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Posts posted by DSMinSC

  1. Personally I go with The Female option in games if they have one, so I'll be using F!Kamui for most of my playthroughs.

    Hoshido- My first choice has got to be Silas, I love childhood friends becoming involved later in life, plus he is adorable. Second would probably be Kaze.

    Nohr- Harold/Author because of my love of JUSTICE, haha. Also, in my headcannon Lutz and Kanna are twins. After that... I guess Leo or Zero, I love both of their designs as well as their kids. Although when I hear Eponinne's name I always think of Les Miserables.

    Third- honestly don't know yet, haha. If I play as a male, Nyx or Effie.

  2. Thanks Lushiris for the video! It doesn't appear that any new info is in this one, but it does somewhat confirm that the default name is Corrin, that's something. Also, There goes the hundreds of manuscripts for F!Kamui/Felecia fans, well at least fanfic.net still exists, haha.

  3. I am always happy whenever new information is revealed to us, and this has only added gasoline to my hype fire, haha! An interesting thing I noticed was that when Kaze attacked Gunther, Gunther had Felieca support him in battle, but they didn't have any hearts above their heads as we saw happen with Corrin and Felieca. Maybe it's a case of units not being able to support, but it seems odd as they both serve Corrin, so... I don't know, it just feels like they should be able to support one another. The fight between those units happens at 7:37, to those that want to examine it themselves.


  4. What seems really interesting to me is that beside Garon and Mikoto is both the 'Nohr or Hoshido' boxes by their names. Every other character has only one of they are a version exclusive, but the ones already confirmed have both. Could it be... Playable rulers!?!?!? If so, I hope that they are a bit more exciting to use than Flavia or Basilio.

  5. If he has blue hair, he could be related to Aqua? That'd be cool if Aqua had a sibling.

    Well, I believe it has been confirmed that Aqua is the princess of Nohr, so I think our fake siblings are her real ones. Maybe he is the brother of the blue-haired cavalier, that'd be kinda interesting, and who knows maybe child snatching is the National Sport of Hoshido and Nohr?

  6. The idea of having LGBT character in a video game is always a good idea, but the problem that many game writers have is in how they are implemented in the story and such. Also, like most people, I enjoy fully rounded characters, and Fire Emblem has been getting better at it, I believe. Like the Support conversations in Awakening did show off different aspects of a characters personality, so I believe they could handle romance for non-straight relationships well. One interesting idea I had was that maybe not all characters could "S" rank with their preferred gender, so that way we wouldn't be controlling an Army of Bisexuals(TradeMarked), but rather they only fall in love with someone where it would make sense, like for example; Belka's blurb says they Camilla likes 'Strong Girls', so maybe Camilla could "S" rank with Belka or Elphie, but not Charlotte, so that way not all support conversations have to be leading to a possible romance but just friendship. I don't know, that's how I'd hope for the system to work, but as long as the characters are well rounded and make me smile, I'd be happy.

  7. If he does use a stone of some type, then I wonder how ranking will work for him? We saw that Kamui's dragonstone had ranks, and I've wondered how that'll work as well, but do you think that the higher the rank, the better the bonuses the stones give or will the allow the user to transform into a bigger better version of a dragon, fox, octopus, etc.?

  8. My bets would be on a wolf, because of their connection to Europe, but a cool one would be a lion, since many royal houses in Europe have lion on their crests. If it is a lion, I hope they'd be Leon's subordinate, because that would be too perfect not to be.

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