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Posts posted by Masamune_Wielder

  1. Everyone has their own opinion of the best Final Fantasy game, I personally think that the Final Fantasy games for the Nintendo and Super Nintendo are the best because their challenging and have a feeling of notalgia, but the new remade ones are really good (Final Fantasy IV DS looks has amazing graphics and the 2 bonus bosses are a nice addition for difficulty).

  2. Probably.

    Does anyone else care for the story of FFXII, or am I the only one?

    I made this thread hoping for just FF discussion but people aren't really chatting here so Fire Emblem talk is fine (no random debated like what's better Ragnell or Alondite).

    No I also think FFXII has a very well written plotline with very interesting characters :)

  3. You're serious?

    Nobody is going to pay $1,000 for a game, especially one that they can download and play for free.

    I know but I aM just saying cause 4 of my friends are vintage video game collectors & they have a bidding war going on right now (best offer $725 & still rising) I know it's stupid tp want a lot but still have high hopes for it :)

  4. The general answer? As much as you can get people to pay for it.

    The specific answer? Don't sell for anything less than a $1000, and work your way up from there depending on what you can get people to pay.

    I was hoping to get about $1000 for just FE4 but If I don't then I am just gonna keep them and sell them in like 20 years when there worth a lot.

  5. Try Googling it or go on ebay. If your looking for some cash you could sell them on ebay

    I'm just asking here to see if I could make more by selling it to one of my friends (best offer is $1,400 for Fire Emblem 4 & 5), but I don't know where I can sell The Manga's for a large enough amount? But if anyone here wants to buy them then I can put them on Ebay under buy it now for whoever has the best offer (on this website)

  6. I have been a collector of rare games & items for a couple years now and thanks to my step-brother I have come into possession of one of the Fire Emblem 4 Manga series (every volume) & I also have original copies of Fire Emblem 4 Seisen No Keifu & Fire Emblem 5 Thracia 776 (4 is still in the plastic & 5 is near-mint condition), I have posted pictures on multiple websites on the internet so if anyone wants any I can get some together & post the pictures. The reason I am asking here is because I think that actual Fire Emblem fans would be able to tell me better prices than ebay or craigslist. I have multiple other Rare game items my possession pertaining to Fire Emblem 1-5 & Final Fantasy 2-6 (All Japanese stuff cause my step-brother lived in japan) If anyone has some of the original Fire Emblem Trading Cards 4-5 than I would buy them for a very generous amount :)

    Thank you to anyone that helps me with these items :)

  7. I'm fishing around for the black memory card with 2xx blocks still. What race should I be, from Rings of Fate I feel that selkies are the best but I'm not so sure.

    I started out with Clavat, then I switched to Selkie. But then again, I'm a whore for the low defense/high speed class. :/

    Speed is more preferred for me.

    BTW, I got Brawl and I can't play it until I get the GC/Wii remotes back. XD

    I am getting a new Wii for my birthday (old one couldn't be repaired) & getting Brawl wanna play online (I admit I am kinda cheap with Marth, Ike, Pit & Sonic :) )

    Maybe when I get my remotes. I'll probably fail agaisnt others online.

    I'm trying to get good with Sonic so i'll probably suck anyway. As long as you don't have much lag you'll be fine.

  8. I'm fishing around for the black memory card with 2xx blocks still. What race should I be, from Rings of Fate I feel that selkies are the best but I'm not so sure.

    I started out with Clavat, then I switched to Selkie. But then again, I'm a whore for the low defense/high speed class. :/

    Speed is more preferred for me.

    BTW, I got Brawl and I can't play it until I get the GC/Wii remotes back. XD

    I am getting a new Wii for my birthday (old one couldn't be repaired) & getting Brawl wanna play online (I admit I am kinda cheap with Marth, Ike, Pit & Sonic :) )

  9. Actually technically I got two, one to give away at a gift. Try gamestop. In NJ they had quite a few.

    Thanks, I've been looking for any copy that I don't have to buy online so I think I am going to start looking at EBgames (No Gamestops in my area).

  10. I got Crystal Chronicles for the GC. :)

    Wow your lucky I've been looking for some in my local Swap Shops & can't find them anywhere, If you like the Crystal Chronicle series you should get Crystal Bearers (I've only played the amazing demo so far).

  11. Yes, it was due to budget problems or not enough interest in the anime that caused it to get canceled.

    If a petition was started to make one based on Fire Emblem 4 do you think that would be enough incentive for a Anime company to make the series.

    That seems highly unlikely.

    I wouldn't want an anime based on FE4 anyway.

    It doesn't have to be FE4 just another Fire Emblem Anime, but one that lasts would be nice.

  12. Thanks Gustave :)

    Not a problem.

    By the way, this is the patch I was talking about. Applying that to the SNES version should make Siegfried (along with the other two unobtainable Rages, Chupon and Allo Ver) appear on the Veldt. As with the codes, I haven't tested it personally, so be sure to keep a backup ROM if you plan to use it.

