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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. Yeah. Before I edited my post I actually wrote "Warrior weapons" instead, then remembered that they're probably different in English.
  2. I thought about lower Might for player phase, but that's kinda...straightfoward? I feel like the Brave weapon line's Spd -5 debuff was a decent idea.
  3. So, when will they release the Venge line of weapons from Fates? Like, 1.5 damage when counterattacking or something, but maybe some sort of penalty in some other field?
  4. I don't know who Gligar13 is, but lmao get outta here with that wack ass 2007 Gamefaqs username. Didn't bother to watch the vid, but saw the discussion about Switch being underpowered. I used to consider graphics to be very important as well, but I feel like the graphics/console power race between Microsoft and Sony, as well as quite a few AAA game developers, has sort of taken the spotlight. Instead of innovation, the "next gen" seeks to simply improve. Better is always...better, but how far can you go before the public loses interest? I certainly have, but I suppose there is still money to be made from this path as we can see. Nintendo has always just played its own game, to the point where you can't really say Nintendo is running in the same track. The Wii was wildly different, the Wii U was wildly different in a fairly unsuccessful way, and the Switch is doing it again. No point in comparing the Switch to its "competitors", because they aren't really competing with it; no one can claim to do what the Switch does but better.
  5. No map is fun when Desaix's Paladin spawn decides to check in.
  6. But then Berkut would have had a chance to be something other than "lol not Camus benched".
  7. Except not everyone will have a Ridersbane and one turn this map like in Echoes lmao. Really disappointed Berkut doesn't come with Krimheild to be honest. We're basically never getting that Lance then.
  8. Wow, Dread Fighter Clive even lmao. I still need to finish my Hard/Classic Blitzkrieg... I've just finished Ch. 4 sitting at 330 turns, but I've been procrastinating on Ch. 5 because it means I have to deal with running away from dungeon enemies again. Here are my turn counts so far, if you're interested. The only DLC used was one pair of Boots, which I gave to Celica, because honestly 4 Mov is so unjust for her lol. Nuibaba's Abode took me 8 turns. I'd say not making Faye into a Cleric 100% cost you this map, because Warp + Rescue is pretty much mandatory if you want to clear it reasonably fast. What I did was have Silque and Faye Warp + Rescue Alm to Double Lion everything while staying safe, including Nuibaba (I needed Alm to take a hit from Nuibaba with the Hexlock Shield since Silque didn't have enough Warp range otherwise), then have Delthea (with Coral Ring's Art keeping her safe against Dread Fighters) and Gray scale the mountain. I can't remember if Sage Tobin went up as well. Then I had Mathilda and Paladin Kliff go the long route to the other side to deal with two Dread Fighters and an Arcanist near the back. Not having a single Dread Fighter at Nuibaba's Abode is actually strange. Maybe it's because you forked multiple people into Mercs, and since more people became useful, EXP became spread too thin between them. I invested an EXP fountain, forges and kills on Kamui, and honestly, he is possibly the worst investment I made in this run. He's by no means bad, but Saber's constant level and promotion lead over him meant he was not useful relative to the resources I put into him. If I had to do it again, I would, like you, not bother to get Kamui up to Dread Fighter. Surprised to see that you didn't use Leon that much. He's not super great, but he is the only Archer you get on Celica side, and I've found Bow Knight Leon to be quite valuable. Though, it seems you did alright without him. Forsyth, Python and Luthier were insta-bench for me. I just couldn't find any way for the former two to contribute after Chapter 1. I think Python truly needs to have his first one or two levels be blessed in order to have any chance of getting caught up, and even then I'm not sure, because I've found Archers very hard to train on Alm side in general. However, not having ANY Archer (shoulda made Kliff into one instead of Cav tbh) makes Chapter 4 Alm side much much slower, so it's a tough dilemma. Luthier joins way too late, because going to Forest Village before Desaix has a really high chance of causing a map spawn, and if you don't bring him to Desaix he's basically as useful as Atlas promoting after Grieth. And guess what, Delthea joins after Ch. 3 anyway lol. Where did you train up Conrad? His terrible starting offense was a real problem, such that I pretty much gave up on him. I still brought him along to Duma Tower because of his good bases in everything else, but I couldn't really get him to promote.
  9. I will use my Quickened Debate Seal to quickly charge up my Slippery Slopes!
  10. What's almost free to play lol? I might as well be f2p, seeing how I have never gotten anything good through paying.
  11. There are also poor players who paid but still don't have Cordelias... Of any sort. But at least she is ready. Zanbato+ / Reposition / Moonbow / Fury 3 / Swordbreaker 3 / Threaten Spd 3 I have Ignis and Desperation learned for non-Arena content, but for now she's my leader. Just put on the Res +1 Seal to have 32/32 bulk lel.
  12. Well, 1300 yen is a lot more reasonable to me lol.
  13. I am. But that doesn't mean it'll happen either. The biggest thing is that Nowi takes priority over Oboro.
  14. I feel like QR2/3 barely makes a difference, while Swordbreaker goes all the way to 50% HP, so it can save lives. I don't know, Oboro. Your performance in Fates tells me you deserve it, but...
  15. Yeah, but I don't have a 4* Abel at the moment. Fuck promoting Sully.
  16. @Oboro! I actually can't decide if I want to use this 5* Abel to give Oboro Brave Lance or give Nowi Swordbreaker 3...
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