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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. Hit 45k. Gonna start splitting off some stamina to do Chain Challenge instead.
  2. And the Jet Stream Celica one... Just got Phantom Spd, which I will never use until the day I accidentally pull a spare Alm and slap it onto my Jaffar.
  3. I don't think the doctor kept it around. You're just Rey, the Swordmaster. I watch your vids and I read that convo in that crit collection.
  4. I don't make promises I can't keep... The one on the right is a Pokemon... with a long ass name I can't remember.
  5. I have Azura and Hinoka as 5*s (Azura is +1!), then I have 3* Robins. I can't remember if I have a Lukas actually. Don't have any of those others though.
  6. Lol, it's bad, but really, it's not so bad we have to burn it in a fire.
  7. I actually like Tana. Be prepared for the worst. Really, Syrene? I haven't actually read anything about her because I benched her immediately lol. I'll steal Marisa and Lute, then. You don't have Katarina, you won't have the other purple haired mage.
  8. There will be a banner with Tana in it but I'll steal her from you.
  9. Eh, sexualization is everywhere in media, not just in Japan. It sells well.
  10. Not just leg, her dress was literally just a flap and I'm pretty sure there was nothing under there lol. Nope, even official art for like, FE2 gave the Whitewings zettai ryouiki lmao.
  11. Idk, FE13 looked like a normal anime teenager to me. Her costume was wack though.
  12. Oh, that one. That one is just strange lol. Not even the same character anymore.
  13. Nope lol. The funny thing is I married her in Awakening, so my friend likes to joke that she divorced me.
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