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Posts posted by Endomorph

  1. Just now, mildmanakete said:
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    So is there any chance non-Alear paired endings just haven't been datamined yet? Or is it confirmed no paired endings outside Alear? 


    It's a complete text dump. And the game has endings CGs for all the non-alear characters where they're doing very specific things by themselves. Unless they get patched in, only alear having paired endings is confirmed.



  2. Spoiler

    It's not just the underage supports being different, there's some other weird changes. Ivy says she loves you in her b support, but in the tl they changed it to 'I don't mean in a romantic way,' while the mixture of adoration and romantic love is left ambiguous in the JP.

    Maybe they didn't want her confessing her love to you if you already had an S support partner, since it's just in her B support, but it's still extremely bizarre.

    And a lot of characters who seem like they're about the same age as Alear, like Rosado or Celine, have more 'friends' inserted into the TL of their S support/paired endings. It's very strange.


  3. further paired ending stuff. This feels like the final word on it. The ending list has a his/her split for Alear's solo ending, but none of the paired endings mention their gender, so I'm 99% positive they can get all of these regardless of their gender.



    I'd say the most explicitly romantic ones are Chloe, Goldmary, Kagetsu, Panette, Seadall. The only ones that go out of their way to be non-romantic by referring to Alear and their S support partner as 'friends' are Jean, Anna, Fogato, Hortensia, and Rosado. The rest exist in a gray space where they spend a lot of time together, are dear to each other, are devoted to each other, etc, but the word 'love' isn't used. Only Panette and Seadall's explicitly mention the word 'couple.' None of them mention marriage, though the use of the word couple can infer it in Seadall and Panette's. 

    Alear is the only character with paired endings.


  4. Oh, wait, there is a list of paired endings in the text dump. It's labelled after.



    Only Alear has paired endings. The word 'friend' gets thrown around some, but so does 'partner.' A couple, like Chloe's, mention 'love.' They're all like two sentences long. They're basically just 'Alear and ___ hung out a lot.'

    I wouldn't say the list of 'same sex' options is any more or less romantic than anyone else's.


  5. 2 minutes ago, KoriCongo said:

    From what I'm reading, most of the actual ending slides are pretty platonic. No hugging, no kissing. Think more Edelgard x Hubert than anything. Haven't seen the Epilogue scenes outside of Anna yet, which very much does have you as her business partner and not much else.

    People have said that the most romantic for mlm pairings are Alfred and Diamant, and flf are Ivy, Merrin, and Jade, but I need to verify it myself.

    EDIT: Speaking of things to verify, need to look into that DLC Emblem deal. Someone on 4chan already said it was a joke they made and now everyone is eating it up, but Vincent also said he can see where the DLC folder is.

    If possible, could you look at male alear and kagetsu's ending slide, or ask someone to look at it? Kagetsu's S support is one of the most romantic I've seen, so it's strange he isn't being mentioned in the mlm conversation.

  6. 4 minutes ago, Van Arkride GOAT said:

    How many platonic S supports are there versus romantic ones?

    It's impossible to say, they aren't flagged or anything. Some supports contain phrases like 'I love you,' some contain the characters talking about 'affection and admiration,' and some contain words like 'friendship' or 'partnership.' It seems completely arbitrary, frankly, outside of the edge cases like the very young or very old characters.

  7. 4 minutes ago, zuibangde said:

    So the Fire Emblem subreddit is talking about a list of characters that can have same sex pairings with Alear. Can anyone confirm those? Or is it just bs that is spreading like wildfire?

    I'm looking at the support text dump right now and I can't find any indication of this. Alear's supports are just listed as Alear's. It's possible the same-sex lockout is on the game side rather than the support list side, but I don't know if there's a source for this. The thread on reddit's locked, so I can't ask, either.

  8. 1 minute ago, Nintendoman58 said:

    So we have a text dump for the supports and the wake ups out there.

    Is there a text dump for the story cutscenes yet? Or what about a text dump for the Bond dialogue with the Emblems?

    The support dump contains the dumps for the bond dialog with the rings, too. It seems like it's actually unique per character, but it's only 3-4 lines for each rank of the support.

  9. Then, about paired endings:



    Unsure if there's an ending text crawl or anything, but the amount of romance in the S supports varies. Kagetsu outright says he loves Alear, while Rosado talks about friendship/bonds.

    Still, with the support text dump not delineating between male and female alear, it seems likely that Alear's s support list doesn't change with their gender.


  10. 29 minutes ago, ShadyCat said:

    Okay, went to 4chan and downloaded the paired endings. Here goes:

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    Bildschirmfoto 2023-01-16 um 17.53.01.png

    Bildschirmfoto 2023-01-16 um 17.53.38.png

    Bildschirmfoto 2023-01-16 um 17.53.54.png

    Bildschirmfoto 2023-01-16 um 17.54.10.png

    Bildschirmfoto 2023-01-16 um 17.54.26.png

    Bildschirmfoto 2023-01-16 um 17.54.36.png



    Can you confirm this is a list of paired endings? This is pretty expansive and seems to cover most supports that exist. I just wanna make sure that some of these aren't unused or dummies or anything before i get too excited.

    EDIT: Yeah, this seems to be a list of supports, not paired endings.

  11. 55 minutes ago, Akira_Kurusu said:

    Any news on romance so far? Or has the leaker not posted anything.

