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Posts posted by Skizzy

  1. The only one I like on there is Tentacruel, and I used that in RSE.


    I don't think this is going to work out.

    Sadly, you might be right, but keep in mind I didn't actually start playing hardcore until Gold and Silver (original, not revamp). So yeah. That's when I spent most of my time playing. Even when RSE came out, I kept with GSC.

  2. Speaking of Gen I/III...

    Venasaur, Venomoth, Fearow, Seadra, Clefable, Magneton. (Also used Butterfree, Parasect, and Dugtrio but dropped them.)

    I ran with mainly just a Charmander, Growlithe, Tentacruel, and a Magneton

  3. And pretty much every other Normal/Flying.

    Absolutely true. Though its first form was terrible. Starly, was it?

    With punches and kicks.

    Brave Bird ftw


    The new bird in Gen V might beat Staraptor.

    True, but who knows. And poor Pidgeot...

  4. Even less likely then, but who knows.

    In before disappointment.


    Ouch... Too true, too true... And the giant fire ape thing with the massive eyebrows looks like something from Wow Wow Wubzee... (IDC if I spelled that right...)

  5. They are but should that stop him from trying if he were to want one? That's also part of the reason why I suggested looking for a position in the Census 2010. They consider the highest scores first for hire (well, that's what it says) and contact people some time in April if you're considered.

    EDIT: ... I always make weird sentences...

    haha, I was at a Cheap Trick concert, and they were giving out applications for Census 2010 XD

  6. New Century/Zero was okay, but it felt horribly incomplete IMO. Chaotic Century was the best out of Zoids, with Guardian Force close behind.

    Fuzors was shit.

    I'm late, but I agree. Still... the models were fun.

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