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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. RIP Florina, Palla and (kinda?) Catria. Robin the god definitely got nerfed. Corrin as well. I think Cordelia is actually more terrifying in Heroes than her Awakening self, relatively. I suppose Eldigan won't be doing any better than Xander, but what about Eliwood? He murdered his wife, surely he can murder a chicken.
  2. I saw the new one on Reddit. At least everything else is better. I brought up Leo's placing to the OP.
  3. 32 Def isn't bad, but if you're knowingly going into a 20k feather investment with something you know you can get a better version of, then clearly you want that Def intact instead. If adult Tiki was a 5* exclusive and he's hurting for a 5* red, then of course he should just live with it. She wants +Atk or +Def, and either -Spd or -Res works.
  4. Oh no, my defense team loses to this one broken unit that is unstoppable in player hands anyway... Whatever will I do...
  5. Oh no, my defense team loses to this one broken unit that is unstoppable in player hands anyway... Whatever will I do...
  6. I'd merge instead, unless you never plan on building that perfect Fae, since 4* Fae already gives Renewal 3.
  7. Usually for units that require the feather investment to reach 5*, I'd recommend waiting for a good nature before starting to work on them. They're easy(easier) to pull multiple copies of, so you can easily get a better natured one before spending SI and feather resources. Back to adult Tiki, she can be offensively threatening, but it basically requires you to sacrifice baby Tiki for Flametongue, since adult Tiki doesn't really make good use of Lightnig Breath (lower Might, she is a poor counter to mages, and the -1 special charge hurts). And even so, she wants to have her Def and HP intact to maintain her frontline presence.
  8. LOL I just put Ardent Sacrifice on my +1 Life and Death 3 Kagerou. She has Vantage and her Defense Team buddy is Celica. Let's fucking go.
  9. @Oboro! I pulled a 3* +Atk -Res Oboro. Probably gonna work on her later on.
  10. Fates does have an insanely large script, I guess. If you haven't already played these two games and don't think you'd enjoy them too much, I'd recommend just getting Fates since it's more polished in almost every way except in its story. The gameplay is excellent in Conquest, but Birthright isn't as well designed, to the point that it's annoyingly hard to deal with the enemy density (i.e. it's challenging but for the wrong reasons). Revelations is a true waste of money.
  11. So you don't want to play Awakening or Fates?
  12. I guess this comes with the territory of a large franchise.
  13. If you ask me, only Alm and Celica remotely have a shot.
  14. Her image is too manly, didn't leave any impression that she's a woman in my mind lmao
  15. I'm not super familiar with the older games in Japanese, but is Delthea the first Bokukko in FE? Not considering the fact that Echoes is actually Gaiden, since non-MCs barely have any lines in those old games.
  16. Though I guess there's the excuse of superhuman brain telepathy that transcends time and space that helps people recognize him.
  17. Pretty much 3/4 of my 5* pulls were done at 1 am Pacific Time lol.
  18. THE SACRED TIME I'm at 60k right now. I think I can reach the 100,000 reward no problem, but I lack the motivation to stay in the top 5k this time.
  19. I've kept Dragon Fang on my Julia all this time, because I rely on her so much, especially vs Dire Thunder, that she can actually get it charged up even in Arena fights. Dragon Fang is also great in Tempest for brute forcing past stat inflation. You can't do anything about 35 true damage. Maybe that was a pun.
  20. Just put Dragon Fang on Delthea and all your troubles will go away
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