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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. Believe it or not, yes. In Echoes, Emma's Trainee Lance has the Art "Solo Triangle Attack", where she does three consecutive hits by herself.
  2. He tries a lot of combinations in practice instead of just calculating it out. Which is part of why he hated that Gronnraven TA mage Cav in Clarisse's GHB so much.
  3. I would personally pick Effie, because while Athena is well-suited for the summer heat, Effie is a good long-term investment for the coming winter. Her armor will block any blizzard while she ORKOs your neighbours' snowmen with ease, even if they have axes.
  4. Here, Taiwan and and the Philippines get hit hard by them. But Hong Kong sits behind them with a giant slab of land called China behind it, so we get shielded lol. When typhoons do reach us they've already been significantly weakened. The only time (in recent memory) we've had it bad was when, somehow, a typhoon went past us onto China, then did a 180 and hit us again. The second time it was really strong.
  5. This is even further beyond. My original post from Tuesday got deleted, and this new one appeared randomly. I'm not sure what this is but this might be a first. Maybe we're stuck in a time loop. I used Mila's Turnwheel to make that post again.
  6. It's a bit of a shame that Fensalir's effect isn't super good in Arena, but it really shines in these kinds of fights. Fensalir + Spur Def Seal + fort tile is MHMMMMMMMMMMMM.
  7. After like, three? stamina potions, I decided to look around for strats to copy instead. I was so focused on trying to destroy things with F!Robin's Gronnwolf+, but somehow watching your vid made me remember my Julia has Bowbreaker learned... That got me through Lunatic and Infernal. Thanks! Sadly, couldn't bust out my Zanbato+ Selena, since Berkut runs from it. @Vaximillian I believe this is the first time Sharena has been a key in a GHB for me...
  8. I don't remember saying that anymore...
  9. I have no real way of ORKO all these enemies without all my shit just dying. Which means I need to kite, but I can't figure it out. The enemies always go wherever I can't reach.
  10. These Hero Battles are getting harder... This is the second battle in a row after Alm + Celica that I've been stumped. Stuck at Lunatic this time.
  11. I just tried Hard, and HOLY SHIT they move. Kinda sucks that the Bow user is a Firesweep, otherwise...
  12. Yes. Literally nothing else matters.
  13. I actually decided to finally finish my run. I double checked my turn count with the end results and realized that I had written down less than I actually had for one or two fights. My final count is 368 (same link as in my above post). My biggest problems were Celica Act 3 (Desert Fortress stumps me), and no Archer for Alm Act 4, which is a death sentence. If I had a Bow Knight, I'm sure I could have saved at least half of those 18 turns to reach 350. Oh well. Dread Fighter Gray is a very very big priority on Alm's side. I can't 100% remember if I got him to DF after Sluice Gate or Border, but ideally you want him after Sluice Gate. I brought two, Saber and Kamui, but Kamui was fairly useless aside from killing Witches in my memory. A Dread Fighter's biggest contribution (on Hard, and to me at least) is to be able to safely bait enemy Dreads without taking a billion damage, because only they have a good chance of matching enemy Attack Speed AND not take too much damage (Celica and Catria can match the Speed with some luck, but their bulk isn't that great). And on most maps, you only really need one Dread Fighter to do this. They might take half damage from magic, but really, Arcanists are so slow, while Witches are fragile AND slow, so a lot of other units can just ORKO them. Again, you just need one to draw all the mages close. I actually picked Sonya instead of Deen because I didn't expect Kamui to fall behind so drastically. Sonya did contribute a bit, but Deen is better. I actually scrounged up enough Silver to get Leon a Killer Bow, and the rest is explanatory. For forking, Dread Fighter Lukas is a prime candidate, but Pegasus Mae is another one. There are two ways to go about it. You can grind Mae from Villager to Peg before leaving Novis Island, which actually makes her ridiculous for all of the boat maps, and she will proceed to snowball most of Celica side. However, because of how Novis Cemetery is designed, this is pretty hard on the turns. So the other way is to Fork at Sea Shrine, which means you won't get her as soon, but since she will already have some growths to buff up her stats, even her Villager form is combat ready, so it's a race to get her three levels before Act 2 ends. Shouldn't be too hard, especially since there are two EXP fountains at Sea Shrine that you could just blow on her (though whether or not that is wise is debatable, especially since instant Falcoknight Palla is apparently one of the few ways to low turn Desert Fortress on Hard). Alternatively, you can get the Cipher DLC, get Shade and Yuzu for Celica side in Act 2, then Fork Yuzu into a Pegasus. Yuzu performs poorly as a Priestess, but Peg Yuzu is actually game-breaking. My friend did it, and she has 17 Atk and 18 Spd at level 1 Peg. Going right into Act 3.
  14. You will always have my sympathy for not having Celica.
  15. I am currently setting her free from the abuse Veronica is subjecting her to.
  16. It's just an overview of what can happen. Don't sweat the details.
  17. I still haven't even beaten Ike's 5 map Chain Challenge, let alone the 9-10 one...
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