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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. No, it's the reverse of Stockholm Syndrome, where the captor develops feelings for the captive(s).
  2. I didn't really think much about it, but when I thought about you liking those characters from the point of view of a male, I was like "oh yeah I could see that", or something. It's just an impression, kinda? Can't really put it to words well.
  3. The best part is that you like characters like Ayra and Ryoma, which made me even more bamboozled. That's cool and all, but I really don't see how Rinkah is a loli. She has zero loli traits.
  4. Huh. So it's like Stockholm Syndrome + Lima Syndrome? Interesting. OTP tho he'll yea I have been bamboozled for years.
  5. It's rather expensive compared to Horse Emblem, and it locks you into being mostly Enemy Phase, since mobility issues make it a bit tricky to incorporate Player Phase play, even though Brave Lance Effie is absolutely ridiculous with Armor buffs. Not exactly everyone's cup of tea to compared to the easy-to-use Horse Emblem.
  6. I will whale for Witch Corrin. No, do it yourself :))))))))))))) For the plot
  7. S O O N If Mathilda dies then Delthea is saved, nothing particularly changes in-game, but it is a pretty interesting development.
  8. Clive should definitely be mad, but lashing out at Alm is just dumb. It's a normal reaction that you see in real life, of course, but it's also dumb in real life. But objectively speaking, it's well-written.
  9. I can't really call him the worst piece of crap ever, but he's not impressive. Cav Kliff just shits on him. He's not unlikeable, he's just so very generic and boring. His reaction to Mathilda's death is pretty dumb, but I consider that to be non-canon anyway.
  10. At the moment, she will just sit there looking pretty. I do have spare Tharjas and Sophias around, so I could just pass something on to her, then wait for a better nature Lilina. Though, Raudhblade doesn't care about -Atk. Someday you will understand....
  11. Today was a good day. I dropped a bit of money... @Vaximillian @Oboro! @GuiltyLove @MaskedAmpharos Summer Tiki is +Atk -HP, which is pretty alright. 32 HP is low, but it's all good. I'm torn between doing Brave Axe vs QR build though. +Atk is perfect for Brave Axe, but I kinda want her to keep her Melon Crusher... Maybe I'll slap on Fury for that delicious +5 to everything... Lilina is +HP -Atk, which is pretty RIP. My Hector is +Atk -HP, what happened to inheritance? Is it because my first Bride Lyn was -Atk? That normal Adult Tiki is actually +Atk -Spd, which is great. I have a spare Young Tiki around, so I may or may not hand her Flametongue+. I've heard conflicting ideas about replacing Lightning Breath. SHE HAS FINALLY COME But +Res -Spd... At least I have some form of flat Brave waifu now. RIP no Bridelia tho... And +Res -HP. Not too bad. Time to bully.
  12. I love my TA Gronnraven+ F!Robin... I'm done with the Kill Lloyd with X quests.
  13. Everyone's putting Barst to work, while my Barsts are all busy dying for Reposition...
  14. You just put Distant Counter and Ward Armor on everything, then Quick Riposte or Wary Fighter depending on which Armor, and watch things do 1 damage to you, then explode as you hit them with Bonfire.
  15. Raven with L&D Brave Axe is pretty swole, but Anna teleports. I think she has some worth.
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