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Great Geargia Gateway

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Everything posted by Great Geargia Gateway

  1. The drama of one of the most biggest Nintendo franchises is amusing isn't it? Makes you glad to be a fan in any side, but this wait for the western release to get opinions of reviewers will take so long.
  2. Yeah, that's what Awakening was going with in on the title screen, but doesn't actually go all the way through the song. Why not finish it and have both? FE: Awakening Title screen theme and Purpose? Why?
  3. This makes me think... Do you think IntSys is just blind, scared, or not putting a lot of trust into FE? I mean, have they realized the main thing was advertising, not well timed releases, casual players and anime tropes? Do they just lean towards what made Awakening so great and away from what they thought was going to make the series better; the marriage system, anime tropes and removed mechanics and they add these because they don't want to go back to almost stopping FE again? Or just go for quantity over quality? Unorthodox question, but this question is on my mind for a while.
  4. So it's called Record? Like the one in Awakening was called Purpose? Ehh. I'm not diggin' it. Something about previous Fire Emblem themes like SS was just great to me. Even the one in Smash Brawl was pretty epic. Probably because back then, the theme played during the tittle and class intro screens and their handheld sound effects were just great. Seriously though, I don't see, or hear anything so great. Idk.
  5. Not fair for the developers? or the buyers? Alot of DLC like this seems to be just stuff to polish off an unfinished game. Giving it their own release makes no sense compared to Pokemon then, where they make it that you create your own adventure and virtually nothing is still different and your not missing anything. Have you heard Sakurai's thoughts on DLC? "it’s all about making players happy." Is he wrong? I see no point in buying both versions knowing they're pointless. Like what's the point if their gonna start with advertising the hell out of two versions that choices matter and all this amazing stuff, then to just casually tell us the real decisions is in which version you get then how much you're willing to pay.
  6. Isn't most JRPG's Teen rating. I know, gays, stripping, face touching, over sexualization, brutal animated cut scenes and fantasy violence. OH! and the "dark story", but many JRPG's like this keep the T rating, right?
  7. Well, this first ice cream better be worth it enough for the second. Comparing a $3 ice cream to a $40 extra after paying $60 for the main game. This. Ruby, Sapphire to Emerald. Diamond and Pearl to Platinum. It's the exact same here. But experiences are far different.
  8. Only two (I believe). And even under that big uniform, Libra is probably some sexy built male.
  9. It's just 'ew' from my point of view. It's like buying White/Black Kingdom and not getting anything out of it till you pay more.
  10. *Spits Drink* Oh deer Intelligent Systems. I see how it is... Actually, I just shouldn't be surprised by this.
  11. True, one run, you could just annihilate anything coming your way through non stop skill execution, then you play again and everything could just go to hell. IS should have thoroughly thought this online through. If they did an online mode properly where your under powered and frail MU ordered generic units turn by turn like chess with no over powered stats and skills to beat you opponent's MU, then the online wouldn't be 'play/grind/trivia to win' experience. That's also how most Strategy games online plays out right? I still have my leftovers from the Veteran Vs. Awakening.
  12. I'd like a more realistic story experience; Make massive mistake, get kicked from army, lone wolf, feel constant rejection, drama, find true villain doing the same thing as you getting stronger, units join because they see a great potential leader and etc, all the way to the final battle between you and the villain and you become king/an icon, blah blah. (Cause it's just stupid when overpowered main villains could have just finished you from the Prologue) I like to feel important, but I think it's better if you earn it throughout the game rather than given to you with cliche characters, story, backstory and etc.
  13. Smogon Vs. Serenes I can see it now on the internet. "Serene Rules Only." Man the broken stats and skills we'll be up against.
  14. All well. Damage is done, whatever. Pray for a new artist next game that doesn't overdo fan service.
  15. Miracle + Vantage + Vengeance is so broke in Awakening, have they changed anything about these 3 abilities. Have they got rid of Vengeance?
  16. Supports really changed. It's like "1, 2, 3, Marry Me!" and are nothing like they used to be. I don't see a lot of romance build between Arthur and Camilla either and S support just pops the question. They're rather some bunch of characters doing some 'Misc things' than characters actually wanting to know each other and make the player learn something about the characters like pre-FE titles did. What this support showed us about characters was Arthur likes to help damsels like a hero should along with his bad luck and Camilla likes Kamui, but we know these already. A support like Ross and Ewan's in SS did a C>B support about Ross solving Ewan's pebble riddle. It both showed Ross isn't too smart but bright enough to think outside the box and will to give it a try and showed Ewan is like what a kid should be; loud, having fun, smart, entertaining, playing games, interacting a lot, etc. I feel like there’s no character development.
  17. Because she's wearing full armor and nothing overly revealing is showing?
  18. If the west release used this instead of the japanese translation, that would be great.
  19. I know this is a really crappy review, but I want to see more. I want to see this release now and see what western reviewers think of the game whom aren't FE fans.
  20. Yeah, I haven't played the game, but the reason why I hate is because from what I've seen and heard of Fates so far, it's not like what FE used to be. Maps aren't puzzling anymore, the game isn't strategic but more trivial with grinding and skill building, fanservice just feels demoralizing because all the characters in FE now have to sexy or look perfectly flawless and they keep simplifying the game. I'm all for the game getting newcomers, but if they advertised FE more like Awakening with the recent games then FE would have never of been like this and people would still enjoy the like how it used to be. To completely get a good aspect of the game, I'll need to buy it first.
  21. They'll probably censor. The rest of the world has more morals when it comes to this subject.
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