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Everything posted by TheGreatNothing

  1. Come to think of it, not too many. Aladdin is one though.
  2. So basically 99% of Disney movies right? On the topic of lords who are just dead weight, what would be a good story justification? What if the main character was deathly sick and thus would have horrid bases and okay growths. Though that would make for a depressing epilogue.
  3. Mages won't use spells if they lack the HP for it, even in counter attacking!
  4. 1. This game is isn't a liar with RNG 2. MAGES ARE A GODSEND. This game often tries to act like a puzzle when it comes to defeating units. It either goes well and makes you feel smart or bad. 3. Bad mistake, Faye can get a spell not unlike dancing. Healers are okay with res and they can counterattack with NOSFERATU. So they have good enough survivability. The name does suck though. 4. W. Magic, You'll get used to it. BTW I am also playing on normal and on act 4.
  5. You don't even know how many cantors I have assassinated with my archers. They're crazy useful against them.
  6. I'd ask for his axe so we can break out but then he'd reveal that he forgot it.
  7. Local Princess is religious. Cultist hate her! click to find out why!
  8. Roy CAN have 1/4 dragon blood but he looks about 15 at the beginning of the game. So, unless the ship is non canon there has to be another factor than just the mother.
  9. Hi, this is a thread for getting teams in Overwatch (Hopefully still is and not some random 2 year old thread on the 34th page). I am a off tank main so I'll request for: A main tank, 2 supports, and 2 dps mains. If you want to recruit your own team feel free to do so. I usually play quick play.
  10. Would Marth really not be aware of a continent sized war. Neither country seemed isolationist to me.
  11. For example, if Gray was killed, and I throw his rotting corpse in the revival fountain, would he interject in the story afterwards?
  12. I have one question for you all. One that will bring you flashbacks of war...a deadly war. Shadows of Valentia's noobs will decide... ELITIST OR WEEB. THIS IS THE NEW FLAME WAR. STEEL THY SWORD AND MAKE A MOVE.
  13. In terms of difficulty and how much you like the characters, is it a good idea to do a no reset iron man run?
  14. You forgot awakening's theme, but out of the rest... Together We Ride.
  15. I am pro death penalty but I dislike abortions unless it harms the mother to give birth
  16. Great. I'm in CT. I probably won't get it until a hour passes. EDIT: I stand corrected. It's in Texas now!
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