisa - 38 Zihark - 36 Stefan - 12 Lucia - 17 Edward - 17
  22. Navarre - 28 Athena - 30 Radd - 25 Samto - 30 Malice - 30 Sevr - 30 Kamui - 30 Jersey - 30 Deen - 30 Ayra - 36 Holyn - 30 Lakche - 33 Shannan - 30 Radney - 30 Roddlevan - 30 Eyvel - 30 Shiva - 33 Mareeta - 38 Shanam - 23 Rutger - 30 Fir - 20 Karel - 30 Lyn - 33 Guy - 10 Karla - 30 Eirika - 30 Joshua - 36 Marisa - 36 Mia - 28 Zihark - 33 Coolest Swordmaster ever, and our most favourite furry lover. Stefan - 20 Lucia - 25 She sucks. In a bad way. Edward - 15
  23. Hmm, close^^ Greek mythology, I see... Have you got a Zeus yet? o.o I'd like to see that one o.o
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