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Posts posted by Shizuun

  1. A better question is why is he blushing?

    Maybe he is a marriage candidate for a female Corrin? He is a little too old for my tastes and would make me Felicia and Flora's stepmother which I think would be so akward.

    Unfortunately, this is actually a fan edit. He has no actual blush bits programmed into the game, so a fan created blush sprites for him.

  2. +1 to Frayed Hero

    +1 to TheVinceKnight

    +1 to Together We Ride

    I've got some updates on wants/what I have! For the P03 cards I have, I'm still waiting for them to get to my proxy and then come to the U.S., so there will be some wait on those. There is, however, the gorgeous Santa Camilla available!

    Also, if you want any cards I have but don't have anything I'm interested in, shoot me a message anyway--I'm mostly interested in helping people out with their collections, so I'm very willing to work something out!


    [spoiler=B01 Red]

    1x B01-007R 猛牛と呼ばれし騎士 カイン (Infamous Knight “Raging Bull”, Cain)

    2x B01-009R 黒豹と呼ばれし騎士 アベル (Infamous Knight "Prowling Panther", Abel)

    1x B01-028R 疾風の賢者 マリク (Sage of Gales, Merric)

    1x B01-035R オーラの継承者 リンダ (Aura's Heiress, Linde)

    [spoiler=B01 Blue]

    1x B01-057R 聖王の神軍師 ルフレ (Exalted Strategist, Reflet/Robin (female))

    2x B01-059R イーリス聖王国の王女 リズ (Princess of Ylisse, Lissa)

    1x B01-068R 心優しき自警団の花 スミア (Gentle Flower of the Shepherds, Sumia)

    2x B01-070R 孤高の刃 ロンクー (Stoic Swordsman, Lon'qu)

    2x B01-078R 永遠の幼子 ノノ (Wellspring of Youth, Nowi)

    1x B01-083R 照れ屋の踊り子 オリヴィエ (Demure Dancer, Olivia)

    1x B01-084R ロザンヌの守護者 セルジュ (Guardian of Rosanne, Cherche)

    2x B01-097R 花の似合う男 アズール (Man of Flower's Fragrance, Inigo)

    [spoiler=B02 White]

    1x B02-001SR 神刀に選ばれし皇子 カムイ (Chosen Prince of Yatogami, Kamui/Corrin (male))

    1x B02-010SR 風纏う神射手 タクミ (Gale Garbed Holy Marksman, Takumi)

    1x B02-014R 爆炎使い サイゾウ (Explosive Flame User, Saizou)

    1x B02-024R 暗夜を屠る者 オボロ (Slaughterer of Nohr, Oboro)

    2x B02-026R 桜花の守り人 カザハナ (Cherry Blossom’s Defender, Kazahana/Hana)

    1x B02-028R 完璧なる翼 ツバキ (Perfect Wings, Tsubaki/Subaki)

    2x B02-045R 完璧を追う翼 マトイ (Pursuit of Perfection Wings, Matoi)

    2x B02-047R 昏き愛炎の陰陽師 シャラ (Onmyoji of Gloomy Passion, Syalla)

    [spoiler=B02 Black]

    2x B02-070R 負けず嫌いな弓騎士 ルーナ (Unyielding Bow Knight, Luna/Selena)

    1x B02-093R 美装の王子 フォレオ (Beautiful Prince, Foleo)

    1x B02-097R 宵闇のソーサラー オフェリア (Twilight’s Sorceress, Ophelia)

    [spoiler=B03 Green]

    1x B03-025R 兄を捜す聖天馬 マーシャ (Holy Falcon Knight Searching for Her Brother, Marcia)

    2x B03-036R 決意の赤竜騎 ジル (Determined Red Dragoon, Jill)

    2x B03-040R ガリアの獣牙戦士 ライ (Warrior of the Gaillian Beast Tribe, Ranulf)

    1x B03-043Rフェニキス王 ティバーン (Phoenicisian King, Tibarn)

    2x B03-045Rセリノスの王子 リュシオン (Prince of Serenes, Reyson)

    2x B03-046R 目覚めしサギの王女 リアーネ (Awakened Heron Princess, Leanne)

    [spoiler=B03 White]

    2x B03-062R 白き神竜王子 カンナ(男) (White Divine Dragon Prince, Kanna (male))

    2x B03-063R 美声の聖天馬 シグレ (Holy Pegasus Warrior of Melodious Voice, Shigure)

    1x B03-069R 星瞳の戦巫女 ミタマ (War Priestess of Starry Eyes, Mitama)

    [spoiler=B03 Black]

    1x B03-091R 義賊×乙女 エポニーヌ (Benevolent Picaroon x Fujoshi, Eponine)


    1x P01-006PR 忠義の古強者 ジェイガン (Veteran of Loyalty, Jagen)

    1x P01-011PR 追憶の神竜族 チキ (Divine Dragon of Sentimentality, Tiki)

    1x P01-015PR 謎多き戦術師 ルフレ () (Enigmatic Tactician, Reflet/Robin (male))

    1x P02-007PR暗夜王国の王女 カムイ () (Crown Princess of Nohr, Kamui/Corrin (female))

    3x P02-008PR水面の歌姫 アクア (Songstress of Water, Aqua/Azura)

    2x P02-010PR黄昏を進みし王女 カムイ () (Princess Seeking Twilight, Kamui/Corrin (female))

    2x P03-005PR傭兵団の青年 アイク (Greenhorn of Greil Mercenaries, Ike)

