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Posts posted by lilin08

  1. Pretty sure IS isn't fully endorsing incest, since the Nohrian and Hoshidan siblings can't S support amongst themselves, only with Kamui and Aqua. So it's probably just gonna end up being the whole "you are not related to either side" deal. Let's not jump to conclusions until we have more info on the A+ support and the plot.

    I agree. We need people to calm down for a moment. It is not clear what the whole picture is so there's no need to push down your opinion upon others when all info are not clearly proven. Of course, we are discussing on what we know so far.

    ^ If Kamui isn't related to the Hoshido family by blood then why in the hell would he/she betray the family that he grew up with for another nation?

    There is still a possibility that it a midway reveal on the Hoshido path. Afterall, if an author reveal the twist in their story would people still bother to read their book?

  2. I've got my eye on Marx, personally. Then Leo. Maaaybe boooooth! Gonna be pretty bummed out if I can't make it happen.

    They could always go the "Companion" route and be like, "Oh, this future child you found is adopted and raised by you two. Weird that it looks like both of you, but it isn't like you had a baby together. Because reasons."

    I'd rather marry them though.

    Silas seems like a really popular character at the moment lol. I mean, obviously, seeing as he's just too cute <3.

    I hope we can marry Leon and Marxander though. They're cute too <3.

    I prefer Marx as well. I wish S-ranking them would be possible. C: I guess we will find out once it is release next week.

    I don't think that would be fair to the Hoshido side, because those siblings are blood-related, so you're probably not going to be able to romance them. But under this situation, you'd allow the player to marry four of the prominent characters on one side, but not the four major characters from the other side. I can imagine people saying stuff like, "I want to marry Hinoka too!" I mean, I remember a lot of people wanted to marry Hinoka when the first trailer came out.

    You got a point as well. I guess it's unfair for those who want to marry Kamui's siblings. I really want to pair up my unit with Ryouma and Takumi but oh well...

    At least there are Silas, Jacob, Zero and Tsubaki, which I hope S-rank are possible.

  3. I want to name Kamui with a Western name before but when it was known they are from the Hoshido side, I have decided to name them with Japanese name instead.

    I haven't decided yet but I'll probably decide one or two months before the NA release. C: Sor far, I like Chiharu,Chiyo and Izumi for female names while Chiaki or Minoru for male.

  4. Thank you for taking the time to translate these things for us. This gave me second thoughts on selling my old 3ds unit ( I have a new 3ds) and get the two games so that I could do streetpass with myself. XD I get only few streetpasses here where I live, unless I have to go to streetpass events in some areas.

  5. It is quite pain waiting for a long time but I agree with shadowofchaos. Translating one language from another takes a long process (let alone four other languages). You can't just translate and leave it at that. You also need to take into account how certain character say a certain dialogues and the transalators need to convey the different scenarios in the context that the gamer or reader (in the case of books) could understand.

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