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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. I've beaten a lot, but they beat me half the time too...
  2. Once I beat a guy called "whale btw". Can I feel good about myself?
  3. I did Merc Gray, Mage Tobin and Cav Kliff. Cav Kliff wasn't always that useful unfortunately. The levels my Python got were like... HP... and Def or something. UGH. Last Bastion was definitely a map that hurt with no Archer. Fear Mountain is probably the biggest offender though. I actually went and dug up some Python supports and stuff, and I think 8-4 made his lines a lot wittier for the localization. JP!Python is a lot more boring.
  4. I ended with 368 on my Hard/Classic Blitzkrieg, but I had no Archer on Alm side at all (if I did I could have gone down to the 350s for sure). I didn't make Kliff into an Archer and tried to bank on Python, but not only was getting EXP for him rather difficult, his first two levels were garbage (I reset twice for him with no dice and couldn't be assed to do it more since I had good levels for everyone else). Those are basically his problems: when playing fast(er), Archers lose many sources of EXP because they can't ORKO well early game, and Python's first one or two levels need to be god levels for him to even have a chance. Granted, with enough work, he can still just be carried by Killer Bow + promotion into Sniper, but if he doesn't get those early god levels the work isn't worth it imo.
  5. no U TA goes without saying, but Swordbreaker and Bowbreaker are the Bs he wants, depending on your needs. The two mage Robins actually perform quite poorly against same-color mages, so the only things they usually bait are Colorless, the most dangerous ones being Bows, hence Bowbreaker. Not much mileage out of QR imo.
  6. Is Clair's even a helmet? It just looks like goggles to me lol.
  7. Tried for Delthea again... She's -Atk +Def... Thanks @Rezzy. Maybe she'll become Cancel Affinity fodder someday, but for now I'll keep her since I like her. @Vaximillian Another waifu hoarded.
  8. Eh, I don't think she's particularly overrated or underrated as a unit. She has very good growths, and enemies in SS are quite weak, so she has a very easy time outpacing them despite her bases. And unlike Bishops, she has access to a horse with Mage Knight (we all know about GBA and horses). And as a Mage Knight, increased Con with Excalibur (a broken tome lmao) means her late game is quite on par with the Bishops you get.
  9. @Topaz Light I think overall, less "manly" characters are just less well-received in the West. Hayato etc. are mostly liked by the Japanese fandom, and Eliwood actually beat Hector in a Japanese only poll way back. Though I still dislike Ricken.
  10. I think he's alright, he is just unfortunate enough to be in the same game as Hector and Lyn lol, which probably makes him look worse than he actually is. Also he isn't outstanding gameplay wise either. I think I can sort of relate to her perfectionist attitude and insecurities (though of course I'm hardly talented at much).
  11. it wasn't me IT WASN'T ME IT WAS THE GARDENER I actually do though? As a character. You don't know me, George Bush W Bush.
  12. I'm not tho! Also YES I hate his guts. He's just a dumb guy with a pot. On a similar note, Dorcas.
  13. I'm trying to say... I just got up with too little sleep lmao. I edited it, thanks. My favourite Whitewing is actually Catria. I also like Camus.
  14. He's smart and lazy, but that's it. Because he's lazy, he doesn't do anything interesting. He doesn't even say anything interesting. He's just bland to me, personality wise. Gameplay wise, His start is so terrible that it takes too much work than its worth to get him caught up, especially when you can have a Villager Archer long before you get him. His personality is considered creepy by some in Japan because he's a "self-proclaimed best friend", but he's not entirely unpopular there either. His reception is definitely a lot more mixed there, but from what I've seen and heard, Silas is popular in the West, because the same personality traits seen as creepy in the East are considered "sweet" in the West.
  15. Leo is amazing on a Cav team man, just ridiculously expensive. @Lord-Zero The main reason mkv is quitting FEH is because he'll be busy with school this coming year.
  16. Phantom Atk + Heavy Blade... *gulp* I actually really want Phantom HP though, so I can finally give Panic Ploy to someone.
  17. Next time, I think I'll just grind Hard 5 instead of Lunatic 7 for Tempest. A lot less stressful.
  18. Ohhh. For some reason my head defaulted to irl people.
  19. Really? I haven't ever heard praise for Corrin... Maybe the people that like Corrin don't really visit Serenes. I know there are some on Reddit but they obviously keep quiet. Or are kept quiet.
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