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Emperor Zurg

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Posts posted by Emperor Zurg

  1. Despite criticisms, I enjoyed the marriage mechanic but I want it to return to its presence in the character endings rather than gameplay itself. Some changes I would like to see are:

    • Improved stories that focus less on demonic dragons hellbent on destryoing life as we know it and more political turmoil.
    • Remove children if their involvement has no impact on the story. Awakening's DLC kind of made them tolerable but Fate's reason for them is laughable.
    • More classes based on real-life empires such as the Ottomans or the Greeks. Fates kind of did this with Hoshido being based on Japan and Nohr's European vibe.
    • Less emphasis on fanservice. We get it, your adoptive older sister is well endowed. I really don't need to watch multiple cutscenes reminding me of this.
    • New objectives that focus on capturing a specific unit or stealing important documents.
  2. and I know this isn't really part of the topic but the Nohr Prince(ss) design bothers me so much...

    My only real complaint is the lack of footwear. It throws off the rest of the armor and looks very impractical.

    And I'm glad Adventurer is getting more love. I love their wacky design.

  3. Much to my surprise, there wasn't a topic that really discussed this aspect of the new class designs. As the title states, pick the classes you believe are well designed, even if they aren't necessarily your favorite class in the game. The designs are based off of the generic portraits rather than the playable characters. Without further ado, here are some of mine:









    Elite Ninja



    Holy Lancer

    Nine-Tailed Fox


    Dread Fighter




  4. My FE came from the GBA games so I've had a very mixed experience with the fighter/pirate tree. I actually benched Garcia in Sacred Stones since he kept on getting doubled by everything, Pirate!Ross was able to hold his own on Chapter 7. I prefer pirates as my axe fighter due to their high speed but Geitz was a good prepromoted Warrior. Vaike was alright in Awakening and I've heard good things about Charlotte and Arthur (besides his piss poor luck).

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