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Posts posted by Blasied

  1. As someone who couldn't give a flying fuck about turncounts and would rather focus on a "minimum frustration" playstyle, Alan and Lance are very useful. They require a bit of attention but they at least have the decency to join at the start of the game (where it is acceptable to not be breezing through everything). When they grow a bit (and get some supports from each other) they're great.

    I give both of them 9.5/10 (after a +.5 bias point for both of them because I like Christmas Knights)

  2. On a subject other than mask guy, I looked at the character artwork again and saw that Frederick and Sol look incredibly similar.

    Fred:frederick.jpg Sol:006.jpg

    Similar appearance is not usually coincidental in works of fiction. I have no artistic eye, but the only real difference I can see is the facial expression. Any thoughts about these guys?

  3. Probably the most balanced early game prepromote in an official FE game. Fucking godsend in early game (because Alance haven't gotten up to speed yet) and remains worthy of a deployment slot at least until you get Percival. Then he dwindles a bit but his contributions shall always be remembered for without Marcus, Roy would have died like the prat he is.


  4. On paper he looks decent. Low bases but decent growths should make for a balanced lord, right? Unfortunately enemies are almost competent in this game and Roy has a very high chance of getting fucked by the RNG. And who came up with the bright idea of a promotion just before chapter 22 in a 25 chapter game? At this point his only saving grace is the sword of seals but my paranoia about ultimate weapons breaking keeps it from getting used much.

    Also, I kinda don't like him.

    4.25, -.5 bias, 3.75

  5. Hope you don't mind I join

    Username: weso12

    Character Name: Marindo

    Replacing Character: Belf

    2nd Choice: Leiden

    3rd Choice: Robert

    Starting Class: Dark Mage

    Starting Level: 16

    Starting Inventory: Elfire, Fire, Vulnerary

    Starting Weapon Skill Levels: Tome C rank


    HP: 12/ 50%

    Str: 1/ 0%

    Mag: 6/ 50%

    Skl: 10/ 15%

    Spd: 12/ 20%

    Luck: 3/5%

    Def: 4/ 20%

    Res: 5/40%

    Portrait: As Etzel

    Mini-Portrait: As Etzel


    Any Errors let me know

    It might not an error, but you have 8 points remaining that can be spent on base stats. If you don't want to use them feel free to disregard me.

  6. You probably deserved it if your parents really called you a failure. Sometimes you need to actually wake up and stop being so self entitled.

    Whoa, what the fuck? Where did that come from? You ever heard of something called a supportive parent? Believe it or not, it is more likely for a person to improve if they are told "You can improve" rather than just being labeled as a failure.

    Seriously, what the fuck?

  7. You guys really do approach things like this like idiots. *sigh*

    Blazer, ever heard of a PM? Wouldn't kill you, posting a topic was unnecessary.

    Also, I pray hope that you do something about the guy who posted this too, cause it's just pathetic, not to include pointless, unnecessary and essentially flaming;

    Wait, you SERIOUSLY thought you could get away with this?

    let me tell you something

    lean in real close


    FU(K YOU








    You people are funny. Still reckon this should have just been done behind the scenes, mass thefts or second/continuous offenses are more the thing for public conversation, but a first offense, an obvious one, should really have been dealt with quickly and a ton more efficiently.

    Also, bad day for Link.

    To the bolded section, I refer to you what Blazer said a full 2 hours before your comment.

    @Celice & TBA, I didn't know if it was his for sure since I'm not too familiar with sprites and I don't have time to go chasing people around so I took the second step first, it's enough of a waste of a time for me to look into this just so I can have the guy remove it or whatever, going through the best process to finding a solution would be like torture. Maybe if I had 6 more hours in a day... >___>

    As to your problems with what Furet said, you have walked into a topic, called Blazer an idiot for not handling this a different way (which he has already explained) then pointed at Furet and said "Don't be rude. Someone do something about his behaviour," when you have been just as insulting as he was. He was just more direct (and a bit over the top) and you picked your words carefully to seem less insulting.

  8. Sometimes, it really is for the best that we are harsh on new people IMO. Remember Tellius Roamers? If he had stayed any longer the anger would have made the world spontaneously combust.

    I never experienced any of this harshness as a newbie (at least, I don't remember any) but I am not exactly a familiar face to most of you even now (or so I think). My fear of giving my opinion when not personally and directly asked for has kept me out of the spotlight.

  9. Pulling up the 20/20 stats is a very bad argument as is saying that grinding makes the trainees good. As has been stated before anyone becomes good with sufficient grinding. The truly good units are the ones that DO NOT need it in the first place. I'm sure the argument of "LTC isn't fun" has been brought up before and I will agree. LTC isn't my cup of tea. You know what else isn't fun? Grinding. It is incredibly boring to play Valni floor 1 multiple times just to get a few scrubs up to scratch so that they can stop being deadweight, or building your powerhouses (eg Seth and Franz) up so that you can trivialise an already easy game.

    As for stats, FE8 is an incredibly short game. Nobody is reaching 20/20 in that main story, especially not Amelia or Ewan, unless we decide to drain all challenge that was in the game with the unlimited exp pool. And yes, Str/Mag and Spd ARE the most important stats. Luck is a largely superfluous stat and resistance is only important for a very small number of endgame chapters (ie Ch 18 and maybe 20) so leads there mean almost nothing. Offense and evasion are very important to any FE game and take a guess at which stats help the most in achieving high quantities of those.

    Some advice. Study your environment before you make a post. Spouting bullshit is generally generally frowned upon here.

  10. That may be but perhaps they can at least be changed to 1's or something?

    It's just odd claiming that a unit has absolutely no use in a STRATEGY game like FE. >_>

    Give us a situation in which not having Nino actually notably hurts the team's performance and I may change my zero rating. Just especially for you.

  11. I'm back.

    I was really harsh on Dart for requiring training at a point where I just don't want to be bothered with units that need sheltering. Looking back, I should have been a bit nicer.

    I have a really slow playstyle but using Nino is just too much of a hassle. What do you even get out of it? By the time she's reached the potential that everyone loves banging on about you have half a chapter left in the game. AT MOST. With favouritism she can be quite good then but why bother when Erk and Lucius (and maybe Canas) have been "good enough" for the entire game. And Pent has been ready for endgame since you got him. That's already more magic users than you'll ever need, so why should I frustrate myself by adding another, incredibly weak one to the team?

    Side note: I haven't even played HHM. Keeping her out of the way in EHM when she was forced was enough work for me. I'm not going to hamper my fun by using her and giving her special treatment.


  12. All good things come to an end. On the other hand, I'm sure my reputation as a conservative SOPA-mongerer will persist well past the natural lifespan of this topic. And I embrace it :newyears:

    And this is why we can't have nice things.

    Furet, your hope in humanity is officially dead.

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