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Posts posted by TheGreatNothing

  1. On 2/8/2017 at 7:29 AM, YouSquiddinMe said:

    I want a lord that rejects their nobility and flees the castle/palace/etc.

    So basically 99% of Disney movies right? 

    On the topic of lords who are just dead weight, what would be a good story justification?

    What if the main character was deathly sick and thus would have horrid bases and okay growths. Though that would make for a depressing epilogue.

  2. 1 hour ago, Anacybele said:

    I heard the thing about magic costing HP, but never knew if it was changed for the remake. I guess it wasn't which is disappointing. That makes me want to use mages less because I just know I'll get them killed because they lost too much HP attacking to take another hit from the enemy.

    Mages won't use spells if they lack the HP for it, even in counter attacking!

  3. 40 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Well, I don't like this game anymore. It suddenly got extremely hard and this is normal difficulty. I've been playing FE for a long time, I shouldn't be having a hard time on the easiest difficulty. I don't like games that do this to you.1. Nearly every fucking attack misses the archer and he was never even in trees. 2.You can hardly damage the mercenary guy here at all because of his shield thing. What a load of crap. I don't want that.

    3.I decided against making Faye a Cleric because you already get Silque (who picked that name? It's dumb). I'd rather not have many healers because they die easily. So I won't ever be making Faye one.

    4.Also, I don't see a command to heal anyone on the Cleric class anyway. That's poor design if I'm having trouble figuring out how to make them fucking heal of all things.

    1. This game is isn't a liar with RNG

    2.  MAGES ARE A GODSEND.  This game often tries to act like a puzzle when it comes to defeating units. It either goes well and makes you feel smart or bad.

    3. Bad mistake, Faye can get a spell not unlike dancing. Healers are okay with res and they can counterattack with NOSFERATU. So they have good enough survivability. The name does suck though.

    4. W. Magic, You'll get used to it.

    BTW I am also playing on normal and on act 4.

  4. On 5/29/2017 at 4:02 AM, Altina said:

    I would like for there to be an actual FE lord who came up from nothing, like a Great Gatsby, Edmund Dantes type of character. I have an idea for this sort of a character, and I have a backstory that I made-up for him too, but I won't say it in this post. The reason I want that kind of a lord is because he could affect the plot greatly by adding darker more meaningful themes to a Fire Emblem story. I understand that some people may think that "that's not really what FE games are supposed to be about", but really it doesn't matter. FE has always tried to push the boundaries of its games, and having a darker FE game wouldn't be the worst thing ever, right? Especially if we can make it serious, dramatic and impactful, as we play a game with even better and more enjoyable mechanics. Now how would a FE lord that came up from nothing affect the plot of the game? Well, if an FE lord that came up from nothing had to take cruel measures, and learn so much to be at the top, then he could be a interesting character who takes different plans and choices then any other FE lord from any other game, affecting the plot greatly. 

    I'll talk more about what I mean by this eventually, but this is all I have to say for now.


    On 5/29/2017 at 7:10 PM, NekoKnight said:

    That's exactly what I was thinking about for a Fire Emblem story.

    Almost every protagonist in the series comes from an elevated position in society and all of them have that general list of heroic qualities. What I want to see in a Fire Emblem is someone the opposite of that; someone born with very little who pushes forward with his cunning and determination. They might have kindness and empathy but these qualities would be secondary to their ambition.

    I think a story that followed a character who fights for their own dream rather than duty would be a significant and interesting shift in the usual story conventions.


    That was going to be Alm,until acts 3 and 4 killed that idea.

  5. On 4/30/2017 at 8:44 PM, Lightchao42 said:

    There's no indication that Corrin or Kana have aged abnormally (Manaketes seem to stop aging normally when they're still young, and Corrin appears to be in their late teens at youngest), so either:

    • Half-human offspring of the First Dragons operate differently from other half-Manaketes and just have a normal human lifespan.
    • Whether or not a child inherits their dragon parent's lifespan is random or dependent on dominant/recessive genes.
    • Children inherit the lifespan of their mother (Sophia, Ninian, Nils, and Nah all have Manakete mothers, while Mikoto is human so Corrin inherits her lifespan). Maybe longevity is all in the mitochondria?

    Roy CAN have 1/4 dragon blood but he looks about 15 at the beginning of the game. So, unless the ship is non canon there has to be another factor than just the mother.

  6. Hi, this is a thread for getting teams in Overwatch (Hopefully still is and not some random 2 year old thread on the 34th page).

    I am a off tank main so I'll request for: A main tank, 2 supports, and 2 dps mains.

    If you want to recruit your own team feel free to do so. I usually play quick play.


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