    There are no S supports or anything, even for Alear. With that in mind, it is unlikely any of the minor romance events from Three Houses are in, either. It is likely that romance only exists as paired endings, similar to the pre-awakening games. How many there are or who has paired romantic endings with who won't be known until people who have the game early start beating the game, and/or start datamining it.

    Also worth noting that all supports seem to go up to A, unlike three houses.

  12. 11 minutes ago, szechuan said:

    Isn't 15-16 chapter far too long for recruiting a relatively small cast? We had all main cast in Awakening by chapter 13 (assuming the leaked character is kind of Say'ri in that they join at the end of mid-game and are separated from the main cast), and with this game's lack of abundant paralogues I fear Rosado and Goldmary (my two fav designs lol) will get so very little time to shine... We're stuck with Alfred forever lol.

    Isn't that pretty normal for most FE games? This game has 36ish characters, you have most of them by chapter 16. FE9 had 42 characters (not counting the laguz royals), and you only had about 2/3rds of them by chapter 16. 

    Awakening gave you all the characters pretty early on to account for the kid system, but most FE games are more spread out. Even in Fates, which also had kids, you don't get Ryoma/Xander until chapter 16 of their respective routes.

    Odds are you have Rosado/Goldmary for at least half the game.  

  13. 1 hour ago, Azz said:
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    Oh yeah, I don't really care for reclassing tbh and I'm happy that's they're making it a challenge to reclass, however since we know promoting also requires proficiencies, it will be annoying to say promote say Amber to a Wolf Knight if you lose Miccy and no longer have access to get knives. Tho I suppose that explains why everyone you get post chapter 10 is a prepromote, sans the royals so it removes that promotion issue.



    we know that anna starts with bow proficiency on top of axe, so she has access to berserker or warrior when promoting. maybe the other early game units also have that? itd make the game more like fe8.


  14. Ross replaced Seth but came as a Journeyman. I assumed he got made into a tier 3 one, since he was replacing Seth, but he gained standard Journeyman EXP, had the tier 1 caps, and capped at level 10. However, the auto-promote event hasn't happened. Do trainees not work with random recruitment?

  15. I think part of it is the telephone effect. We're all presumably english speakers here, so we only have english language resources... about a game that, at the moment, is only in Japanese.

    One person who has played it in Japanese says 'Nohr route's storyline was pretty disappointing, it was still kind of standard FE,' the next person passes that info along as "Nohr's storyline isn't that good," the next person passes that along as "Nohr's storyline sucks," etc etc, until you've got an echo chamber of incredibly negative opinions, just because one of the few people in the english speaking fandom who's played it expressed some mild criticism.

  16. It's absolutely creepy; slipping someone a drug without their consent just isn't fucking okay. Again, I think acid is a fair comparison: you're not completely incapacitating someone but you sure are messing with their view of reality.

    The only change is the genderswap, though. Unlike acid, which impairs your judgment and sense of reality and often leaves people crumpled into balls on the ground freaking out, she just saw kamui (and other guys) as girls. It isn't really comparable. I can agree that it's weird that he slipped it to her but it wasn't this huge monstrous thing people are acting like it was.

  17. It... isn't really super creepy though? It'd be one thing if Kamui did something untoward or it was something super affecting for Soleil, but she saw some rule 63 fanart come to life and then moved on with her life. Iunno, if magical genderswap vision potion was a real thing, and someone slipped me some, I wouldn't be freaking out. It isn't like it incapacitated her or hurt her, at all, in any way.

    EDIT: I'm actually not sure which 'rule' is the genderswap one, and I know it's one off from the porn one, so forgive me if I made an unintentionally hilarious comment.

  18. She isn't altered by it because IntSys sucks at writing characters reacting like people actually would. Sorry, but there's no way in hell you could do something like that to someone in real life and they'd still like you and want to marry you.

    This isn't even about the whole "why can't Soleil S-rank girls" thing (which is pretty dumb, don't get me wrong, but not my main point), this is about a character knowingly giving a drug to someone without their consent. A drug that radically alters their perception of the world, no less. Like even if you refuse to see the ~~ewww social justice~~ side of it, it's just poor writing. It's a shit pairing, frankly.

    It radically alters her perception of the world... for one support. And kamui does nothing to her during that time. And then it wears off. And she still likes Kamui, yes. Even when the drug is gone.

    You can say it's bad writing because yeah, it is a pretty dumb support, I said as much, but my point is that it isn't anywhere near as offensive as people are making it out to be.

    Also I said nothing about 'eww social justice,' so please do not put words into my mouth.

  19. I'm a lesbian and I... don't really care. It's a pretty silly support but Soleil laughs it off immediately and it seems like it wears off after the B support, and Soleil has tons of lines in the A and S support about how she likes male Kamui. If people have a problem with it, I can understand it, but comparing it to date rape or whatever is blowing it waaaaaaayyyyyy out of proportion. She isn't psychologically scarred or altered by it, it's just a gag.

    Also, in regards to Shara referring to her feelings for F!Kamui as disgusting: F!Kamui immediately shuts her down and says, explicitly, that she loves her quite a lot and that she's happy she's a woman, and etc etc. So, uh, if the writers are homophobes, they're really bad at being homophobes, since Kamui is the player's mouthpiece and all.

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