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Posts posted by Blasied

  1. Matthias also gets the sudden pulling sensation that this would be exactly enough to buy a cuirass.

    Surely I can put off drinking for the sake of better armour right? A sober Matthias was not a pretty sight though.

    This shit had better not just slowly rust away like my ringmail was. "Could I get anything out of dumping this old crap on you?" Hopefully even a few bonus coins would sustain his heavy drinking habit for long enough.

  2. Matthias conveniently finished attempting to murder a tree stump outside and walked in on a fistfight. He never did particularly well in fistfights, but he still liked them.

    Mead first though. If the fight took too long he could just throw his empty mug at someone.

  3. Matthias hated political bollocks. Always managed to somehow be annoyingly specific and incredibly vague at the same time. Take out the other guy exactly as specified but you don't really need to know about afterwards in any great detail... What was wrong with just putting some arrows in Errant's eyes anyway. Or an axe in his neck.

    "I'll just be outside getting some axe practice in," he said to no one in particular.

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