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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. That's fair. Now with Cantonese, they don't teach the pronunciation guide either... No, because she was a Japanese battlecruiser in her past life, and the Soviets fought the Japanese. no
  2. I've heard of "y'all" existing since like, the 70s or 80s? But I didn't know they also slapped on "d've"....
  3. This is Serious Discussion. This thread is everything.
  4. It's one thing to be understood, but I do think it's important to strive to improve in a language. You can function in society as long as others understand you, but you can also improve yourself so people understand you better/easier. I learnt phonics at a young age, and that alone has allowed me to guess my way through most English words I think.
  5. They actually teach IPA or something? I know there are phonics classes, but I don't think I've heard of people learning how to read IPA in school. Chinese pinyin is mandatory though, pretty sure.
  6. Yeah, correct (or at least comprehensible) grammar seemed to be more valued by native speakers, at least in America. Most Asians are extremely concerned about pronunciation though; they hate their accent.
  7. We Chinese have taken over Serenes, huh? English does, but unlike with Mandarin pinyin, it's never written next to/above a word, and sometimes similar combinations of letters would yield a different pronunciation for no reason. Lack of consistency is one of the things that makes English hard to learn.
  8. It doesn't counter the Raven tome's actual effect, so TA Raven just becomes 0% bonus for Colorless. Which, I guess is what Colorless is supposed to be in the first place, but I feel like I'd rather put CA on someone else in that case.
  9. So now that I've found out Cancel Affinity does not truly help Colorless counter Raven builds, I'm not really sure who to give it to... What kind of unit would want it?
  10. Fates' timeline and world-building is wack anyway. Whatever man. This actually exists. Wow.
  11. I don't remember anything in in-game text that suggests Elise is 10-11, though it's been quite a while since I've played Conquest (I still need to finish BR Lunatic before I move on to Conquest lol). 14~16 is roughly where it's at if you ask me. I think a lot of people just think Lachesis is 20-ish because of her Heroes voice? Her official art from FE4 doesn't look that old to me.
  12. Elise is a loli though. She was "legalized" like Lyn in the localization.
  13. She looks young, but she has absolutely zero physical loli traits. "Looking young" is such a wide definition that most of Fates' female cast would classify as lolis as well, when they are, in fact, not. Rinkah does not have the body type or even the face of one.
  14. What if they get Miwabe Sakura to draw her... Wow, you've actually played BS FE? Woah, Yoshiko Sakakibara voiced Minerva in that game. I don't know if I would have liked her more or her current one...
  15. yes.finally someone gets it.
  16. Yeah, it's not entirely accurate, but the situation has some semblance to that, since Camus is part of the enemy country. I don't think Nyna would have trusted him initially. I see. I have a serious baby face. I've consistently been treated as being ~3 years younger than I actually am since I was like, 13? I eat a lot of chocolate... Also @ the loli debate, liking candy shouldn't even be part of the discussion imo... Loli traits are strictly physical; it's just an aesthetic
  17. Wow, so all I had to do was click the links in your sig to find out you're not male...
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