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Great Geargia Gateway

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Everything posted by Great Geargia Gateway

  1. I rather the Morgans. Bright, fun, intelligent, smart arse. Like, F!Morgan is a bit of a bitch, but who wouldn't party with that girl. Then M!Morgan, I'd like to blaze it with that guy. But that's why they're great because they're different and mature. Not whiny and easily emotional. Might change in the west release.
  2. I bet people would say "Even more of a reason to kill Henry before it lays eggs." Really, though. I can't imagine it.
  3. Then they'll get ejected before so. I mean, they should have ejector like seats right. This is the first thing I've seen that's a tad steam-punk in FE.
  4. They'll probably just fall off like they do with the horses and wyvers.
  5. But looking after a bunch of kids as if you were the parent in an orphanage is quite close enough.
  6. Wow. Sometimes I forget, the most simplest things get a meme. Still... Ike did it before it was cool.
  7. Hey, I ain't complaining about your Codename steam Ike who's in the "Why?" tier.
  8. and grunts. Sounds like they could just copy straight off Smash Bros... again.
  9. Not sure yet without them. Tho, Awakening is amiibo Lucina specific, so I highly doubt you can pass that one.
  10. Other Meta's restrict all the time. How do you start a fair Meta? Throw idea's to get started and see if anyone else can collaborate and figure something out to make it work or not. Don't just say it's stupid when 3-4 skill slots are going to be used the same way for combo's on all units, but you break it down and then people will have thoughts on what skills they have to use with the limited slots, having to diverse with what they have on their units.
  11. I think amiibo specific characters like Robin and Ike, will be the only Grandmaster and Vanguard. EDIT: The amiibo classes at the bottom have notes being character specific only.
  12. Really? I thought it was a splash after a bellyflop.
  13. Captain Falcon mainly. He's just to fast, then I use him and look like a tool. High grab-dash range, goo length in attacks and most don't have barely any lag time. King Dedede is also another, but it's only that Jab. It's just too good, op and just the best jab in the game, but it's just I shame I don't use King Dex3 at all.
  14. Nooo. Not Yuri. Don't replace Hikaru. I want him to redo Marth again. I wouldn't mind an English Marth as long as it sounded like J-Marth. Even using E-Marth's voice in a future Smash update.
  15. Fighting for friends hasn't intensified enough. It needs moar votes.
  16. Limit the number of skills a unit can be equipped with down to 2 or 3. Thus making combo's limited, less overpowered and limiting how much units can flex. Making teams then come down to what's commonly used and decisions on the best set choices befitting on your play style.
  17. I don't like Foleo. I'll just say he just puts me off largely....
  18. I too. But I then play competitively with friends and Ike can get handed. Just too slow and laggy. Even getting poked off the edge and accidentally pressing a into a neutral air get's you Ko'ed.
  19. If people are going to just run a Lethality + Brave weapon set, then it's massively luck based compared to Sol probably triggering at 50%. But um... Devine Shield... maybe? Lethality doesn't always trigger and I bet people would have weak built units with them. Their isn't a lot of ways to counter. If their using Bows then go close (Unless proximity shot), if their using adjacent range then attack from afar but if their using 1-2 range, then you kinda gotta get rid of 'em in the quickest way. Strong triggers, using Weapon Break skills with Lucky 7 try to avoid it completely.
  20. It depends, are you a sucker for character background and maybe filling whatever might need an explanation?
  21. Depends really. I could really start getting good with a character's progress, then another character has better luck with growth or the previous character just starts falling behind, sucking, not pulling itself when I try. I may even drop a character depending on what they've done in the game, either by support or what ever happens on the field wise. Sometimes I like to force a character I just like. It all depends on the run. I would like to use Zero or Benoit, but if anything goes wrong, then they might not make the cut. So I can never really pick a true endgame team.
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