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Great Geargia Gateway

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Everything posted by Great Geargia Gateway

  1. Wow, reading this, I think 6 is a little much if they don't bundle them for a decent cheap price. 6 is a lot. And where I'm from, it's pretty much $5.50 a piece. Atleast and atmost, 3.
  2. Necrophilia is making love or love towards corpses, he loved her, not the corpse. You don't need to be sexually attracted to someone to love them. Derailing?
  3. Maybe, but that's more subtle. Orson was probably never making love, but just having her because he's lost his sanity. I see no S-Ranking.
  4. *Cough*RickenxTharja*Cough* Uhh... lo-zinger plez. But I agree. It's just pandering, but I think they could have dialed it back a bit while still having some bait for the otaku. Don't divide the fanbase, encourage to make a truce.
  5. But Robin was into necrophilia. I mean, Aversa and Emm.
  6. So, first time looking into this and Kamui looks cool, very old school gen art looking. Marx is cool. Elise couldn't have any more bigger eyes, so much it hurts mine. Nyx looks 20's. Benoit looks like something out of Besserk. Tsukuyomi looks like a girl. Belka is more sexualized than I thought. But Rinka is still being strong girl. The art style/design is... interesting. I'm just waiting for Ike and Marth now, but then I'm going to have to see them in some silly, joke, comic sketch which could just ruin my view on them.
  7. My 2-cents. Rekkoha @(Thunder)Tomes Mt - 15 Hit - 75 Crit - 5 Avo - 0 Rng - 1-3 Eff - Vs. Dark Tome user, +30 Hit/Avo. Vs. Other Tome user, -20 Hit/Avo. See what I did?
  8. I haven't read up on a lot of characters, so I'm interested to get to know Nyx because she reminds me of an old friend, Belka seems interesting for a solid female character, Flannel looks pretty fly for a dog, and Leo? Only cause he looks like Marth.
  9. I'd like to a see someone complete Metroid Prime 2 on Hypermode, and not obtain anything any upgrades that aren't needed and still say that a game completely based around explorations and obtaining items is optional.
  10. I wanna “Pirate Emblem”, like based off Pirates of the Caribbean, with guns and ships and stuff. Sea Captain @Un-promoted HP: 60 ATK: 22 MAG: 16 SKL: 20 SPD: 18 LCK: 30 DEF: 20 RES: 17 Skill 1: “Shipmate” Inside a 3 tile radius, ‘Pirate Units’ gain +10 Hit/Avoid (The units specifically under the 'Sea Captain', like subordinates) Skill 2: “Scurvy Play” Double Bonuses from Axe weapons Move: 5 Spaces (Traverse on ‘Water’ based tiles) Axe : B Pirate Lord @Promoted HP: 60 ATK: 34 MAG: 26 SKL: 30 SPD: 28 LCK: 30 DEF: 30 RES: 27 Skill 1: “Lords of the Sea” +2 all stats while on Water or Boat tiles Skill 2: “Pieces of 8” +10 Hit/Avoid, +20% Damage Output in a 3 tile radius of a ‘Pirate Lord’ unit Move: 6 Spaces (Traverse on ‘Water’ based tiles without movement hindrance) Axe: S (Bows replaced by) Pistol: A Buccaneer @Un-promoted HP: 30 ATK: 19 MAG: 14 SKL: 18 SPD: 18 LCK: 30 DEF: 19 RES: 16 Skill 1: “Aye-Aye!” Inside a 3 tile radius of a ‘Sea Captain’, +10 Hit/Avoid Skill 2: “Invade/Dismantle” Can permanently remove any tiles bonuses the unit is standing on (Avo Bonuses, Def bonuses, etc) Move: 5 Spaces (Traverse on ‘Water’ based tiles) Sword: B Marauder @Promoted ATK: 29 MAG: 24 SKL: 32 SPD: 30 LCK: 30 DEF: 29 RES: 26 Skill 1: “Scavenger” Retrieves one item among the defeated units equipment, cannot obtain equipped/Prf weapons Skill 2: “Savage” [Trigger after unit attack] SPD = %, Attack again (Once per battle) Move: 6 Spaces (Traverse on ‘Water’ based tiles without movement hindrance) Sword: S Pistol: A
  11. A common problem. Maybe I could consider not caring what what IS put in the game, but the people aren't mature enough or brought the wrong crowd. They take it all out of context and not serious about it, thus making the Waifu Emblem meme, something I'm not fond of seeing a childhood game turn into. And even that 'Optional' argument. Some meme that turned out to be, and it doesn't have depth either. Being a completion-ist is a problem with some optional things, and if Fire Emblem supplied full rape scenes next game, would you buy it weather it was optional or not? The optional argument is silly, like they think that if you ignore all of the bad stuff, the game will be good. And the "Afraid of change" argument, too.
