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Posts posted by redtutel

  1. 13 hours ago, SSbardock84 said:

    Genealogy of the Holy War has one of the best stories. (Last game I played and was recent, so I could be pretty biased.)


    13 hours ago, SSbardock84 said:

    I can't complain too much about this because there are other levels of difficulty, but the easiest game difficulties are way too easy in all versions of Fates and in Awakening.

    Those are some popular opinions (although in my eyes, Conquest is always way too hard even on the easiest setting)

  2. Cain < Abel (mainly because he has more potential with the sadly unexplored relationship with Est)

    Lukas < Forsyth 

    Mae > Boey

    Luke > Rodrick (I guess Luke is red? But Cecil is the red one, and I really like her)

    Naoise > Alec

    Haven't played Thracia, so no opinion

    Allen > Lance

    Kent > Sain

    Forde > Kyle

    Kieren < Oscar

    Sully > Stahl

    Saizo < Kaze


    7 Red, 4 Green. Looks like the answer's red. Probably because it's my favorite character, and thus was the deciding factor in some cases

  3. 16 minutes ago, Flere210 said:

    The main difference is that Travant is not killed before the story begin and substitued by a slime monster that is more cartonishly evil than Abridged Yami Marik . Human Garon had a lot of potential as a villain.

    That is true. But I didn't really get the impression Genealogy Travant loved his kids to the extent in which other characters say he does. Although I do give him credit for actually caring for his country, while undead Garon doesn't

  4. 34 minutes ago, HappyHawlucha. said:

    They might not want to "clog up" the NoA Twitter account with frequent updates about characters, since the character bios are uploaded to a Japanese FE-exclusive Twitter account. They're only really wanting to report the major things rather than "less story-significant" characters.

    That makes sense. The poor social media managers of Nintendo of America can probably only take so many demands for more Smash Bros and Animal Crossing

  5. 5 minutes ago, KillianVermont said:

    The thing I don't get is why IS didn't shut down their posts if her info was gonna be proven right. Maybe did they leak it on purpose to generate hype?

    Her source was probably fired by this point, or will be soon. Although I don't think r/fireemblem is big enough to be on any company's radar

  6. 4 minutes ago, Flere210 said:

    Finn as thracia protagonist because you could set him across many years and have a much better picture of what happened to jugdral during the timeskip, and because Leif story feel incomplete in fe5 because his arc is only finished in fe4. I would had some person enmity between Finn and Raydrik, in order to make the latter Finn arch nemesis.

    Plus from his character design alone, he looks like he's a protagonist. It's the blue hair

  7. 1 hour ago, Azure in a Roundabout said:

    IS needs to make better first impressions for its characters. Awakening, Fates, and Heroes. Make people want to know them through the supports.

    I think that’s why people never bothered to read supports. They were not attracted to the characters at the first impression.

    Speak for yourself. I very quickly fell in love with many Awakening characters though their first impression. Although I do agree when it comes to older games, where without supports, they don't leave an impression at all (be it silly or serious)

  8. That seems pretty interesting. It wouldn't be the first time the avatar was connected to the evil being. Unless its like in Path of Radiance where what we thought was the evil being isn't actually evil. Either way seems cool.


    I predict that Byleth's crest will be called the Fire Emblem

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