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Posts posted by FEChamper

  1. 17 hours ago, Parrhesia said:

    When you say an axe cavalier - do you mean a fully custom mounted axeman? Or literally just, 'the GBA cavalier, except holding an axe'?

    The second. Literally the one made by PrimeFusion but not formatted for GBA rom hacks.

  2. 44 minutes ago, 1% Critical Hit said:

    I was also searching for FE5 assets some time ago, but I imagined that I would find quite a poor amount of it because of its difficulties to hack.

    I found one tileset for FE4, though...


    If by any chance you come across a FE5 tileset, make sure to thank the person who made it and I'm sorry for not being more helpful.

    That's unfortunate. Was really surprised not to find any rips of those tilesets. I'm sure they're around somewhere. Thanks for this though, I'll probably play around with it.

  3. Can't seem to find any ripped assets from Fire Emblem 5. I'm particularly looking for tilesets. If anyone knows where I can find these and could point me in the right direction please do. I plan to take these assets and scale them to be used in SRPG Studio. Always loved the art of 5.

  4. Is there an official web site or topic treed or something for this project? I mean there is the Immortal Sword web site but that's more focused on the actual game, which is really interesting by the way. Wondering if there is something out there that'll keep me updated on the project primarily. Also is there any news of it being released this year? Or does more time need to be taken.

  5. Well, I've just made a 1-stage game with SRPG Studio with some events (Character recruitment, AI that varies depending on a triggers, shop, town visit rewards, hidden items, ect). It's honestly not an amazing map, but I think it's quite okay. If anyone's curious about playing a relatively basic SRPG Studio map, please give it a try! The link for the thread (with download link) is:


    If you have any comments regarding the map (or anything related to it), please do so in that thread. I don't want to usurp this thread about Kaga's project anymore than I just did!


    klono: Thank you very much about the translation information! That's a wonderful discovery! I unfortunately won't have the time to try it out until next week, but at first glance it looks like exactly what we need!

    I might take you up on your translation offer sometime: I'm having a really hard time understanding a lot of the event triggers. I managed to understand the basic triggers I needed to (For example setting my variables and reading them, checking if a certain unit died or the current turn number), but I honestly have no clue for about 80% of the other ones.

    I have also made an experiment game, this program makes it incredibly easy to make fire emblem like games once you get the hang of it. I'm happy to see someone else enjoying this program as much as I am.

  6. I've bought the full version and translated the entire dictionary (well, used the script command names for most things so there'd be a LOT of polishing to do).

    Result? Better, but still need some improvement.

    The basic unit screen is really good (I didn't translate the staff so it's normal that's still in Japanese):


    The commands (Save game, attack, end turn) ect are all translateable too.

    However, there's still some things that remains in Japanese that I don't know how to change:


    Things like these: Item effects for example, or configuration menus, or some prompts. In theory, we can put a description at the bottom so it's not a deal breaker, but...

    I have not figured out how to translate this part either. For now there does not seem to be a way to do so. In the game it's self that is. I'll let you know if I find a way to translate this.

  7. How flexible, exactly, is this engine? The video showed some solid FE3-style gameplay, but can it handle the complexities from later on in the series, like Rescue, Supports, or even really crazy stuff like Pair Up?

    As of right now there is no rescue or pair up mechanics but are possible thanks to scripts. Tho I am not sure where to find per made scripts from fans nor do I know how to make them atm. If I find out I'll be sure to tell you.

  8. Hello, my name is FEChamper on the internet. But in the real world my name is Spencer, I am a 16 Year old from Canada (Eh) and have a love and passion for Fire Emblem. Which is what the "FE" in my name stands for (Oh wow what a shocker!) I love playing AND making fire emblem games, however I am fairly new to the hacking scene. Uh... That's bout it... I mean... I'm not a very interesting person unless you want to know about my personal life but hahaha you don't. :Canada: :Canada: :Canada: :D So hey!

  9. I'll definitively take all the translations you have to offer FEChamper, thank you! :) Those are very appreciated!

    Talking about translations, here's the most translated I can get things from the user's side:



    So basically, item/class names and all the descriptions in the bottom can be translated... Not bad, but not enough due to the stat labels. If we can change things from the terms editor as you mentioned I think we'd be in business though.

    It should be quite easy. If you don't know how to access the term editor go to the third tab on the top of the program and go down the the forth last option there. You can translate all the Key words such as Strength, Skill, Shop, Village, Ect. Their should be an English code word under it, making it easy to put in and translate. Then all of your states, menus, and almost everything else you need to make your game in English. Hope this helps. If you run into a problem I'll be glad to help as best as I can. I have come quite experienced with the editor for the little time I have had it. Enjoy!

  10. I have played with the program and have translated a few things (Not direct translations, Just what each thing does written in English)


    This is inside the event page, where you make your characters talk to each other and what not through text.


    This is where you make events, such as scripted battles or when the chapter ends.

    Just a bit I have picked up from the program, hope this helps some people out. I know more then this but I was having so much fun with the program I forgot to write down the rest, and I just have it stored in my head. I'll translate other pages I know if anyone wants. EX. Resource page, Unit page, ect.

  11. Your translation is perfectly understandable klono, thank you!

    Does this also apply to things like menus, character stat pages and so on? If so.... I think I might be interested in getting this application and making a specific something with it...

    The Term Editor can basically translates the entire In Game. Tho the editor is still in Japanese and hard to use. You will have to do a LOT of experimenting to found out what each bottom or menu does. I suggest jotting it down in a word document or taking a screen shot and writing what it does next to it. I have gotten the bare basics of the program. Maybe I'll make a post on my current knowledge or wait until I learn more.

  12. After playing around with the program I have discovered there is a term editor that you can easily translate many Key words such as "Attack" or "Continue" inside the program. Under each display word (The Japanese word that shows in the game) there is a English code word, Basically you just write what's under each Japanese word and you have a partly translated game. This will take some time to edit and you will have to do it over again every new project but makes the experience easier until a fan translation comes out.

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