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Everything posted by Life

  1. Yes but that's not proof of anything aside from consensus. ​Once upon a time, 97% of scientists believed that the sun revolved around the earth.
  2. http://louderwithcrowder.com/california-anti-trump-rioting/ ​It's almost as if you endlessly call people bigots and racists, they're going to get fed up and turn on you. In the absence of evidence of racism, Ana must clearly be racist. I'm backing Ana on this one. You guys are kinda unbelievable.
  3. Down for death penalty but it needs reform. Like expediency. Andrew Klavan has a really good idea for how to do it. Anyone sentenced to death has three people who work on his case for a full year. As in that is their only job. Their job is to find a way to exhonerate the person and nothing more. If he is not exhonerated by the 365th day, then the sentence is carried out that day. ​Some crimes simply require the death penalty in order to help the society heal from the sheer brutality of the crime. Case in point: Paul Bernando and Karla Homolka.
  4. So forcing me at the end of a gun to accept your position on how to fix the environment is fine? This is why I vote against stuff like Carbon taxes.
  5. And if they do? You're making the assumption that they won't change their votes. It's a good assumption based on precedence but it's not certain. In the meantime, campaigning in the top 50 cities means that even if everyone else votes against me and only those 50 cities vote for me, I win due to numbers.
  6. I think that legislating "care for the environment" is silly and it is simply more effective to promote science and just self-responsibility to care about the environment.
  7. Not denying that climate change exists. ​I am doubtful, however, that the government is the only thing that can stop global warming. Like Carbon taxes, for example.
  8. Great. So I'll just campaign in the 50 biggest cities in the country and nothing else. That should give me majority of the people. Top 10 cities account for almost 10% of the country's population alone.
  9. It seems to me that you have more of a problem with democracy itself than the electoral college. You're basically saying that the individual person's vote is inconsequential to the majority. ​If that's not your point, feel free to correct me.
  10. I want a source for the second point. ​As for the removal of the electoral college, it means that higher population centers have much more of a say than rural areas. If the vast majority of a city (with a pop of 1 million) votes one way, then the entirety of the rural area is discounted if their pop totals up to about 100,000. The cities would dictate the policies in its entirety. ​Here's a good way to explain it. States like ND, SD and Wyoming don't have big cities in them. Without the electoral college (or even a riding system), their votes quite literally count for nothing because the 8.5 million people in NYC alone out-number them. I don't see that as a fair system.
  11. I'm not scared. I'm happy. "Well Life, of course you're happy! You're a right wing populist who is full of hate and bigotry!" ​I think it should go without saying that I'm not (the bigot comment is subject to debate regarding my stance on transgenders but I have never stated nor believed that they don't have rights). What I am is part of the Israeli working class (I have been a line cook for almost 3 years) and we feel the same (the only difference is that our right wing populist literally spits on conservatism) as the American/Canadian/British working classes. What I am is a conservatarian (conservative with libertarian leanings) who feels that the government isn't receptive to my needs. The government doesn't exist to fellate itself. It exists to govern the people and is answerable to the people. So when someone like Donald Trump or Marie La Penn lets us air our grievances, do you really blame us for doing so? When the media constantly puts out pieces that excoriate the working class and tell us that we are bigots and backwards for our opinions, why shouldn't we rail against the media? You don't have to agree with my principles. That leaves room for debate and much of it is productive on both ends. But understand when we believe that the government and media work hand in hand against what we believe is our own interests, we won't capitulate to it and we will give them the finger in the strongest way possible: With our votes. Dave Rubin tweeted something vitally important which explains why Trump won. He actually gets it. "It's almost as if you endlessly call people racists and bigots they'll eventually get fed up and turn on you." That's what we did. We turned on you. My rant against political correctness (in the Race to the White House thread) should have pointed it out but a lot of you dismissed it out of hand. I personally have been trying to take myself out of this forum because this place has gotten pretty toxic but I haven't been able to do so since I'm a bit of a glutton for punishment. ​We are not evil. We are just tired of being called evil. So we struck back and did it in the most fair way possible. By voting. If anything, respect the fact that we went the legal way instead of going straight to violence. We don't hate you. We just want our voices to also be heard. That's why the middle finger feels so sweet even though we had to knowingly bargain our souls to do so. Sorry for the soapbox. But I needed to get that off of my chest.
