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Xiltas Crysten

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Everything posted by Xiltas Crysten

  1. Looks...epic. Can't wait for it's european release (I don't like to import). btw, could anybody tell me which Gundam or Gundam-characters are in AC: R? That's the one for PS3, right? Also, is there also a release date for AC?
  2. Oh, it looks good^^ Have you tried out already if it works? And it's cool that you can make such a perfect map, even though it's merely a "copy".
  3. Is there also a sound or command for the disappearing frame of the rogues?
  4. Good^^ And, you're finished with the game by now?

  5. hey, meteo, finally managed to try out my tip concerning FF XIII?

  6. Looks good o.o Is it Hetzel or Tetzel from FE10?
  7. Well, wanted to try something new and ended up spriting Suko from "Avatar". I've got mixed feelings towards my work, but there's definetly a resemblance to the "real" character. What's your opinion? With a bit less scar: Reference-pic: The hair color is actually custom, although in the end it looks a bit like Noah's. The shading of the scar also proofed to be quite tricky, but I tried my best. Oh yeah, base-body was Shin.
  8. Did I see right o.o Heero, Kira and Shinn in one SRW? Awesome! ...They only one I'm missing is Setsuna ._.
  9. Dude, I have to say you've really grown better in the past few months o.o Sirius looks awesome, Eltoshan is still pretty good and your full-body vocaloid just looks great too o.o
  10. Haar's german name is Darahan. Also, Haar is the german word for "hair".
  11. Hey, I just remembered something o.o A few guys on feuniverse tried to touch up the fe6-characters. I think the thread is down, but someone could ask the spriters if they provide the sprites, or would be willing to sprite some more, if you don't want to just touch up the technical features of FE6 but to touch up the sprites as well^^
  12. The dark grass certainly looks weird. I think it's good as it is right now o.o What I'm especially look forward to (storywise) are Ilia's and Zephiel's tales. The certainly lies some potential within^^
  13. The pairings I found most useful so far are: Lex x Ayra Edin x Jamka Azel x Tiltyu Brigid x Dew Lachesis x Fin/Holyn (I think that the kids inherit Holyns moonlight) Sylvia x Claude (because Corpul is the only character who's useful/less to use Claude's Valkyrie)
  14. Arch, you're a true genius. I can't await to see the rest of the tales^^ (though I'm still struggling with the 3rd).
  15. I play YGO since it was first released in Austria with the first decks of Kaiba and Yugi o.o Since then, I've played lots of the game, and in RL as well, but since some years I haven't really got the chance to play with someone in reality. I haven't found anybody who plays it anymore in my area aside from younger pupils, and it would look stupid for a 19 year-old boy to pick on younger ones with cards <.< I own the latest championship game, but I don't really play Wi-Fi or anything at the moment. There are two decks I use in RL right now (even if I can't play with them), an "Elemental Hero mixture" and a "Six Samurai/mixture" deck, with main spots on warrior-type monsters. The main deck I use in the 2010 championship game also focuses on the Six Samurai, but I found a way to make them even more useful o.o: since the Six Samurai support each other, they are harder to destroy, and this works pretty well for Synchro summons. Try it out, the Six Samurai rock^^
  16. Hmm, not bad^^ It's merely Forde's armor color, and you forgot three people, but nice guess^^ Hair: Matthew, Wil Face: Colm; Eyes: Wil Body: Zeiss(the shoulder plates), Innes (collar), Wil (body itself) The "mark" on Takil's chest is copied from Zeiss as well^^ Well, since he's still attending the academy, he doesn't really need a chestplate yet, the shoulderplates are just for... well, style^^
  17. Looks definetly great, I... can't really say anything else^^" I would offer you my help, but I don't know if I could help you anyhow^^" You don't need sprites, I can't hack... Ah, but I could beta-test the hack for you. I've got some experience in this, and I always try to visit every house, trigger every event and so on, so I could gather you some detailed information if I ever find errors or glitches. If you need somebody like me, I'd be glad to help you. If not, I can just repeat myself: this project is damn good, you're doing a great job.^^
  18. True, yet I'm satisfied with it^^ A new sprite, an inhabitant of Forllorin attendig the wyvern academy of Mymîr (some years after The Lord of Hatred), his name is Takil^^ He is spliced together from many parts, who can find out most of the parts?^^
  19. Frelia's king has still Hayden's sprite, and Carcino... well, I don't think a woman looks like an old man^^" some spelling errors in the prologue, like Emporer, and somehow Felicia has no BS. I suggest you use Eirika's or Lyn's sprite for the moment, as a place holder Oh yeah, and there's some major (?) spelling error in chapter 1. Does Ronald give them 5000 (the amount they received) or 50000 (what you wrote)? When Felicia recruits Shawna, Shawna has the wrong sprite. I believe I should create an error log for you^^"
  20. Q.Q you just broke this little heart of mine
  21. Looks nice, just needs more of my characters XDDD
  22. Is it possible to have units promote at Lv.21 like they do in FE9 and 10? Or is it possible to somehow use (in FE8, at least) the trainee-way to promote, and just automatically promot units during the battle preperations of the chapter after they reached Lv.20? (instead of 10)
  23. I worked a bit on my Aaron-mug, since I had the feeling that he needs some improvement. I used some parts of my "Jinsei"-mug for his new body, I improved the shading on the left hair side a bit, and I tried to make his eyes look a bit older, so one believes that he's in his early thirties.
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