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Posts posted by fireemblemcai

  1. seems like i cant add, the turnscounts are fixed

    i experimented with going batres route but the game locks up again on the cutscene when miledy carries guineviere

    across the river. skipping the cutscene with enter still results in the game locking up

    it looks like nightmare editing is the only way to go although im unsure as to how to do that

    also im ok with banning warp

  2. chapter 9 turns (7/77)


    scott is a man.

    had to restart the first time because i got to scott... and none of my characters could do any dmg at all to him

    i was in full panic mode and thought my run was over.

    Then i looked through my units and realized i had a manakete jerrot with divinestone

    turns out marcus could also use the divine stone and he one shot scott


  3. chapter 8x turns (7/70)

    everyone headed left while marcus headed north just to kill some stuff for exp. Marcus also got his 3rd hp only level in a row

    wyvern rider treck then ferried wade/roy/chad across the chasm. this process was sped up a lot by having a dancer

    wade and chad fought to the throne with roy following

    henning was a nomadic trooper but chad was the superior nomad..

    had to rig a crit with killer bow chad but i mean i had 2 shots at 30% each so i dont really feel bad about it

    team as of now:

    roy, shaman lvl 4.81 19hp/3mag/7skill/6speed/2luck/7def/7res

    chad, nomad lvl 15.0 34hp/15str/10 skill/18 speed/12 luck/5def/3res

    wade, cavalier lvl 15.14 35hp/12str/10skill/10speed/9luck/10def/3 res

    Marcus manakete lvl 5.4 38hp/4str/6skill/10speed/0luck/2def/11 res

    treck, wyvern rider lvl 7.04 8str/9skill/12 speed/6 luck/8def/0res

    astore bard, stats for these guys kinda dont matter..

    bors bard

  4. chapter 7 turns (10/45)

    this chapter was a real pain to recruit zealot who would then recruit treck but then somehow keep zealot out of combat.

    marcus also couldnt double the cavs and they were a pain to kill

    i also had to restart this one twice right in front of the throne because the first time the reinforcenments at the throne showed and killed me (i forgot they were there)

    and the second time was rlly heartbreaking when roy came up one space short of the throne and i had to restart the whole thing since the reinforcements would kill me

    basically the strategy had been chad roy and wade went to get treck and zealot while marcus cleared a path to the gate

    merilnus went village hopping and zealot did some shopping

    chapter 8 (18/63)

    Yay astore joins so double the dancing fun now!

    this chapters rlly long and windy :/ took forever to just get across the map

    gave some chest keys i bought last chapter from the shop to merilnus and treck

    kinda just fought through to the throne, not rlly much to say about that

    merilnus went and got the chests in the middle of the map while treck flew to the bottom and got those chests

    boss was a 19 armour general sitting on the throne >_> but i managed to kill him with armourslayer wade and marcus

    good news! barth was a shaman carrying nosferatu so roy has a weapon now! bad news! roy only has D rank magic...

  5. chapter 5 turns (3/31)

    marcus gets danced turn 1 and opens gate and kills people and the boss

    this took me quite a few resets to figure out how to 3 turn it

    either roy or marcus kept getting blocked at the gate resulting in a 4 turning

    on the one try i finnally figured it out and wade gets a crit (go figure) and i 3 turned it

    Chapter 6 turns (4/35)

    marcus gets danced t1 and kills one of the mages at the top of the ramp

    everyone else follows

    t2 marcus chad and wade all kill one of the soldiers

    t3 i actually had to reset my first attempt because the boss with a theif and apparantly could move from the throne

    and also steal the firestone off marcus, i have marcus give chad the stone and everyone moves further up

    t4 chad hits the boss with his bow and marcus moves in the slot infront retrades the firestone and kills the boss

    roy gets danced and seized

    roy also broke the one flux he had chapter 3 or so i believe and has been basically just a seize-bot since

  6. ok so lets get started!

    ch 1 turns (5/5)

    mamkete marus only has 5 move and he starts at the back of the army :(

    both roy and marcus have 5 con so roy couldnt get carried

    def couldve done this in 4 turns if marucs had 1 more con or a better starting position

    other then that marcus rolled over everyone, got danced once or twice, and roy seized

    ch 2 turns (8/13)

    cavalier wade joins the fray!

    marcus and roy clears the brigands turns 1 and 2 and moves for throne

    wade holds on the fort for a couple turns and gets a crappy hp and skill only lvl up

    everyone then goes for the throne together and marcus kills the boss

    ch 3 turns (9/22)

    ok i def couldve shaved some turns off this if i had marcus go with the main group to the throne

    but i was curious to what items lugh had so i had him go north and everyone else goes for the throne

    turns out lugh only had a halberd but wade got 2 speed lvl ups (its a miracle!) so i didnt think it was worth resetting

    to cut a couple turns. Nomad Chad also joins the party and gets fed some kills and gets some epic levels

    ch 4 turns (6/28)

    everyone goes to the middle and gets throne. turn 4 nomad chad split from the group to get the angelic robe

    marcus was danced a few times and killed a bunch of cavs and the boss. missed rutger and his items

    because i finished the map b4 he spawned

    team members as of ch 5


  7. 46790910b1.png

    holy crap just looked at my marcus... thisll be fun

    also any possibility of playing on hard mode? i feel like the units we pick would be equal to

    or most likely better than the ones in the actual game

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