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Everything posted by Skizzy

  1. Well, praise be to :awesome:Jeebus, I don't suck! I beat Ch1 in under two days
  2. WHAT IS THAT ABOMINATION Which Gen 1 game were these from? Certainly not the American ones, so they must be from one of the two other sprite sets that stayed in Japan... ...Wat? They're from Red/Green. The only spriteset I know of that stayed in Japan. All three first gen games had different sprite sets in Japan. The English version used the same spriteset in both, replacing one of the spritesets in one of the games. If I remember correctly, the only one that's the same sprite in all 3 is Mew, but... EDIT: The Mew from the English spriteset: Well, either way, they're all awesome, just by virtue of being Pokémon.
  3. WHAT IS THAT ABOMINATION Which Gen 1 game were these from? Certainly not the American ones, so they must be from one of the two other sprite sets that stayed in Japan... ...Wat? They're from Red/Green. The only spriteset I know of that stayed in Japan. Huh? I could swear I've seen these before... and all I play is the American releases...
  4. WHAT IS THAT ABOMINATION D'aaaaawwwwww, It's a Mew! Adorable!! But when did this become a pokémon habitat...? *scratches head and looks for a Charmander*
  5. Well... it's official. I have to get Scribblenauts. Just thought I'd start an interesting conversation because I'm bored... and I'm almost through with Ch. 1 of FE4... I think... ... Who said something about PMS??
  6. You have a Mac. Windows is superior. I just got pwned with a two word quote :(
  7. just thought of something that might be a factor in my suckatude... Does the fact that my Mac won't save my files add atall?
  8. And you were unable to beat one of the easiest FE challenges? A strategy game? Yep. Seriously, I didn't try too hard on it, but w/e. You don't have to try hard on it at all. Also, it's normal to be 16 and in college in some countries. In England for example, students go to college when they're 16 or 17, depending on their birthday. If they were born on September or after, well.. yeah. It's not a big deal. Yeah, but it /is/ when you're a fat, stupid half-mexican failure :D LIKE MEEEEEEEEEEE
  9. And you were unable to beat one of the easiest FE challenges? A strategy game? Yep. Seriously, I didn't try too hard on it, but w/e.
  10. You skipped a grade? You're smarter than I gave you credit for. Hello?? I'm 16 and a freshman in college O_O
  11. Let's make a deal. If you can't beat chapter 1 in 2 days, you suck. If you can, you don't. How's that? Fine. I'll beat it whenever I can, but I've also got college and shtuff so... Guess what? SO DO I! I just had two exams today, and I've got my Core 3 paper due on Wednesday. Yeaaaaaaaah... how old are you? I'm 16 :D 18. I'm also a Sophomore in college.
  12. Let's make a deal. If you can't beat chapter 1 in 2 days, you suck. If you can, you don't. How's that? Fine. I'll beat it whenever I can, but I've also got college and shtuff so... Guess what? SO DO I! I just had two exams today, and I've got my Core 3 paper due on Wednesday. Yeaaaaaaaah... how old are you? I'm 16 :D
  13. Let's make a deal. If you can't beat chapter 1 in 2 days, you suck. If you can, you don't. How's that? Fine. I'll beat it whenever I can, but I've also got college and shtuff so...
  14. Took ya long enough. Your mother, good sir. No, Srs makes a valid point. But hopefully you'll get used to the game's pace and system soon enough. Once you do, it'll be easy. ...Alright... Does that mean you expect me to say I'm sorry? I'm too busy with Seisen IN SPACE to expect anything. Wewt
  15. Took ya long enough. Your mother, good sir. No, Srs makes a valid point. But hopefully you'll get used to the game's pace and system soon enough. Once you do, it'll be easy. ...Alright... Does that mean you expect me to say I'm sorry?
  16. Took ya long enough. Your mother, good sir.
  17. Back from the abyss... What'd I miss? Haha! That sounds like an album name. Anyway... I FINALLY BEAT THE PROLOGUE THANK GOD!!!!
  18. YES, SIR. Seph, Gio, CF (likely), Srs, SkizzyKlepto, Pride and NoName. Excellent. Awesomeness :D
  19. What can you do? ur MOM What do you need me to do?
  20. What's this special team? So far, Srs and Gio joined. CF will if I ask. I'll join :)
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