  12. So like... what? :| Say I get married and my second cousin feels like fighting with me against any threat afterwards?
  13. I think I seen everybody say at least one thing I don't want to see again and we all relate. Everyone on my point of view have covered it, but I want my two cents in this. Things that I hope to go - Fanservice (My childhood! *Bleh*) - Fetishes - Anime Cliches/Tropes - Oversexualizing Character designs - Bad redundant supports (Give it more meaning, more feeling) - Useless content - This new... Weapon Triangle? - Hidden Weapons - Some broken mechanics - Grinding - Marriage (Leave it for the end and don't make every character be able to) - Kids (FE4 did it before it was cool (actually, maybe the kid thing was never cool)) - Redundant DLC (Invisible Kingdom should never of existed) - Everyone being teens - Bad, watery maps - The My Unit - Clone characters - Class swapping (This buddy seal thing is still just as, if not less, worse as the Second seal) - The gazillions of skills. (I don't want all of them gone, but things like Flamboyance, Line of Death, Venom Snake, Reduce stat, Blah Blah Blah) - Marketing the game specifically for Japan - IntySys's lust for money and hype lying Things I wish to stay/appear - Amiibo's (Tolerable) - Light Magic - Magic Triangle - Balancing among classes, characters growths, Skills, weapons, etc. - Smart AI - Aum Staff!! - Strategical Maps - Reaver Weapons (I don't really care, but then maybe we can get rid of those Breaker Skills) - Moralizing story (I wanna feel) - The strategy, and the making every move count (Make a way or Casual to become more risky) - Many split story routes - Make the main Lord/Character earn the right to lead, and/or earn respect. - Character development and story/setting lore - Better interesting classes - Content that actually you can benefit from. - Interesting looking and very different character designs - The enemy designs - Every character being different - Better Character Models - Better Attack animations (I miss you GBA sprites, I miss you "spin to win" criticals) - The reason why I loved IntySys back then Seriously, that's enough from me. Rant over.
  14. There's just no depth to her. She's not a subordinate to anyone so she doesn't have any interracial back story supports. She just feels lacked and probably because IS just didn't put the effort enough into her. Just put her in just because they needed a loli that was "allowed" with having kids.
  15. I'd consider whoever makes an English PDF version of this entire book... I don't really know, I'd call you a god and put your name in my sig with text hailing you. Shine your boots if I could.
  16. Or she's hexed or cursed. But maybe Vampire is teh real deal, I mean, Hoshido have an Oni. Each nation have a beast folk character, it seems if she was Vampire than each nation have a fitting fantasy being. I seriously think she has the mind of a wise old lady. She has a body of a child, it's only logic. Except when she's still able to get preggers and instantly spawns a child.
  17. Oh look. Another idea, to bad IS don't freggin listen to the west, (seriously now) but I have to say how Kamui would fit in all this. If he chose one side, what about the other which you swap too? Would it be like a sit-com of the other nation doing missions because Kamui left and now they're just moving on? Idk.
  18. Yeah, I think I'm okay with people touching my face as long as they ask or just some persnickety mother. Ironic since Japan love to avoid contact with any stranger and such. I guess I can add "Do Japanese people touch face" to the list of "Seen some shit" looked at on the internet.
  19. You have just witnessed 'this' fandom. Yeah, I copped a massive feel when I didn't pair Eliwood and Ninian in time and then she just suddenly 'Bleh' by the hands of the guy I tried to pair her up with. Savage IntySys. More or less, the feels are driven by your connection to the characters than any story depth. In general, would you be upset if your favorite unit just died? You'd probably restart the chapter though you may not for any other unit.
  20. I rather swap all that 'free DLC' for just Ike or Marth. They implemented something so useless doh. Even I think it would be better or something, if they just made a couple more characters that you got from the main stories which was just going to be used for the marriage system anyways. Probably could have added Anna instead of being DLC for example.
  21. Oh. I thought it was the results of the polls from Japan, but it's about making the poll. Anyways... Huuhhhh..... Ummmm.... Uhhhh.... Ehhhhh.... Hm... I chose everybody's favorite Nohr beastboy and just Nyx.
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