    1x P03-006PR暗夜の第一王女 カミラ (First Princess of Nohr, Camilla)

    1x P03-010暗夜の第一王女 カミラ (First Princess of Nohr, Camilla)


    [spoiler=Promo (willing to purchase sets)]


    P01-007PR癒やしの勇者 リフ (Healing Hero, Wrys)

    P01-008PRマケドニアの王女 ミネルバ (Princess of Macedonia, Minerva)


    P03-007暗夜の妹姫 エリーゼ (Youngest Princess of Nohr, Elise)

    P03-008ドジっ娘メイド フェリシア (Clumsy Girl Maid, Felicia)

    P03-011白夜の妹王女 サクラ (Youngest Princess of Hoshido, Sakura)

    P03-012暗夜の妹姫 エリーゼ (Youngest Princess of Nohr, Elise)

    P03-013PR亡国の王女 エリンシア (Princess of the Lost kingdom, Elincia)

    P03-014PR孤影の軍師 セネリオ (Tactician of Lonely Appearance, Soren)

    P03-015泉の歌姫 アクア (Songstress of the Spring, Aqua/Azura)

    P03-016水面の歌姫 アクア (Songstress of Water, Aqua/Azura)

    Wishful Thinking (willing to purchase or trade multiple cards for)


    B01-030R+ プリンセス ミネルバ (Royal Princess, Minerva)

    B01-038R+ 天馬三姉妹の長姉 パオラ (Eldest Pegasus Sister, Palla)

    B01-059R+ イーリス聖王国の王女 リズ (Princess of the Ylissean Halidom, Lissa)

    B01-097R+ 花の似合う男 アズール (Man of Fragrant Flowers, Inigo)


    B02-028R+ 完璧なる翼 ツバキ (Perfect Wings, Tsubaki/Subaki)


    B03-001SR+ 神剣の勇将 アイク (Brave General of the Holy Sword, Ike)

    B03-032R+ 解放への疾槍 ネフェニー (Usher of Liberation)

    B03-047SR+ 神装の魔将 漆黒の騎士 (Demon in Blessed Armour, Black Knight)

    B03-069R+ 星瞳の戦巫女 ミタマ (War Priestess of Starry Eyes, Mitama)


    B03 Dot Pixel Sleeves (as many as I can get)

  3. Those auctions are only in Japan right?

    Im in US and can't even search there :/


    I'm in the U.S., too, but I can search? There are multiple services you can use to get the card in the U.S., as well. Buyee is one of the more expensive methods, but it has never failed me.

    If you have any questions, feel free to PM me!

  4. I don't doubt Yashiro's really popular (guy is pretty damn smooth) but he's introduced last in the game, and he was introduced last in the media as well, so I'd expect a promo of him (most likely the set 4 guide book). Set 3 was already in the printing state most likely before the game was even released.

    That's certainly true, but I sure hope his placement in the game does not affect how they address him in Cipher. Camus, after all, got an SR in wave 1 and he wasn't even playable in the source game for the Eiyuutachi no Zantou cards.

    The devs did also admit to the game being bishoujo/moe heavy in an update, so I do have hope that they would consciously balance the Cipher cards...though that may be a hollow hope :unsure:

  5. Yashiro will sit out as there's just not enough room for him.

    From the looks of it, Yashiro is the most popular male characters (and maybe the most popular character in general). I'm using JP forums and blogs as a source. Plus, Mamori is kind of...unnerving, especially considering her "Carnage Form" is based on a Japanese wedding dress.

    Perhaps this is just my wish as a Yashiro fan, though!

    Also, there may be enough cards to make a reasonable 50 card deck. If they choose to exhaust the "Carnage Form" and Mirage reclass system from the game, there would be:

    7 Human Master Cards

    7 Base Class Mirage Cards

    7 "Carnage Form" Master Cards (S04-001ST, P03-009PR)

    14 Promoted Class Mirage Cards (as there are 2 reclass options per Mirage)

    4 Supporting Character Cards? (Tiki, Maiko, Barry, and MAYBE another Anna card done by cuboon)

    In total, that's 39 separate cards. And, typically, there are 23 individual characters in a Starter Deck (24 for ST04), replicated to make a 50 card deck. So, even if they choose to use only one Promoted Mirage class, they'd still have 32 cards to pick from, which leaves availabilities for booster pack cards.

    Regardless, if male Robin gets an SR, I'll be pretty miffed if female Robin doesn't get one.

  6. I'd personally translate 幻影篇 as "Illusory Arc," but that's just a personal preference haha. The lack of の makes me wary to grammatically present it as a possessive in English.

    As for cards, I'd love to see SRs of both male and female Robin.

    A Yashiro Tsurugi/Navarre card would be nice, too...SR, of course. With that in mind, something tells me the six SR blues and the six SR reds are going to be of the #FE characters/mirages. This would mean they'd have to skip on giving one of the main characters an SR representation, unfortunately--but I wouldn't mind not having a Mamori/Draug SR. So for SRs, what I'd think they would do/what I would like to see is:
    Itsuki - Chrom
    Tsubasa - Caeda
    Toma - Cain
    Kiria - Tharja
    Eleonora - Virion
    Yashiro - Navarre

    As much as I'd love to think we'll get SRs of not #FE characters, something tells me that won't happen with how much cleanup there is to do from it's less than stellar release.


    [spoiler=#FE Spoilers]Maybe have the final battle version of Itsuki (Marth Itsuki) as a promo card?

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