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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. Gimme that Triangle Adept banner so I can finally pull for Cordelia without Linde in the way. Or fifty billion other pegasi.
  2. I accidentally let Alm and Julia die on the second map. Reinhardt and Azura proceed to clear four maps on their own.
  3. I have my 5* +Atk -Spd Effie, so I just tossed the rest out.
  4. Mine is sitting at 3.5% right now, though I already got the bae Robin. Isn't the next one CYL? Still no Summer Tiki...
  5. Eh, it probably is the second worst lmao. But it's fine, just Hone Cav and it'll work out.
  6. LOL no Genny sounds terrible. No Physic is pure torture.
  7. Clarrise doesn't start with her Bow as a 3*, so people trying to copy his strat would need to learn it first.
  8. When he rapid taps certain skills or Seals, that means his strat won't work without them, but it's not visually obvious like with Drag Back on Donnel.
  9. there is no topic "Binding" is a good translation. Pretty sure it's not a phrase used in Chinese.
  10. Have you lost your memory? Did someone steal your identity? Are you in a coma? Did I do that?
  11. mkv just cleared Squad Assault with only free 3*s! That Swap + Knock Back on map 3 is amazing.
  12. Was busy last night, missed out on a whole stick of stamina. Gotta catch up.
  13. And then Alm is actually Alfonse, and Alfonse goes to jail.... Man she's talented. She can heal, she can dance, she can sing, she can ORKO 115 units...
  14. Kagerou's standing right under the pedastal, ready to strike any careless blonde princesses that dare to approach...
  15. What if the Tempest is just a collection of infinite parallel universes, so you have to free as many Celicas in as many universes as possible? Nope, she's hanging out on the pedastal, having some tea.
  16. At 13,331 with two potions used. Runs are more often than not imperfect rn.
  17. Which one's the Sacrifice, and which one's the Saint?
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