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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. I don't think it's been discussed yet, but I really like the pace of the battlefield shown in this vid. From what I could see, this game has some real potential for difficulty in micromanagement. Things can get hectic reasonably fast, especially if use of the tag system and giving allies orders are not made use of well. I was already hoping for this when they unveiled the map mechanics at E3.
  2. Mhmm, that's true. I haven't really studied this sort of thing on my own or anywhere else, so I'm not always sure what to look for. That makes sense.
  3. I'm inclined to think it is her. The hair looks similar in style to the original FE8 artwork to me, but the madness in his eyes looks very much the same. His skin tone seems to be different though...
  4. Whoops. For some reason I got it right on every sentence except that one. Didn't catch those, will add them.
  5. I'm not saying they were factually incorrect, though. This whole thing just reminds me of the rabid Ike fanboys crying every time a banner wasn't Ike.
  6. I understand the complaint, I just think it's exaggerated to hell and back.
  7. Gotta put your hip into it... Even if you're shooting fishies.
  8. Does Summer Elise's face look weird to anyone else?
  9. I really, really don't understand these complaints about Hoshido getting shafted. At least Hoshidans are in the game.
  10. I looked, and I couldn't really find a part that was particularly similar.
  11. I don't know... I certainly don't think they inflated his Res lol. If he does keep those offenses though, then I think he can get by without receiving Hone Fliers like Xander?
  12. Can't really tell what map the new Bound Hero Battle is based on.
  13. I have this 4* Eirika I pulled not too long ago... And I was wondering what to do with her. I must get Corrin...
  14. Wow, that's actually really really good. That's like a Camus spread almost, though the lower Spd hurts a bit. If only Hone Fliers was available on more than just Hinoka... Actually, I might even send onee-san home to use this guy.
  15. Pretty much same. If I finish my Horse Emblem then I could just cruise through most of the content right now. Or I could just optimize a F!Robin for no reason.
  16. I've never liked them, but I'm not really too above using what's broken. Shit like Horse Emblem gets on my nerves, but that doesn't really stop me from slowly building one. The worst part is when people resort to these broken tactics without acknowledging they've basically lost strategy-wise.
  17. Strategy - On Infernal, the safest course of action is usually to eliminate or at least attack the Lance Pegasus to start the map. - Beware of Drive Atk on the Lance Pegasus and Red Mage. Recommended units - Reinhardt: Do you want to win? You want to win. Just get Lancebreaker. - Dancers - Red mage/Distant Counter: Cecilia is extremely dangerous, such that no matter what kind of team you bring, you'd want a Red unit that can counter kill to deal with her. Some of the slower Red mages are definitely going to need G Tomebreaker to get the job done.
  18. The Mage General of Etruria, Cecilia, along with her rival in love pupil Lilina, Marquess of Ostia, challenge us. Map Hard / Lunatic Infernal Infernal Enemy Data Cecilia Lilina Lance Pegasus Sniper Lance Cavalier Red Mage
  19. Oh damn, 5% Julia banner... I won't have enough between that and trying to get Corrin... @Johann Yooo you're a god.
  20. Eh, then that kinda defeats the point of a month long banner if you ask me. But we'll see, I guess.
  21. I will hit you in the back of your head with this +40 Blarblade from Corrin
  22. Let's go boooooooi. I still need that Swift Sparrow though.
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