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Posts posted by Vasilios

  1. 10 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

    Are all classes able to use Reason/Faith Magic as long as they have D rank in it or are there restrictions?  If so, what classes can?  It would be nice to have mounted magic users.

    No. To use magic, the class has to 'use magic' or 'use some magic' to actually cast spells. That said, if a class can use magic, they can use both white and black magic as well.


    I'm pretty sure the dark knight and holy knight classes can use magic.


  2. 1 hour ago, Sproutling said:

    I’m still a bit unclear on what happens to a character’s stats when they class change. I know that they get an increase (or decrease) to certain growth rates, but do their base stats increase as well? And if so, I’m assuming that they’ll revert back to their previous stats if you decide to change them back to a lower-tier class?

    Also, does anyone know the max deploy limit by the end of the game? I know it’s around 10 during the first year but I’m hoping it increases.

    From what I've seen there's no stat changes between classes, it's all just growths? I'm not sure if caps are affected though.

    Edit: Apparently there *are* minimum stats, so a unit that promotes gets their stats raised to that minimum, unsure of how this works for re-classing.

    26 minutes ago, Cp561 said:

    I'm fairly new to the series so if this is a noob question forgive me. I'm a bit confused with what the point of being proficient with 2 different weapons is?


    For example, Ferdinand's default goals are Axe and Lance, and Caspars default goals are Axe and Brawling. Since theres no weapon triangle why should I master in 2 weapons? I was looking at steering Caspar towards War Master but they master in axes and brawling and I dont really get it

    Each weapon type has different strengths and arts that you can use. Also, weapons from the triangle still tend to carry similar properties from previous games -- axes have higher might and lower accuracy, swords end up with higher accuracy, lances are in the middle (generally at least).

  3. I'm curious counting about which Lord(s) die on which routes. I've seen a few prior posts both here and on reddit, so can anyone confirm / correct  / clarify this? (I hope this is the right thread).


    Black Eagles: Dimitri dies (by us), Rhea dies (also by us), Claude can be spared

    Blue Lions: Edelgard dies (by Dimitri in a cutscene), Rhea lives, Claude is MIA? Killed?

    Golden Deer: Dimitri dies (during timeskip?), Edelgard dies (offscreen because of Dedue), Rhea lives.

    Church: Edelgard dies, Dimitri dies (during timeskip), Claude is MIA? Dies off screen?, oh and Rhea may or may not die somehow?

    Apparently Claude's a ninja or something, given his possible survival rates or unknown status. Is there a condition which allows Rhea to live or die?

    Thank you for any help!

  4. Oh, you!

    Ha ha, for some reason I'm not even angry~

    Good one~

    (also hello everyone I am a former lurker too~)

    Oh, you!

    Ha ha, for some reason I'm not even angry~

    Good one~

    (also hello everyone I am a former lurker too~)

    Welcome aboard! There seem to be quite a few of us now.

  5. I attempted to stay away from this thread and broke in a matter of hours. The hype... I CANNOT CONTAIN IT.

    I've gone from watching videos to the side of this thread, to completely devoting myself to refreshing....

    Send help

    We apologize, but the localized concentration of hype is both far too high and far to virulent for emergency services to handle. Please stand by for CDC intervention.

  6. Hey there Vasilios. Welcome to Serenes :3 I was lurking for a long time too and just made an account last week.

    As for being lame, we all are. That's what being a geek is about. What's your favorite "Tales of" game? **Highfive for all the 4x Grand Strat games**

    Thanks! My favorite's still Vesperia. And I'm trying to balance my FE fanboy-ing with Civilization and Sins-obsession at the moment.

    Welcome to the Forest, man. Have a great time Fire Emblem-ing up with your fellow lame-o geeks here :P

    Thank you!

  7. I've been lurking since at least 2010, and now with If (sorta) on the horizon I figured it was time to make an account.

    The main site's been a great help, especially with the translations of "Games The US Will Never Get" (thank you to those who worked on them). I've been able to play through most of the US releases except Radiant Dawn, and played half-way through on Akaneia games.

    Aside from Fire Emblem, I play alot of Tales games, Final Fantasy, and Persona... and Europa Universalis, Civilization, Sins of a Solar Empire, and Age of Mythology. I also play tabletop rpgs, so lame so sorry.

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