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Everything posted by Life

  1. New Resolve is Chapter 21 with Oleg (Warrior) as the boss. Kinship's Bond is Chapter 22 with Eubans (Paladin) as the boss. Just thought I might correct you. New Resolve actually is pretty small. Takes about 5 turns to make it to the other side of the map and face Oleg with ground units (non-horsey). If that's not small, I don't know what is.
  2. Bulgaria beat Slovakia 82-0 in the qualifying for the Olympics. It was pathetic. My sister's 10 year old team could have done better than Slovakia.
  3. Couple things wrong with this post. 1. I never said that Lyn's promoting first. But hell, if you can dodge a 50k hit to Funds, Lyn can stop being shit on for her promotion. 2. You never even responded to my post proving why Farina has to have a low spot on the tier list. For her to ranked properly, she has to be beside people who she performs 3x better than. I'm inclined to drop her personally. Third thing isn't worth wasting my breath over.
  4. You found a way around the money? News to me. In that case, Lyn's allowed to promote no matter the cost. I mean if you can just shrug off the fact that you're paying 60k for a unit who should only cost 20k, then what's the big deal with a unit who costs 30k instead of 20k? I also don't take kindly to someone who tells me that I'm wrong when they have no real proof to show for it. I'd flame you right now and tell you what I actually think of you but I'd probably get some sort of temp ban and it wouldn't be worth my time. I also now feel 0 qualms about calling you a Farina fanboy.
  5. Because the sky is blue, snow is white and Yggdra Union is hard?
  6. This is a question to everyone else. Inui, feel free to ignore it. Why do I bother arguing with this guy? He obviously doesn't care at this point if what he's saying is right or wrong as he's basically on the point of fanboyism for Isadora and Farina (posting a picture of Isadora trying (and failing) to look hot feels like fanboyism to me) that he won't accept anyone else's opinion. So I ask, why do I bother?
  7. Crap. Now I have to stop liking Eyvel... I think I've been marked by the devil! Seriously, think about what you're saying. Farina joins in Crazed Beast at level 12/0 and costs 20k in liquid funds. Unit X (I'll call her Sarina for the sake of the comparison) also joins in Crazed Beast at level 12/0 and costs 0k in liquid funds. Oh and she's also a Peg Knight and Farina and Sarina have the exact same stats and growths. Sarina spends 10k on a promotion and then another 10k on weapons for the rest of the game. She costs 20k overall. Farina spends 10k on a promotion and then another 10k on weapons for the rest of the game. She also has the 40k in actual funds from her recruitment. She costs 60k overall. Do you see what I'm getting at? Once Farina is outfitted with weapons and promoted, she is worth 3 Sarinas. This is the problem that Farina has. She's a decent unit that costs 3x as much as a fully outfitted Sain or Guy or Lucius or any other unit that promotes. She has nothing special going for her in way of stats or bases that make her statistically 3x better than any of these units. That's why she's low on the tier list especially when the Funds ranking needs to be a 5*. It's not impossible to 5* Funds and recruit Farina. It just makes your job that much harder. I can't put it any more obvious than this. If you keep saying that Farina's Funds penalty is unfair, then I'm calling for Lyn's promotion issue penalty as unfair also. EDIT: To prove my point that Farina isn't 3x better than any other unit (1.2x at the most), compare her to her sisters. 20/20 is a completely unreasonable level but I'm doing it for the sake of making a point. Florina - Level 20 Falcoknight HP: 44.8 Str: 22.2 Skl: 25 Spd: 28 Luck: 26 Def: 11.7 Res: 19.3 Fiora - Level 20 Falcoknight HP: 48.4 Str: 21.2 Skl: 25 Spd: 28 Luck: 15.6 Def: 14.4 Res: 25 Farina - Level 20 Falcoknight HP: 49.25 Str: 23 Skl: 23.8 Spd: 26.15 Luck: 22.15 Def: 18.75 Res: 22.1 Look me in the eye and tell me that Farina is worth 3x Florina or 3x Farina. EDIT #2: I've decided not to argue for Lyn unless you keep pushing the totally ridiculous point that Farina is better than her. There are too many people here who hate Lyn to the point that shafting her (denying her of a support that her supporter wants which also happens to be much faster than the alternative and I'm talking about Kent) is considered fair.
  8. Life

    Thanks for backing me up there. Hopefully he finally backs off with Farina.


    That is so awesome...