    Another thing: Gau will have an empty spot at the end of his Rage list once he learns all of his Rages.

    I was planning to do a new play-through anyway so I'll just apply this & tell you the results in a couple of days (3 or 4). Thanks:)

  13. That scene with the Siegfried imposter in the Phantom Train is just there for comic relief. The item he takes isn't obtainable. You can fight the real Siegfried in the colosseum (by betting a Megalixir if I'm not mistaken), but he's really difficult to beat.

    Interestingly enough, Gau is supposed to be able to obtain Siegfried as one of his Rages, but is unable to do so because of the way the game is coded.

    I don't suppose you could recommend a website that could give codes to bypass that & get the rage or is it unchangeable :(

    I don't know any off the top of my head, but I might be able to find some for you. Which version of the game are you playing?

    Both Advance and/or original will work for me

    Here's what I found:

    For the SNES version. The first code beneath "02.0 Quick Codes". It's rather long and should give all rages.

    For the Advance version. Ctrl+F "All Rages" (without the quotation marks) should take you to the code you want.

    I haven't tested either of these codes personally, so I can't say whether they work or not. I could have sworn that someone made a patch for the SNES version that makes Siegfried and the other two unobtainable Rages appear on the Veldt, but I can't seem to find it. I'll keep looking.

    Thanks Gustave :)

  14. That scene with the Siegfried imposter in the Phantom Train is just there for comic relief. The item he takes isn't obtainable. You can fight the real Siegfried in the colosseum (by betting a Megalixir if I'm not mistaken), but he's really difficult to beat.

    Interestingly enough, Gau is supposed to be able to obtain Siegfried as one of his Rages, but is unable to do so because of the way the game is coded.

    I don't suppose you could recommend a website that could give codes to bypass that & get the rage or is it unchangeable :(

    I don't know any off the top of my head, but I might be able to find some for you. Which version of the game are you playing?

    Both Advance and/or original will work for me

  15. That scene with the Siegfried imposter in the Phantom Train is just there for comic relief. The item he takes isn't obtainable. You can fight the real Siegfried in the colosseum (by betting a Megalixir if I'm not mistaken), but he's really difficult to beat.

    Interestingly enough, Gau is supposed to be able to obtain Siegfried as one of his Rages, but is unable to do so because of the way the game is coded.

    I don't suppose you could recommend a website that could give codes to bypass that & get the rage or is it unchangeable :(

  16. I had one question on FF6. I remember in the Phantom Train, there was this weak guy who took some chest containing what he claims to be a very powerful weapon or something. I never saw that guy again. Can you see him again and is it possible to actually get that weapon?

    That guys the Siegfried imposter, you can't see him again but you can see the real Siegfried in the Arena in the World of Ruin (and you can fight him if you bet certain items, but that might just be in Advance I'm not sure). The item he takes is never said (as far as I know so it's it's pretty much a mystery)

  17. Alright, I just managed to finish ch2x(not as hard as it looks surprisingly) and recruited lifis/safy. However, I found out that in that chapter fatigue carries over from ch2. THis totally screwed up my strategy and now i can't use Othin(nooooooooooooo!)and I wasted my life ring Havan so i could use him. Is there any more surprises I should expect in the next 6 chapters?

    I am not sure if this will apply but, I have been screwed over by Fire Emblem 5 many times due to many things. My advice would be to have flexible strategies & don't rely too heavily on certain people (try to be Diverse), and make sure to have Leaf holding keys for Chapter 4x beacuase I had to restart my whole file there because my leaf wasn't strong enough & I killed the only guy holding keys every time [Chapter 4x you meet Sety & Asvel & until you open the door too them Leaf is stuck fighting off hordes of enemies in the dark by himself & only one has keys(in my experiences at least)]. It might be Chapter 5x I am talking about but either way make 2 saves for Chapter 4 just in case

  18. I'm having trouble in Final Fantasy VI, I can't find out where to get the Striker (The Dagger you bet to get Shadow) I have been looking in every dungeon & i am stumped (I am also trying to beat the game without guides), so if anyone can help me that would be greatly appreciated :)

    The Striker is found in the Veldt cave. It shouldn't be too tough to locate.

    I couldn't find it when I was there to save Shadow but I just went back & got it (Can't believe I missed it :(), Thanks Gustave:)

  19. I'm having trouble in Final Fantasy VI, I can't find out where to get the Striker (The Dagger you bet to get Shadow) I have been looking in every dungeon & i am stumped (I am also trying to beat the game without guides), so if anyone can help me that would be greatly appreciated :)

  20. Doesn't he learn his dances when he battles in a new environment?

    That's right.

    I didn't want to use him until i could actually find out where to get his dances (without using guides) so thanks for that Gustave now I can finally have a Moogle Charm team (no random battle) :)

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