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Great Geargia Gateway

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Everything posted by Great Geargia Gateway

  1. But in reality, it's because they didn't advertise it enough and people weren't willing to put the effort in to play FE. Awakening only sold so high because the 1st thing I said and good timing. Of course every game won't be for every1. Dark Souls is hard and the only way to become good is to put the time and effort. The series was never going to die to begin with.
  2. Seriously though, if people find a flaw, their allowed to judge. If I can't judge, then how do I decide if I should buy a game or watch a film and etc. It's just an opinion, so it's up to other people to take the opinion seriously. And good plot is important for an RPG, or it couldn't be engaging for the next 72+ hours of gameplay. As for fanservice. I don't think it's optional, maybe for some, but optional doesn't change over-sexualized characters, a support mechanic which is really the Marriage system and anime trope's like Foleo being a trap = fanservice.
  3. My exact two cents. Depending on what my friend's MU gender is, I'll choose the opposite. Mode: Crash Franchezco I'll either end a Magic based unit or horse mount unit (Or Both). +Mag/+Hp/+Def, -Res. Because my F!Robin was Franchezca, I doubt I'd do that again. Mauree +Hp, -Res/-Luck To be honest, I'm rather disappointed about the MU choices. The F!MU again has better choices.
  4. Can we like, Forge a pachyderm and give it a TTGL reference?
  5. Like a patch, update or something when it releases in the west?
  6. I can Kill that with one-shot... cause you know.. It has 1 Hp... Anyway, is there a tome or ability or something like Dark Tome Luna in the previous FE games. Go through defenses fully?
  7. I find it silly. What's easier than Easy Casual? I think IS are trying too hard. They make the game look like it's for people who won't take the game as a whole seriously.
  8. "Listen Simon... Don't forget. Believe in yourself. Not in the you who believes in me. Not the me who believes in you. Believe in the you who believes in yourself." Marx? Kamina? Hahaha- I don't think so. Cause you know, he dies. (It's not a spoiler anymore, cause TTGL is really old)
  9. I haven't played Fates Birthright so I don't fully understand the classes but I'm interested in these... - Shura - Holy Lancer - Exorcist Nohr is no different from previous titles... - Cavalier - Villager (I'm a sucker for Lances and the noobs growing into beat sticks) - Dark Knight Then aether Lodestar or Vanguard.
  10. I thought DeoGame wasn't talking about what they actually are; Genre, setting, gamestyle and etc.
  11. What kind of manga is it? Fanservicy? I bet Kamui would be male because Camilla.
  12. I don't know where to join in on this conversation, but I really dislike most of the annoying anime tropes; loli's, oversexualize, ditzy females, marriage. Just the lot of it. I just can't take the characters or their supports seriously anymore.
  13. I wish there was more character development and and actual good reasons for marriages instead of '1, 2, 3, Marry Me." from misc supports that don't have anything to do with romance between the two characters. I'm looking at you ArthurxCamilla
  14. I read this as sarcasm and found it pretty funny, but then I read further and the fact that he couldn't accept defeat and so he had to hand it to his son was appalling, immature and yes, it's definitely child abuse.
  15. I'll throw my 2 cents. The things I don't like about Fates; - Didn't achieve my expectations. - Simplified the mechanics even more. - The entire idea of the 3rd path - Pandering. - Bad written supports. - Anything that didn't make sense. This is s as much as I will say till I play it.
  16. I can't vote both? Still, I like Durability a little more, because it was realistic and no negative effects, but IS they never enforced the durability well enough. If they were skills that lowered the opponents held weapon's durability when they successfully hit, or using your own as cost to increase damage or boost an effect or something. If they did more with it, then they would encourage people to play harder modes or something... Idk. IS are just horrible with ideas. The only thing durability effected was the main campaign (Unless their use number was very little in multiplayer).
  17. Well, child porn is a 'no no' in Japan, so they get by it by through anime crap. Disturbing, no? So she doesn't age because she's immortal but her outside is younger than 13. It's that easy. I agree though, I like her, but somethings just off putting.
  18. Those look pretty cool and clever, but very situational. I'm unable to tell if you can DI a little to avoid getting stringed into the grabs or more of those combo's. Your opponent must be low percentage and you need low rage. The Quick Draw ones could possibly go wrong by your opponent Shielding and it's probably better to just grab.
  19. I actually don't know yet, but I remember having the choice of different voice's for Awakening's MU. Does Fates MU have multiple voices?
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