  10. LOL. You, sir, just won the internet.
  11. Seriously, stop. In case you didn't read my last post (doesn't look like you did), I'll summarize it for you. Lyn does NOT have to promote. I haven't said that she's going to. Nor did I say that she's going to promote before Eliwood if she even promotes. That's 20k you didn't spend. Farina is 40k to exist. For her to do a single thing, you need to cough up 20k in pure gold that instant. You know what, you're right. I'm sorry that I'm holding 50k as an argument against Farina. I mean, it's not like she absolutely shafts 5 other units in the process, right? No. This isn't passion, it's absolute stupidity. Try eating some humble pie for a change, I know for a fact that it actually tastes good. You're not the best debater here (neither am I). Stop trying to convince us that because you think you're sunshine and rainbows and unicorns, we must bow down to the great Inui's opinion. Because I'm sure as hell not going to.
  12. That made me laugh. Seriously.

  13. Hopefully Inui reads my last post and thinks about it. I doubt he's going to but what the hell. Might as well try.

  14. I have one thing to say on your opinion of Farina > Lyn. Lyn doesn't ever have to promote. There's no place in the rulebooks saying that she has to promote. You can take her to 20/0 and then not field her again. After that, just keep her out of harm's way in Light (very easy to do). That's 20k you didn't spend because you weren't forced to. And in return, you can abuse Lyn's Mani Katti because it kills Knights and Cavs and is free. Farina costs money to EXIST. What part of that are you not getting? She's worth 40k in liquid funds just to recruit (which is double Lyn's cost so your above post of Lyn promoting costs almost the same as Farina's recruitment fee is WRONG) and then is an extra 10k to promote because there's no point in recruiting her, giving her 8 levels and then benching the girl. It doesn't matter how good Farina is. The fact that she's worth 5x someone like Raven or 2.5x Eliwood or Lyn means that other units suffer because Farina joined the group (less promotions, less of the better and more expensive weapons to use, less stat boosters to give out). Lyn is not so bad that she's a negative to the team (something that your ranting about her has yet to prove). Inui, I'm going to say this once. If it hurts your feelings, too bad. You have to stop ranting about units and start using your brain more. It's ok to approach the tier list calmly. Just because Isadora isn't where you want her to be doesn't give you the right to fly off the handle at other people because they try to justify her position. Your arguments aren't convincing many people (at least not me) when they consist mostly of you ranting about how someone's position is wrongly given and then "proving" so with a couple of choice stats. tl;dr - Inui, calm the fuck down before you give yourself a heart attack or something.
  15. My opinions are bolded. No use in sugarcoating anything, eh?
  16. I'm just getting sick of everyone here who refuses to learn from their mistakes AKA listen to someone else for a change. A couple of people pop into my mind instantly (not you)...

    Like one of the things I can do is admit when I'm wrong and when I can learn new things (Reaver stuff for instance). Not many people here are willing to budge, though.

  17. Ike can't have 62 HP. It's not possible based on the caps and growths. Ike starts with 19 HP. If he gains HP every level up, he has 38 at 20/0. He promotes to 20/1 with 42 HP. 19 levels gives him 61 HP if he didn't have a cap of 60 (which he does). Besides, he'd have a 0.2% chance of that happening anyway.
  18. I've S Ranked HHM without going to 32x. It's called "limiting Marcus' kills and using him in other ways". Besides, you only field Hector + 4 units in 32x. It's not helping Exp as much as it should be.
  19. I've already read it. That was the point of the second half of my post. He's not the best character in the game when it comes to ranking runs. I know that his great purple beard can lift forklifts and all that jazz. But he's still not the best plainly because he trades Exp for Tactics. If him killing gave as much Exp as Hector killing, then yes he'd be the best. But it doesn't and he's not. And the curling was actually pretty intense.
  20. Do we have to wait until the current round is done or can we start this new one soon?
  21. For Ranking runs? No. I don't know which one proves more that I have no life: Reading arguments about Fire Emblem and responding to them or watching curling with my friends (Canada vs. Germany). Either one can't be good, right?
  22. My own opinion on Lyn is a "promote if she turns out good". Remember that she hast to be trained to around level 15~17 (assuming that both Hector and Eliwood don't max out their levels yet) in order to get Geitz. She's got a very strong case for a high unpromoted level at the very least. If he stats turn out good, I suggest a promotion. If they don't, then don't. She also has the Mani Katti which counts for something as it's 45 uses for the only FREE Prf weapon before Light.
  23. No, no, no. Bartre can get doubled by 6 (maybe only 5, I haven't seen the level 2 guy hit 7 AS) guys on his joining chapter including a ORKO by the boss.
  24. The Reavers do that? Funny, I never noticed.
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