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Posts posted by Blasied

  1. Varon ran a quick mental assessment when he saw the new face.

    "Looks like Jack and Jacqui have found yet another wandering sword-arm. Looks confident. That means more time spent running around patching people up." Instead of vocalising these thoughts, Varon just set the door upright against the wall so that people wouldn't trip over it.

  2. Varon got to work making making the poultices while Gretel was rambling, being sure to use any helpful knowledge instantly. When he was done, he started replying with as much of his own knowledge as he could, mostly about growing conditions and cutting techniques for different herbs.

    "Oh, young maester. Would you happen to have any medicinal herbs for this wounded old man? I fear I have been taken from my priory, and as a man of the stars, I have no money on me. Pray tell, child, would you spare?"

    Varon looked away from his conversation with Gretel to see the gibbering man from the other group.

    "Oh, you. Well yes I do have medicinal herbs now that I've restocked. But you don't seem to be injured."

  3. Varon loosened the tight grip he had on his bag when Nick and his crew left. He had been sitting on the stairs since the rolling.

    "We should get our essential supplies before any more excitement happens." He gave Jack a small piece of cloth. "Keep that pressed against the cut and hope nothing nasty develops. Necks and injuries do not mix well."

    EDIT: Typos.

  4. Varon had spent most of his waking hours since dawn sitting on the edge of his bed with a notable headache. The promise of gold brought him downstairs, hopefully he could get some better armour and resupply his healing salves. When he could, he grabbed the dice.

    The rolls

    There went that idea. He could always request the spare change to get his supplies.

  5. I'm going to be away for about a week due to HSC exams and the mental deterioration that they bring. Have fun guys. That was the plan, but I seem to be physically incapable of staying off the internet. Participation will stay as normal.

  6. "As if there were a shadow wrapping around my body."

    "I hear that. Mortality's a bitch, especially when it's kicking you as hard as it has been for us," Varon said as he downed the very welcome drink that Jacob bought. "I need an early night. You got enough for a room Jacob? I'm completely out."

  7. Varon, having run out of poultices and being dangerously low on bandages, desperately needed a sizable quantity of alcohol to comfort him and the wounds (physical and mental) he had been trying to walk off. After about three ales he finally noticed the members of the supply group. They looked intact and in fairly good spirits.

    This caused Varon's left eye to twitch.

  8. Varon wiped some unwelcome tears away with a blood coated hand. Feeling that he was receiving very good advice, he took a few steps back to get behind the safety of the frontliners before attending to some of his gashes.

    Varon used poultice on himself.

    Varon recovers 8HP and is on 22.

    "Jacob, get over here and I'll tend to you!"


  9. Typing error, accidentally put Hurst as having lower HP. Currently, assuming you were attacking Bywater, who Jordan fired at.

    (not sure how you were able to huck a firebomb that distance, but I never said you couldn't, so I guess that slides)

    OOC: Righto, sorry about that. Post edited.

  10. Natasha, bench connoisseur extraordinaire, was thoroughly displeased with the conditions she found herself in. This bench was simply dreadful. The supply wagon started moving again, meaning that Eirika had stopped sulking about not getting the gold star. The motion gave Natasha an idea. "Travel, adventure..." she thought to herself, "I shall embark on a quest to find a better bench!" She got out off the bench to confront her new-found destiny.

    Upon leaving the wagon, Eirika instantly conscripted her. "I saw you earlier," Eirika snarled, "with your fancy stick and all. Guess what! You are not Moulder and your punishment for not being Moulder will be CRUEL and UNFORGIVING! JOSHUA, COME HERE!" The myrmidon and current MVP of the group came running at his master's call. Eirika glued them together. "You will perform all your healing duties while attached to my whirlwind of pointy death!"

    Natasha already regretted not being Moulder and the fighting hadn't even started yet.

    When the fighting did start, Eirika took out the two enemies in the north-west and then sat around picking her nose and watching everyone else try to level up a bit. Ross had taken it as his solemn duty to provide as much EXP as possible for Natasha and was charging into far too many enemies at a time without any regard for the concept of dodging. The lucky bastard somehow lived.

    Upon Lute's first level up (HP sauce) Natasha heard the fabled Sigh come from the house to the south. Seth and Franz told ghost stories about it. It all seemed kind of silly really.

    When Eirika woke up from her small nap, she saw that the enemy had been routed and no one had died this time. All she had to do was seize the gate of the fortress. "Oh yes," she thought to herself. "This will make up for the castle I lost at Renais, if only Ephraim could see me now."

    While she was fantasizing about Ephraim on his knees, begging for recognition from the undisputed main character, Orson ran out the gate. Eirika peered inside. Her fortress was filled with enemies.

    She had to do some more work.

    A blood vessel in one of her eyes exploded.

    Continuing later, but for now...


    NAME     LVL   CLASS    HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Rank
    Eirika   13    Lord     23  8   17  17  11  7   5   B Swd
    Ross     8     Pirate   30  14  9   9   13  7   4   B Axe
    Lute     6     Mage     22  10  9   11  9   4   8   B Anm
    Joshua   10    Myrmidon 27  11  15  17  8   6   3   B Swd
    Natasha  2     Cleric   19  3   5   8   7   4   6   D Sta
    Garcia   4     Corpse              DEAD            
    Moulder  7     Corpse              DEAD
    Gilliam  11    Corpse              DEAD
    Neimi    5     Corpse              DEAD             

    Ross was given a book, Natasha was given a shield.

    This chapter's levels were:

    Ross; +HP, STR, SPD, RES

    Lute; +HP

    Ross; +HP, SKL, LUK

    Joshua; +SKL, SPD

    Ross; +HP, LUK

    Lute; +SPD, RES

    Natasha; +HP, MAG, SKL, LUK

    Lute; +MAG, LUK

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