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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. I think Anna would see some use too. With Fury, very few things in the game can actually ORKO her when not considering buffs. iirc she can survive Quickened Moonbow Rein.
  2. Well I just decided to say "lol fuck it", and use my main team of Lucina/Julia/Azura/Reinhardt, and somehow it worked. This is the first time Infernal hasn't forced me to use a different team, so I'm actually stunned.
  3. tfw this map just screams Xander and you haven't 5*ed him.
  4. I wish they got Tange Sakura to voice Sanaki so she could literally be Red Saber...
  5. I wish they got Tange Sakura to voice Sanaki so she could literally be Red Saber...
  6. Xander is on a horse AND has Distant Counter though. You could just slowly work your way towards Horse Emblem like me. I just chip away at it when I feel like it, but 3/4 members are still 4*. I've heard about girls refusing to hear negative answers.
  7. they call you "scrub" I really like Oboro's Japanese voice because it's so unique.
  8. It's a solid gimmick, so why not I guess. I'd replace Vengeance though, since other stuff like Draconic Aura or Luna gives more reliable damage.
  9. +Spd Takumi would do alright with Darting Blow, since his catch range would go up to 37 Spd, but I'm not sure if it's worth it for non +Spd, since 34 Spd and below doesn't have that many squishies.
  10. Oh right. I actually forgot he could do that. Lol if he can walk over water, he would have broken the bridge map in half. Then they give him the ability to walk over lava...
  11. If Fujin Yumi really stayed true to its Fates effect, then Takumi could walk through forests like a flier... That'd actually be kinda scary on some Arena maps.
  12. From what I've heard of her EN voice in Echoes... That'd probably be an improvement. Yeah, but Assist and Special don't have pictures, so you're stuck with the text lol. It doesn't matter as much in the Arena since A) you'll probably see what Assist the enemies are doing, and B) you don't want to get hit by any Specials, but it'll probably be annoying in Tempest.
  13. If you still remember the buttons, it should be fine. The biggest problem is not being able to read Assist and Special; with weapon, you can guess based on the Might.
  14. You missed it lol Wow, it's a ghost. I don't have access to TA at the moment, and Fury Nowi is a bit more convenient since she also kills a lot of Blues. I'll probably have both learned if I can afford it someday. Swordbreaker does make the Falchion matchup better, and all Swords are gonna die for sure while preventing extra damage on Nowi... Maybe I'll just slap on QR for now since I'm using a healer in Chain Challenge. If I do end up bringing Nowi to the Arena or something, she would pretty much be my only Sword murderer if my bonus unit isn't one.
  15. I don't get how it's pretentious... But okay. I will stop using said word. I'm actually mainly making this Nowi for Chain Challenge lol. I COULD drop Reinhardt on my Arena team, but...
  16. no u I don't get why anyone would be anal about getting people to replace a word with another when the word getting replaced is technically correct... So uh... Quick Riposte or Swordbreaker on my Fury Nowi? +Atk -HP.
  17. I want to start working on my 5* +Atk -HP Nowi, and I have Fury already learned, but I need to 5* a Sully for Swordbreaker or pull a 4* Abel... tfw no Triangle Adept fodder
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