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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. I have no idea how much these cards go for, but depending on the price, I might be interested....
  2. Well, she's kinda considered to be the real love interest of Roy like what Caeda is to Marth, I guess? That automatically makes her more popular.
  3. Really, these scores mean nothing. IGN is not a credible source to begin with anyway.
  4. I've played games that have and don't have these elements, and I can safely say... I really have no preference either way. I enjoy the romantic elements, but they're not really what keeps me playing. That being said, if they're going to do children like the joke they were in Fates again, they might as well not bother.
  5. Well, on the other hand, since you have more units that can (potentially) become pegasi, that just means more things to plan for and optimize, since this time you can Marriage Seal to have people without the Peg class gain it by marrying the right person etc.
  6. No but that's the thing; you don't accept that what disagrees with you can be the best. Doing what you want and refusing to accept that other things are the best are different things, and is why the whole argument started in the first place. You are free to live by your opinion at your own risk (Vanatge on Sharena), but you can't invalidate the facts with your opinion (by saying Swordbreaker/Quick Riposte are bad on Sharena when they're clearly, through simple numbers, not bad).
  7. But see, we're not disagreeing with you just because we hate your guts and you always have to be wrong. When you ask us for advice, of course we're going to tell you the best possible options for a unit or situation. Not everything has to be the best, but if you ask us we will show you what is. Afterwards, it's down to your own judgment as to whether or not to follow through with the advice. I don't run optimal sets on my units because I do as I wish, but I know and accept what actually produces the best results.
  8. He was joking about "Optimized Correctly". He meant it in the sense that if you want maximum Arena points, skills that cost more SP should be put in instead, but it's not what produces the best results in battle. When we talk about Atk stats, we always use the base number instead of including the weapon, since now with Skill Inheritance, anyone can wield any weapon in the same class. The base stat is important since it determines what kind of weapons a unit would do good with. Generally, base 33 is considered average/pretty decent, and 35 or above is pretty strong. Sharena sits at 32.
  9. Maybe because using facts, numbers and experience (of which many of us probably have more than you to be honest), your ideas are actually not always the best?
  10. idk, Wings of Mercy Reinhardt is pretty annoying lmao.
  11. Nope, Lucina has 34 Atk at base (50 with Falchion equipped). Nino has 33 Atk and 36 Spd at base. With Gronnblade+, she will end up with 46 Atk, which looks lower than Sharena's, but in reality Nino has better Atk without factoring weapon.
  12. I didn't ACTUALLY have to count it for myself, Gamepress has statistics. Seven, actually. There are four above 35. In today's news: Ana quits FEH (and will probably come back) for the fourth time
  13. It isn't though. Sharena is tied for 54th place in highest Atk stat. Which means there are 54 units that have better Atk than Sharena in the game. So you'll be able to find plenty of higher Atk stats.
  14. Well, 32 at base (without Fensalir) is average. It's not bad, but it's not high enough to be among the higher Atk stats in the game.
  15. Oh, you know, just literally every time you are given advice on this board from the game's release to now. @Gustavos It's not that Sharena gets doubled, it's that she can't kill the things she's supposed to be checking without QR/Swordbreaker. Which is bad because Wings of Memes is now everywhere.
  16. Then just do whatever you think is best. You don't need to ask us if we're wrong every time.
  17. Well, it's not really just two or three units. Swordbreaker means you destroy the entire category, and Swords make up pretty much most of this game. Quick Riposte lets her fight Lances better though. Besides, Vantage is kinda weak on Sharena. She doesn't have the stats to make super good use of Draconic Aura, Bonfire or Iceberg, so she has to settle for Luna/Moonbow, neither of which are particularly strong enough for Vantage one-shots.
  18. I personally subscribe to the reincarnation theory, but Corrin x Caeldori being canon is a bit of a stretch. To me, it's just a possibility of how it can turn out. If you marry both Tharja and Rhajat, or both Gaius and Asugi, then the same thing happens but in a different way. I didn't really think much of Chrom knowing about Hoshido and Nohr, because as it currently stands, Awakening has already been chronologically locked to being the last possible thing that happens in whatever an FE timeline looks like (while Fates is very likely the very first thing in this timeline), since the continents and heroes of every other FE game prior to Awakening are well-known legends already.
  19. @DehNutCase I think I'll actually do the Zanbato+ on Selena for real. I grinded up 750 SP on her in the bonus SP time. Goodbye Xanders and Eldigans.
  20. It was just a joke about speeding up a "slow and steady" niche, but if I pull a Saber I might. That or the Zanbato, actually. I have this -Atk Gray.
  21. But with Slaying, she can take her time to kill her opponent... Faster!!!!
  22. Well, they're Byakuya in weeb, if we're going by that. White Nights don't like selfies. But more Might from Slaying Edge! What matchups do Armorslayer give her an edge in anyway? She already runs Sheena and Hector into the ground. Draug and Zephiel lol?
  23. How's Slaying Edge Selena lul. @Oboro! Brave Lance baybeeeee. Imma make you risk your life for me. I had nothing to do with this 5* Abel anyway.
  24. Oh Catria. You're my favourite Whitewing, but I won't let you say that about Cordelia. You're just jealous of that 35/35.
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