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Posts posted by Blasied

  1. Just a sudden surge of interest (which for me is very rare). What made you think "I need to be part of this place"?

    Personally, I jumped in a little over 3 years ago when I was taking large amounts of time off school (I attended 5 days of that term). Even an anti-social prick like me gets lonely. It was good for me, even if I did practically nothing.

    Anyone else feel like sharing?

  2. Matthias had prioritised drinking over anything else the place had to offer so far. This Colt man had the attention of the group leaders and sticking with them would probably be the best way of surviving any trouble. Pretending to pay attention to their planning was a small price to pay for better safety.

    He was getting bored anyway, and starting a barroom brawl for shits and giggles would probably lose him his contract.

  3. Infiltration, not my strongest point. Matthias thought to himself. But I should be better at it than some of these people, at least I have a Dracian face. And that coin purse looks nice.

    Matthias walked over to Jack, who seemed to be in charge here. "I'm Matthias, the mercenary archer Felix mentioned. If you want me, I'm in."

  4. "Right then Felix," Matthias shook his hand, "your friend here seems to be surrounded by desperate mercenaries. I also happen to be a desperate mercenary. I was raised in mercenary work, so no need to give me all the warnings the kids need. If you need another archer, my bow ain't just for show."

  5. Matthias had been sitting in The Proud Wolf for the better part of an hour, glaring at his mead. His attempts to find work had been unsuccessful so far and the inability of the other patrons to start a fight for him to slip in and out of was irritating him. However, the entry of a man with an impressive crossbow had suddenly brought a flurry of other mercenaries that looked like they had found work. The axe carrying loudmouth made this quite obvious.

    Matthias decided to leave the crossbow man to the three other people trying to get hired and instead headed to his longbow carrying friend (Felix, he thought he heard).

    "That's a good bow," Matthias said, "d'you get to use it much?"

  6. Whenever I play a Tellius FE, I deliberately kill Mist.

    And I still haven't gotten around to playing any of the SNES Fire Emblem's despite how much I know I should.

    And I hate pegasus knights. Outside of a themed playthrough or PMU, I refuse to use them.

    What shall my punishment be, dear overlords?

  7. Now that everyone should know that Varon died, here comes the replacement character.

    Name: Matthias Kyre

    Sex: Male

    Nationality: Bernician

    RPer: Blasied

    Age: 22

    Appearance: Tall and of average build. Short grey hair. Noticeably Dracian facial structure and dark blue eyes from his father. Bernician luck charm pierced into his right ear.

    Personality: Casually violent, doesn't hesitate to throw a punch at anyone that pisses him off. He is sociable, if a bit grim, towards anyone that isn't in his shit list.

    Backstory: Son of two mercenaries (a Dracian archer and a Bernician warrior) he leaned how to fight from a young age. Whenever one parent was off on a contract, the other would teach him how to use their weapon of choice. Eventually, Matthias came to favour archery. When he was competent enough he started to do jobs with his parents. Since then, all three have been wandering the borders in search of conflicts to be hired into. He got separated from his parents during a recent contract and has given up on finding them. Now he's just doing what he knows, looking for fights to join and get some money.

    Class: Archer

    Level: 1

    Attributes: Str 7 Sta 4 Dex 9 Agi 5

    Skills: Power Shot and Suppressive Fire.

    Equipment: Greatbow, broadaxe and ringmail.

    Now taking bets about how long this guy will last.

  8. [spoiler=West] So this is what happened to Lena was Varon's last thought before he hit the ground, lifeless.

    OOC: I will be waiting until my death is revealed outside of spoiler tags to make my replacement character, so as not to make things obvious for the one or two people who don't metagame.

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