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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. I like having an undo button, but being able to undo so many times is too strong.
  2. I don't think that's why she doesn't let other people solve her problems; she didn't let Conrad know about her deal with Jedah, even though he's a prince. I think Celica, despite having grown up around supportive people, didn't really have people she could trust and depend on as family around her for long periods of her childhood. Alm, Mycen and Conrad were the closest, but she didn't get to spend much time with them. Growing up, she likely felt alone, with only herself to rely on. I'm not sure. She sort of already gave up at Dolth Keep, and the main reason was that she thought she could save all her friends just by sacrificing herself. I agree with those except the first one. That's a bit of a stretch. Celica embodies the flaw of Zofians (over reliance of gods) and has her own personal flaws, but, unflattering portrayal aside, my biggest problem with her is that she promises Conrad that she won't throw her life away then still does it.
  3. Not really, no. A team that comes out of endgame ungrinded stands pretty much no chance past the 5th floor, but as you leave the dungeon and re-enter, you'll keep getting more EXP. If you promoted mostly ASAP for the base game and then max out your units' levels, you will be able to clear the dungeon with some luck. You will still need to abuse ranges, avoid enemies 8th floor and beyond, and keep Turnwheeling until the final boss' reinforcement patterns stop screwing you over, but you'll have a shot. Over Classes make the dungeon and clear pretty much guaranteed, though, mostly for the extra levels.
  4. When I think of sword beams, the first thing that comes to mind are the straight projectiles of light in Zelda.
  5. Okay, I see it now. And in motion, they continue to travel forward too. I'm not sure if those are just shockwves or actually beams, but that's a thing I guess. Good eye. Idk, the Yato is pretty slick.
  6. I am blind and cannot see them. Please screenshot and show me. Unless you mean the final spin. There actually was one in Fates, in a cutscene. It was a bunch of smoke and stuff. 5:06
  7. They've already put in very distinct visual cues as to when Siegfried is using its beams, and they were not there during that special. Unless you're gonna tell me they suddenly changed their mind for that one attack and decided blue looks better, then I guess clearly you are right.
  8. But what sword beams are you talking about? This is what Siegfried's beams look like in Warriors, and they're purple. They weren't in the special. At all. That's a bit of a strange question. There is no limit to how creative you can be, and there is also no limit to how uncreative you can be. Even with derivation, you can put new and unique twists on the original concept to give your product a new identity. Unless you're saying nothing can ever be creative because everything has always been done before. Then I guess every content creator active right now should just quit.
  9. I see zero purple beams. This is true. They both visually look alright, but they're not creative. And if they're not creative, I would rather they cut the cinematics so I don't have to sit and wait.
  10. I mean, they're not as generic-looking, but they're still just cuts into one bigger cut. It's a common tempo, and Marth's isn't really bad, but the developers clearly have no ideas. Xander doesn't even use sword beams in that special though. It's just straight cuts.
  11. Well, this isn't a Pair Up special. Nor is this one. They're still pretty much the same thing. Marth's is better because the camera work makes it look cooler, but it's not that much better.
  12. I can see that. Why? I've played other Warriors games that have done similar things. And those specials bored the shit out of me. This is the exact same thing.
  13. That's an animation problem, not a conceptual problem. No amount of polish and fancy glitter will make rapid slashes more than rapid slashes. You'll get what I mean if you ever buy this game and play it for more than an hour.
  14. Look at this real quick. This special consists of Rowan (or whoever you set as the assist I guess) + Chrom doing nothing but rapid slashes until Chrom does the finishing stab. The entire process lasts exactly 10 seconds, and the entire 10 seconds is just the same thing. That's boring. In Hyrule Warriors, we had specials that lasted for about the same amount of time, but a lot more happens in those 10 seconds compared to this. For FE Warriors, they clearly can't come up with ideas for specials as creative and visually impressive as the ones in Hyrule Warriors for most regular sword characters (and I imagine for any non-magic wielders as well). Despite this clear weakness, they still decided that doing cinematic specials for FE Warriors was a good idea, when there is absolutely nothing worth seeing here. Now, if they can't make a cinematic special interesting, what could have they done instead? They could have made specials that are much quicker and shorter, involving some rapid slashes or just really fast dashes. Are they any more (or less) creative and impressive than what we already have? Nope. But they are also don't last nearly as long and allow you to control your direction of movement during them, so the action doesn't slow down.
  15. No. I'm saying that I know we can't expect attacks as crazy as the ones in Hyrule Warriors, but, even though they know this, the developers are still trying to do the same things and it's not working.
  16. That's the thing; if there's nothing special they can do, why make me watch Chrom flail around for 10 seconds? A simpler, non-cinematic combo would suffice. Yes, I do like Sengoku Warriors more, but I don't play either much anymore. I definitely don't like cinematic specials as much, since if done poorly like what we've seen so far in Warriors, it really breaks the flow of the action. I know, but that's the point. They're keeping the style of HW, but without the substance (or the content to create substance) to do so.
  17. The special animations were very clearly unfinished (Corrin just snapped back into her human form after her dragon attack) and unpolished, but that's to be expected from a demo build. I want to see the progress. Conceptually, most of the specials are pretty boring. For characters other than Corrin, they're pretty much all the same: rapid slashes into one bigger slash. Marth breaks the mold a bit with his sword beams. The biggest downfall is making most specials cinematic when they don't have good ideas. I'm personally not a fan of cinematic specials in Warriors games in the first place, but they were quite well done in Hyrule Warriors because they had creative ideas.
  18. I hope they show off some better animations since the E3 demo. The specials were pretty disappointing visually (and conceptually, but that's not getting fixed).
  19. We have good taste. Kagerou has a very strange sense of aesthetic. She likes her drawings but everyone else says they're beyond comprehension lol. She's the pioneer of aesthetic.
  20. Cordelia is perfection. It says so on the tin. I'd pick Tana every day of the week between those two tbh. Sharena tells Celica things. Celica tells me all the things. Kagerou picks up and draws stray cats.
  21. Who's best Pegasus? Why is it Cordelia? Also, everyone's switching up their avatars? I gotta do it too...
  22. I'm doing Lunatic first because I want the free orbs. Stat inflation + troublesome skill combos + unkillable juggernauts = fuk. I made it to the last fight with only Kagerou and Bride Lyn left so I just quit. Could have considered it if I still had Olivia.
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