  12. It doesn't. That's why California is worth 55 electoral votes (20% of the electoral votes needed to win presidency) while a state like Kansas is worth 6 votes (2% of the electoral votes). archives.gov states that the electoral votes are distributed based on the census. It quite literally is the best system available since every state is worth its weight in votes. I don't get the argument against the electoral college at all.
  13. You're the first person who has actually said yes to that question. Everyone else has ignored the hypocrisy in their opinions. ​If you look at the map as per US district, you'll see that it was almost entirely red with only city areas being blue. Removing the electoral college would cut out those people's voices.
  14. Then urban cities make up policies for the rest of the country without the electoral college. At least this way, a state like Nebraska or Arkansas can in theory have some say. ​I find it funny that you're complaining about the election system only after the election because it was the result that you didn't want. I've always thought that it was much better in the US than it is here in Israel (which has allowed Bibi to stay in power for 9 freaking years due to creating coalitions). Serious question. If Trump lost the electoral college but won the popular vote, would you be saying that he should be President? I personally don't think you would. I know that I wouldn't.
  15. She also lost 10 million Democrat voters since 2008. Clinton should only blame herself for this one.
  16. I'm watching the Canadian Conservative Leadership Race debate right now and one of the questions was about the environment. ​I'm of the opinion that yeah, global warming exists. And I also think that government measures will pretty much do jack shit for environment concerns. Right now, the Keystone Pipeline is a huge discussion point in Canadian politics. ​Ever spoken to someone who works in fracking? The vast majority of them are environmental scientists and don't want to screw the environment. And oil (well, crude be honest) is vital to the world and creates less pollution than current "green" options which still require oil in the first place. Hell, one of the candidates in the race is a geo-physicist and he says the exact same thing. I don't believe that government will solve any issues with the government. And it seems silly to think that government can "solve" global warming.
  17. Absolutely. ​I'm being told that I should be ashamed of myself because the world is burning around me. Clearly, y'all (and I mean both here and Facebook) missed the point.
  18. I know. And it feels SOOOOOOOOOOO good. ​I'm being told that I should be ashamed for laughing while the world burns around me. Clearly, y'all clearly don't get it.
  19. Actually, I want to change something. Based on the reaction I've been getting on Facebook and everyone here, there is one thing I do want to gloat about. This middle finger? It feels fucking fabulous. It is so very sweet and I didn't know how good it could possibly feel. And I say that knowing full well that Conservatism may have died last night. ​But we planted ourselves in the ground and made our stand. We told you to fuck off and your reaction is to cry. And watching those tears as a result of what we fought against just makes this great to enjoy for right now.
  20. At age 25, it goes like this: - Rent - Cigarettes - Drugs (alcohol and weed for the most part, cocaine every now and again) - Snacks (for munchies) - Other That's the list in order.
  21. Well, you're petty. ​I've said it before. You are the dictionary definition of the regressive left. I bet you think that the straight white man should be extinct because Lena Dunham said it. ​Take it from someone who waffled on Trump and finally threw in for him. I was excoriated here for it. And yet, I don't see a reason to rub it in because it was Trump. ​Feel free to call me a "Deplorable" and to prove my point of why Trump won.
  22. But yours is disputed on whether it was dirty or not. Mine was "well, we fucked up but you're the Bills so fuck you and we want you to continue to be a joke".
  23. False. ​My dad has worked in stock markets his entire life. At the start of the election, it was down 5%. When Trump officially won, it was only down 2.5%. The only reason it went down was because of the uncertainty.
  24. I know that nobody will believe me but this election is bittersweet. It's great that Hillary lost to even a baboon. It's terrible that we chose a baboon. Conservatism died today and I knew that it would happen. We sold our souls to keep our principles. We'll see what that cost really entails in the next 4 years.
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