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Posts posted by Blasied

  1. Well, it really is just a shadow of its former self now.

    Nostalgia is a serious disease that causes people to have unrealistic delusions about the quality of the past.

    If you or anyone you know shows symptoms of nostalgia, please contact a doctor immediately and distance yourselves from others. Nostalgia is highly contagious and long term effects of nostalgia include becoming an old man with no love for the world of today.

    Let's work together to help stop the nostalgia epidemic before it's too late.

  2. Getting better, getting better, Varon thought as the archers fell. We're adequately patched up, keep us alive the other way.

    Varon attacks Astrelle.

    Varon rolls 19

    Varon hits. (Not much is dodging that.)


    Astrelle takes 5 damage. Astrelle has 11 Hp remaining

    Not as effective as he was hoping for. Maybe some fire would have been better...

    OOC: Courtesy of my own d20.

  3. Bad starting stats and equipment (a steel axe, with that con?) and by the time you find his promo item you've also found Hawkeye, who I like more. Can grow well enough if you try but I mostly don't bother with units who need training that don't join early. Would have preferred it if Fargus joined. 2.75/10

  4. Rine was still having an argument with the fog. Looks like he refuses to work under these conditions. Doop

    Varon chuckled lightly at Selina's orders. "I'll try not to, but our competence isn't exactly inspiring." He then continued to follow Selina's "no dying" demand by healing himself. Again.

    Varon used Poultice

    Varon regains 8 HP

    Varon has 26 HP remaining

    OOC: It's been 30 (derp, I can't count) hours since Furet's post. I believe I have the right to take my action now.

  5. After a quick mental debate about whether to attack or patch himself up, Varon's cowardice led him to not jump to the front lines and bash the brutes with his mace. Varon yanked the arrow out of his flesh and quickly applied a poultice to the wound.

    Varon uses poultice

    Varon recovers 8 hp

    Varon has 30 hp

  6. GAH! Just noticed that Jachart's dead. Please keep track of these things guys.

    "Stay away!" Varon shouts at the closest warrior (Garth) and throws down a FIRE BOMB.

    Garth's Evade: 6-2-5= -1

    Varon hits!

    Garth takes 2 DMG

    Garth has 26 HP left!

    OOC: Courtesy of my own d20's. Also, if the terrain is flammable LET IT BURN!

    EDIT: Okay, I think I understand stuff now. Sorry for being thick. Also, change of target. Please keep a record of remaining health or I will end up attacking dead people.

  7. "O-okay. I can h-handle stenches if it h-helps us get out." Damn, he hadn't even said anything and suddenly everyone wanted him to set fire to everything. All he had to do was start a fire significant enough to be considered more important than they were without endangering the group with an uncontrollable blaze that couldn't be outrun. No pressure at all.

  8. Varon released a whimper of agreement to Selina's suggestion. The equipment he was currently cradling in his bag was absolutely useless for the current situation. The last thing the group wanted was a big fiery sign shouting WE'RE OVER HERE!

  9. Varon walked over to the three chatty people. Two female rogues, Hazel and the other one and one male archer, Diray. Of course the supply run would attract the sneaky, underhanded types. Still, better introduce yourself to them. he thought. Might be useful if they thought of you as more than just their sacrificial meat-shield.

    "Hello. I'm Varon. I'll be responsible for patching you guys up when everything ends up in the shit." Couldn't you have used something other than the routine introduction? asked a voice inside his head. Unless you want them to actually find out his name before we die than no, routine introduction will have to be used. Otherwise he'll keep stammering his head off to no avail and communicate nothing, said the other voice.

    Varon yawned.

  10. Varon's thoughts were interrupted by the realisation that everyone else was practically ready to move out. The quartermaster was looking at him with an expression that said "well, you going to get anything?" Varon already had his crossbow, armour and apothecary equipment but he lacked any melee weapons. Varon admitted defeat to the quartermaster’s glaring and took the nearest mace. He was familiar with shovels but this was notably smaller as well as heavier. I hope this won't see much use, he thought. Just seeing broken faces was bad enough, I don't want to cause some as well. He stifled a retch at the memories of his first taste of battle, a taste that he was now going to have to get used to if he wished to live.

    He silently shuffled off to the supply group. Maybe a show of flame would keep enemies away if it came to that.


    Leather Armour: 1 AC

    Crossbow (2H): 4 MT, 5 HIT

    Mace (1H): 4 MT, 3 HIT (BACKUP)

  11. Varon, who had just finished burning all traces of Castria off his items, agreed to go on the supply run. He didn't say it but he thought that a fiery distraction might be helpful in diverting attention away from the group. That and he had no desire to be anywhere near the noisy knights and their arguments about honour and social standing.

  12. I like making characters so, regardless of my activity levels, let's go.

    Name: Varon

    Sex: Male

    Nationality: Castrian

    RPer: Blasied

    Age: 26

    Appearance: Tall but otherwise fairly generic. His longish brown hair is perpetually tied into a ponytail. Bearded. Somewhat intimidating to look at. Usually looks tired.

    Personality: He's actually a mild mannered pushover who rarely speaks to others. The closer you get to know him however, the more of a jerk he becomes because he feels he knows you well enough to stop putting on social airs to make a good impression. Likes plants. And fire.

    Backstory: The only son of a farming family, tiring work was never foreign to him. His history with plants led him to seek out the village apothecary when he was required to become an apprentice to someone (go out, get a job, see the world, meet a girl and MAKE US SOME DAMN MONEY!) He cut a lot of herbs in his work and became very precise with his hands and eyesight. However his boss had no clue how to manage money and the last job Varon was ever given from him was to burn down the apothecary to claim insurance money. Finding himself out of a job he went back home to the loving embrace of his family who were so overjoyed to see him again that they immediately dragged him off to the army to keep getting them a steady income. Since his joining, several small fires started happening throughout the army buildings, although no one ever found out precisely how they started or why the plants never burned. Varon quickly distanced himself from the over-eager fighting types to become a medic. In a pinch he could always be relied upon to burn the wound shut if nothing else had worked. Five hours after he was deployed into the war zone, Varon saw his first corpse. This prompted him to run for the hills which led him into the current situation.

    Class: Apothecary

    Level: 1

    Attributes: Str 5/Sta 8/Dex 8/Agi 4

    Skills: Offensive (Weak Firebombs)

    Equipment: Standard issue leather armour, generic crossbow, apothecary stuff (healing poultices, FIRE BOMBS)


  13. I don't think an apology from seph would mean much right now. He admits that it wasn't a good thing to do but he seriously believes that the ends justify the means. An apology without any sincerity behind it is worthless because nothing actually changes.

    EDIT: And now a surprisingly sincere looking apology has happened. I hope my cynicism was just getting the better of me here.

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